Awaiting the Ascension of Elijah

15 May 2011

By Mark Farquharson

We are awaiting the time of the Elijah Ascension, then the time of Elisha should begin. This ascension is also a type of the later ascension of Jesus. However there is a major difference.

2Kings 2:11 And it comes to pass, they are going, going on and speaking, and lo, a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and they separate between them both, and Elijah goes up in a whirlwind, to the heavens. {CLV}

While the text states that Elijah went to heaven, which he did, he did not actually go to the third heaven, where Jesus ascended. There are actually three heavens, the first is the sky, then there is space, and then the third heaven, where the angels are.

John 3:13 And no one has ascended into heaven except He Who descends out of heaven, the Son of Mankind Who is in heaven." {CLV}

This tell us that Elijah had not ascended into heaven, that is the third heaven. For only Jesus had ascended into heaven for He is the Son of Mankind. Thus Elijah went into the sky in the whirlwind, no doubt landing somewhere else on the earth, some distance away.

The Second Passover is a type of the first Passover in the first Hebrew month. Jesus is our Passover, who died at the time of the first Passover and was raised from the dead soon after. Then He soon after that ascended into the third heaven. We have detail of the last ascension of Jesus when He left the earth for the last time. However He ascended before that time.

John 20:16-17 Jesus is saying to her, "Miriam! Now, being turned, she is saying to Him in Hebrew, "Rabboni!" which is the term for "Teacher. Jesus is saying to her, "Do not touch Me, for not as yet have I ascended to My Father. Now go to My brethren, and say to them that I said, 'Lo! I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.'" {CLV}

Jesus did not want Miriam to touch him for He hand not yet ascended to His Father. Miriam was to go tell the brethren that He was going to ascended to His Father and their Father. Thus soon after He meet with her, He ascended to His Father, then He descend back to earth. Later He did allow for himself to be touched. In the book of John there are different meetings.

John 20:26 And after eight days His disciples were again within, and Thomas was with them. The doors having been locked, Jesus is coming and stood in the midst and said, "Peace to you!" {CLV}

Here we read that after eight days he meet with them, after the last time He had meet with them. That is Jesus was not with the disciples all the time after His resurrection until he at last went to heaven. In fact want Jesus did was ascend to heaven and then descend when He want to meet with someone, or some people, and then ascend again when the meeting was over. This He did repeatedly until the last meeting He had on the earth, and then He ascended the last time.

Thus after His resurrection He ascended, which was after His death on the first Passover. We are now coming to the Second Passover which is a pattern on the first Passover. Back on the 14th of February I got the sign of the crucifixion, which was in our second month, now it is coming up to the time of the Second Passover, in the second Hebrew month, which will be on the 14th of that second month, which will be on the 16th of May using our calendar, just before the full moon. On the 16th of February I got the sign of the resurrection. The 16th of the second Hebrew month will be the 18th of May on our calendar. Thus it looks like we are going to follow this pattern. When then is the ascension? I did not get a sign of the ascension, but I would think it would be soon after. Soon after the ascension of Elijah, Elisha picked up the robe of Elijah.

On the 17th of February I got the sign of the two trees, the tree of Knowledge and the Tree of life. This is connected, because of the knowledge that we will get and one of the signs we will perform is the ability to heal people. However does it then follow that the date is part of the pattern? I got more revelation that was connected, that I got on other dates, I do not think they are all part of the date pattern. However if this one is, then the time of Elisha would start on the 17th of the second Hebrew month, that is the 19th of May on our Calendar.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011, corrected 22 May 2011

This Has Now occurred: Elijah Ascended now Awaiting Elisha

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