Crucifixion Sign Indicates Second Passover

7 May 2011

By Mark Farquharson

On the evening of the 5th of May 2011, I was checking back through dates in a folder and I happened to notice a piece of paper that was near the front. On that piece of paper I had written down the date I had seen the cross during prayer. It was the 14th of February 2011. On the 16th of the same month, I had a sign of the resurrection, as someone said that morning while watch a program, that “the coffin was empty,” thus a took as a sign of the resurrection, as when Christ had been resurrected, the Tomb was empty. Then on the 17th of the same month I went for a walk, and had the revelation to do with the Tree of knowledge and the Tree of Life. These I related to the coming of the knowledge and the glory in the journal entry: “Heralding with Signs & Being Accused Our Message is From the Devil

The Tree of Life, that was in the garden of Eden was one tree, however in the new Jerusalem will be a spiritual forest of life, with many trees. These trees, represent the members of the body of Christ. When the ministry starts it will be accompanied by signs. The leaves of the trees cure the nations. One of the signs of the ministry will be I believe healing people both physically and spiritually. After the glory came at Pentecost, the evangel was delivered with signs {Mark 16:17-18}. One was that they could heal those who are ailing.

The crucifixion of Jesus happened on the first Passover in the first Hebrew month. Going back to the original Passover when Israel was still in Egypt, that was a sign of the greater passover that would come.

1 Corinthians 5:7b, “For our Passover also, Christ, was sacrificed for our sakes"

Jesus Christ was sacrificed for the sake of the chosen, for He is our Passover. But not just for the chosen, as the sins of the whole world passed on to him. Thus the sign of the cross, is not just of the crucifixion, but also the passover.

How does this relate then to the second Passover that is coming in May? While it is coming in the fifth month on our calendar, it will be the second month in the Hebrew calendar. I got the sign of the crucifixion on the 14th of our second month, and second Passover is on the 14th of the second month of the Hebrew calendar. Thus it all seems related to me and to point to the second Passover which will fall on the 16th of May 2011, using our calendar.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011, corrected 22 May 2011

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