The Greatest Passover to Come

7 July 2012

By Mark Farquharson

On the 4 July this year I was out for a walk and went to St Mary’s Catholic Church, arriving there just after the 9 am Mass had started. While there I looked around the entrance, and then stepped briefly inside the hall. I was there about a minute, before I left the church. This is not a regular place I go, as this was the first time I have stepped into the hall. Thus this was a sign to do with Mary, who of course is the mother of Jesus.

If you have been reading my recent entries you will know that I have down the 4 July as a first Passover for my year that started on the 21 June 2012. Thus going to St Mary’s would seem to be confirmation that this was a Passover.

Last year I went to Church of Our Lady of Lourdes two days after First Passover on the 20 April, and I went there again one day after second Passover on the 19 May, neither time did I go inside. Lady of Lourdes is named after the place a lady apparition was seen which is believed to be the Blessed Virgin Mary. The first time I went inside the Lady of Lourdes was on the 20 September 2011, this was not a passover time, however it does indicate something else I just released. If you convert it to the Hebrew calendar it was the 21 of the 6 Hebrew month. As I just said above my year started on the 21 June, which is the sixth month.

This year I went into the Lady of Lourdes on the 16 February 2012. On this date it was the first and only time I have sat in the chair on the stage. The second Passover is in the second Hebrew month on the 14. The special sabbath for Unleavened Bread is on the 15 and the Wave sheaf is the day after. Others hold the view that the wave-sheaf is after the weekly sabbath after Passover.

After going to St Mary’s on the 4 July I continued on my walk. I went down Richardson rd and as I turned into Owairaka Ave I got the sign, “This is a Great Passover.” Some walks I do have sequences of events in them. If I look at a map and draw a line from Mount Owairaka to Alan Wood Park, I can cross through this point. Mount Owairaka represent the date of the 30 March 2012, which was indicate as a Passover, for the Passover Conference was a week earlier than Easter. However the sign was “This is a Great Passover,” not “this was a great passover.” Thus I take it as a sign that the 4 July, was a Great Passover.

I continued on to the “Morning Star St Lukes Garden Apartments.” The morning star is Our Lord Jesus Christ. These apartments I mentioned in the entry: Upcoming Exodus and Morning Star

Want I do not mention was the “garden” sign.

John 19:41-42 Now there was in the place where He was crucified, a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one has been placed as yet." There, then, because of the preparation of the Jews, seeing that the tomb was near, they place Jesus." {CLV}

Jesus after his crucifixion was placed in a tomb that was in a garden. After his resurrection Miriam at first thought that Jesus was the gardener {John 20:11-18}. Thus this can be a sign of a Passover and firstfruit.

I observed these numbers: 11, 12, 15, 19, 20, 27, 28

11: Disorder, disintegration

12: Divine Government

15: Rest

19: faith

20: Redemption

27: Preaching the evangel

28: Eternal life

Just before I exited the private road the apartments are on I got the revelation, “Greatest Passover.” Thus this event will be a Passover and not any old Passover, but the “Greatest Passover.” I again went to St Lukes mall which is own by Westfield. Remember back on the 29 July 2010, I went to St Lukes mall, and watched the movie “Inception.” A movie about entering a persons dream. The Jesus at 12 Dream I had relates to when Jesus was 12 and went to the temple at Passover which I covered in this entry: Upcoming Exodus and Morning Star Part 2

I have identified the 4 July as a Passover, and my thinking is that it was first Passover. Based on the lunar cycle with the month starting at first visible crescent then second Passover would be on the 2 August, with the Wave-Sheaf on the 4 August, this then would be the Greatest Passover.

I explained in the entry “The Meaning and the Timing of the Three Lots of Seats,” that there were three lots of seats. Each lot of seats indicating a different time in a sequence. The first time identified as the 21 June 2012, and I thought the second was the 6 July. Late at night on the 4 July, I was in bed when the thought came “Stand up in the Light.” However I did not get up. On the 5 July late at night in bed I again had the thought “Stand up in the Light.” Shortly after that I did get up to make a note of that. There was no light until I put the light on to make the note. On the 6 July, at about 10:31 am, I had the thought “Get up, Stand up in the Light.” I got up from my chair and stood briefly in the sunlight coming through the window. Thus I do take this as a sign that this was the time of the second lot of seats. Now having got up I am moving on time wise to the third lot of seats. Note the sign at the time of the first lot of seats was “Stand up,” and I was in the same chair.

When I exited the apartments on the 4 July I crossed the road to get to St Lukes mall which is owned by Westfield. I went up to the cinemas, but again did not watch a movie. Then I went down to Pascos Jewellery shop and looked at watches, I do not know the connection here, but it has something to do with time. I went to the library next door, and looked at a travel book on New York. In other libraries I have looked at travel books on a number of cities and countries. However I have got a strong indication on New York, I do not know the meaning, unless it means that is the first place I go or some other import event takes place there. After the library I went to Warren Freer Park, which is across the road. Usually I take the library as a sign of travel and I have the war starting after that. Note “Warren Freer,” has the word “war” in the name and the word “free” in the name.

