October 18 Not July 11

June 21, 2021

By Mark Farquharson

Recently I just come to the realisation that the wave-sheaf is after the weekly sabbath, not the first holy convocation of Unleavened Bread. You will note that I called a holy convocation and not a Sabbath, this because it is not refer to as a sabbath in the scriptures. This year it fall on April 4. If Passover is on the sabbath some view that you can hold wave-sheaf on the 15th of the first Hebrew month, however this is not allowed as you can not harvest from the fields to wave the sheaf.

While most view Feast of Weeks/Pentecost as the 50th day after wave-sheaf, I view it differently. My view is that you start the 50 day count after you have done the seven week count. This gives a 99 day count. Please refer to my article on this for further explanation:

True Count to Feast of Weeks, Pentecost

The cave rescue back in 2018 occurred on July 8-10, with July 8 that year being the 99th day after the wave-sheaf. The 12 boys representing the apostles, and the coach representing Christ. We await the time of Effective Apostleship.

This year Feast of Weeks then is on July 11.

However while asleep last year on the morning of July 10, just before waking up a voice said “October 18 not 11.” This could mean not October 11, the sign came in July last year, thus October 18 NOT July 11.

October 18 this year is on the 12th of the eighth Hebrew, which is about three weeks after Tabernacles being 15-22 of the seventh Hebrew month. It is the 99th day after July 11.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2021
