
Future Includes:

Truly Wonderful Future

In the Future

Truly Wonderful Future

Truly Wonderful Future for All Mankind

Truly Wonderful Future for Everybody

Truly Wonderful Future for All Animals

Truly Wonderful Future for All Pets

Truly Wonderful Future for You All

Truly Wonderful Future for All spirit beings

In the Future

In the future: The animals that where once dead, roam again

In the future: The spirits that where once evil are now spirits of light.

In the future: There will be NO SIN

In the future: There will be no death

In the future: There will be no crime

In the future: There will be no evil

In the future: There will be no hate

In the future: There will be no sickness

In the future: There will be no disease

In the future: There will be no corruption

In the future: everybody will be immortal

In the future: we will all be friends

In the future: we will all love one another

In the future: we will love all the animals

In the future: we will all love God

In the future: we will all be conciliated to God

In the future: we will all be Saved

In the future: All Mankind will Love God

In the future: There will be no pain

In the future: There will be no suffering

In the future: There will be no wars

In the future: There will be no fighting

In the future: There will be everlasting peace

In the future: No animal death

In the future: All animals will be friends

In the future: all animals will eat plants

In the future: There will be no carnivores, or omnivores, all animals will be herbivores

In the future: The animals that where once carnivores, and omnivores will be herbivores

In the future: No taxes

In the future: No filling in forms

In the future: No standing in queues

In the future: you will remember everyone’s name

In the future: No headaches

In the future: No colds

In the future: No prisons

In the future: No violence

In the future: No advertising

In the future: You will not need money

In the future: No money

In the future: No drugs

In the future: No poisons

In the future: No stress

In the future: No worries

In the future: there will be no tears

In the future: there will be no sadness

In the future: there will be no illness

In the future: there will be no conflict

In the future: Everyone will know you name

In the future: Everyone will be a friend

In the future: Everyone will remember your name

In the future: Everyone will praise God

In the future: Everyone will be a son of God

In the future: Everyone will be merry

In the future: Everyone will be happy

In the future: Everyone will be joyous

In the future: There will be no guns

In the future: no one will get injured

In the future: No one will Smoke {In the future: No smoking}

In the future: No weapons

In the future: you will not forget anything

In the future: you will remember everything

In the future: No natural disasters

In the future: No flooding

In the future: No plagues

In the future: No droughts

In the future: No earthquakes

In the future: No volcanoes

In the future: No pollution

In the future: No waste

In the future: No sewage

In the future: All animals will be immortal

In the future: there will be no war, there will be everlasting peace

In the future: there will be no death, there will be immortality

In the future: there will be no death, there will be immortality for all mankind and all animals.

In the future: there will be no corruption, there will be incorruption

In the future: there will be no sadness, there will be happiness

In the future: there will be no hate, there will be Love

In the future: there will be no fighting, no conflicts and no wars, there will be peace.

In the future: nothing will cause you annoyance.

In the future: there will be nothing that is an abomination.

In the future: there will be nothing that is abhorrent.

In the future: there will be no witchcraft or magic.

In the future: there will be no spiritual or physical darkness.