On the 5 July I went to Henderson mall, known as Westcity, also owned by Westfield. There I went up to the cinemas, but did not see a movie. Thus you should see the connection to St Lukes mall. Then I went down to the magazine shop, were I picked up a magazine about the Queen’s Jubilee and a photo travel magazine. That is then a sign that the event at the time of the Greatest Passover and Wave-Sheaf is connected to the Queen. The Queen lives as we know in London, England.

There is the new Westfield mall in London right next to the game venues. Close to the mall is the new Athletes’ Village with it’s 11 accommodation blocks, containing 2818 apartments and having the street names, Victory Park, Anthem Way, De Coubertin St, and Ulysses Place. Ulysses is the roman name for the mythical Greek hero Odysseus who is the main character in Homer’s epic poem Odyssey. In the Olympic Park is the Wetlands Walk.

In New Lynn, Auckland, NZ is the Manawa Wetlands. Manna which is sometimes spelt Mana, was food that was provided to the Israelites on their journey to the promised land along with Quail. The Quail was provide so that they knew that it was Yahweh Who brought them out of Egypt. Manna represented the “glory of Yahweh” that is the glory of God. Soon the body of Christ will get the Quail, the Knowledge and the Manna, the Glory. The Manawa Wetlands was the end point for a sequence that repeated, the first sequence finishing on the 30 December 2011 and the repeat ending on the 21 June 2012, being the date for the start of my year, my Manna year.

In the entry “ The Meaning and the Timing of the Three Lots of Seats,” I said that I went to St Benedict’s Church on the 21 February 2012 and sat in the chair on stage up the front. This being in the same month as I went to Lady of Lourdes and sat in a chair on the stage there. I stated it could be indicating a later time, that being the last day of the feast of Unleavened Bread being the 9 August, I now do not think that is the case.

Well the altar in St Benedict’s Church represented the end of a many day journey that ended on the 30 March 2012, however the seat represents a time that is still to come. I have covered this before, with the journey starting at St Joseph and St Patrick’s Cathedral. St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and his feast day is on the 17 March. On the 2 March 2011, I went to Waikumete Cemetery, first going to chapel 2, but it was locked, then I went to chapel 1 and prayed for the people of Christchurch. On the 17 March 2011, St Patrick’s Day, I visited chapel 2 at the Waikumete Cemetery, but did not pray. Thus the sign of a second judgement to come, which is connected to the first.

On the 3 July this year I got the sign that Canterbury was connected to St Patrick’s Cathedral. The city of Christchurch NZ is in the Canterbury region of the South Island and the earthquake was on the 22 February 2011. Note the day I went to St Benedict’s was the 21 February 2012, thus one day before the anniversary of the quake. Somehow I missed that before. Thus I do not think it is indicating the end of the feast of Unleavened Bread. Instead it is indicating that St Benedict’s is connected to Christchurch NZ. It was one day before, the reason is that at the time of the quake half the world was still in the 21 February 2011. What is the connection, the two judgements, there was a judgement in Christchurch NZ, there will be a judgement at the time of the seat at some place in the world, this being the second judgement. Thus I now believe that this seat in St Benedict’s represents the same time as the set in St Mary’s that being the 4 August 2012.

On the 14 March 2012 I got a sign of a connection between St Benedict’s Church and St Paul’s Anglican Church in Auckland. A month earlier on the 15 February I got a sign on St Paul’s Cathedral in London, England. Thus the sign on St Paul’s in Auckland is a sign of St Paul’s Cathedral in London, which means that London is connected to St Benedict’s and therefore this is one of the signs that the coming second judgement will be in London. Note I got the sign of St Paul’s Cathedral in London one day before I went to Lady of Lourdes and sat in the seat.

Watch Dates: Some dates are based on the fact that a year started on the 21 June 2012.

9 July: 2-year anniversary of the casting of barley into the headwaters of the Mississippi River.

13 July: This being 490 days after the Japan earthquake/tsunami on 11 March 2011.

20 July: Start of the second month of the Manna year.

22 July-12 September: Repairing the breach in the wall. This is cover by Dr Jones in these two entries: Dallas Conference Revelation Report & The number 1224 and repairing breaches

27 July: 1 year anniversary of the Dr Jones revelation that “Elijah had ascended.”

28-29 July: Minnesota Conference at Pinehaven Farm

29 July: Selecting the lambs for the Second Passover.

2 August: Second Passover on the 14 of the second month of the Manna year.

4 August: Second Wave-Sheaf, the date of the third seat. The date that has been indicated to me for the London Judgement.

9 August: The end of the feast of Unleavened Bread in the second month of my year.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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