Study on Creation Ends

By Mark Farquharson

Well I have been studying creation for about seven years. However it is time for me to stop studying the topic. There are many others who can raise the banner and lead the charge. It is my job to raise a different banner, and lead a different charge.

I still believe in creation, and will always believe in creation. Please note I am not worried by any new report that shows they have dung up yet another million year plus fossil. There is no need for me to go to creation sites to shore up my believes.

Please note that I do not object to all areas of mainstream science, I object to Evolution.

Assuming that creation is true, then there should be no way that you can truly prove that it is faulty. There should be evidence out there that backs it up.

Some final Comments:

On the ARK

A quick go over of some points:

There have been feasibility studies on the ark, to show that the animals would fit and that it would survive the flood etc. Some of the animals probably would have slept the whole time, there could have been several animals going on the ark at the same time, if there was a wide door. God lead the animals to the ark. The flood waters did not have to cover the current height of the mountains, there has been uplift since the flood.

There is no such thing as a Brontosaurus:

Go to the following link and read how the wrong head was put on the dinosaur. The mistake lasted until 1975.

It has been interesting to read the progress of creationists to find evidence that the Earth is young.

Young Earth

Here are some links to show that the Earth is young:

Evidence for a Young World

Evidence for a Young Sun

Get Answers: ‘Young’ age of the Earth & Universe

This has a number of articles.

The bible and the Young Age of the Earth Scientific and Biblical reasons:

No doubt there maybe counter argument to some of these.

The one I do like is the one that states that the Sun would have been touch the Earth 20 million years ago, because it has been deceasing in size. Go back 20 million years and that’s how big it would have been. Which is some what of a problem. The earth is mean to be 4billion years old. Dinosaurs are meant to have lived 65 million years ago. That’s assuming a constant rate, but actually it would have been decreasing faster the further you go back.

I have said in the past that people have studied the bible and come up with the age of the Earth based on the information in the bible. That age is just over six thousand years, starting about 4004BC.

You can go to this link to download a PDF of the timeline of the bible:

Please do not assume I support the eschatology shown in the timeline, I am not saying in this topic my views on the eschatology.

I do not support the eschatology of AIG. For that matter I do not support the eschatology of any creation site that I know of. Just because I post a link to a site it does not mean I agree with everything they do or say, or any or all other matters to do with faith. Creation sites are mainly focus on creation, and to me they don’t provide a good coverage of other religious matters. I have my own views on eschatology, please don’t assume that it agrees with anyone site.

The article below talks about how religion is entering into the teaching on evolution.

Darwin Day and the New Campaign to Inject Religion into Public Schools

Eugenie Scott, head of the pro-evolution National Center for Science Education, recommends having biology students read statements endorsing evolution by theologians. She further suggests assigning the students to interview ministers about their views on evolution— but not if the community is “conservative Christian,” because then the intended lesson that “Evolution is OK!” might be undermined.


And go here for news about an upcoming movie called EXPELLED:

Out in spring 2008 USA. {Coming out when this was written, which means it has been and gone}

About movie:

In a scientific world gone mad, EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed is the controversial documentary that will chronicle Ben Stein's confrontation with the Neo-Darwinian machine, exposing widespread suppression and entrenched discrimination in his heroic quest to bring back freedom in our institutions, laboratories and most importantly, in our classrooms, with the help of the world's top scientists, educators and thinkers.


Discrimination Creationists Face:

Here are some further examples:

1. State universities refusing to admit home school students because they may have been taught creation science.

2. Universities refusing to accept credits from other institutions that teach intelligent design.

3. Biology professors who give students bad grades because they believe in creation or are Christians.

4. Secular, tax-sponsored publications that will not publish creationist material.

5. Christian science teachers who are refused positions in public schools.

6. Science professors who are denied tenure or lose their jobs because they speak openly about their faith in God.

7. Science editors fired or demoted because they publish material on creation or intelligent design.

In Michigan and Oklahoma, bills have been introduced that protect teachers from this type of discrimination in the name of academic freedom.


Why stop now?

I believe it is the right time to stop. When you think about it creation and the flood in the bible take up a small part of the whole bible. I have spent a lot of time on this topic, which is actually only a small part of the great book. My energies will be focus else where. My main focus has shifted over time, and now it is to do with “ALL SAVED“. I have a big plan ahead which I believe the Lord wants me to carry out. I am not sure at this time how it will get of the ground, as it where, but with God anything is possible.

Before I go from here to be with the Lord, I have this big thing to do. Now when I say go, I am not talking about death, I am talking about the snatch away. The Lord will snatch me away from the Earth, I believe, now you may think that sounds like something out of a fantasy book, but I truly believe it. And not just me, but others also will be snatch away at the same time.

I believe we are nearing the end times, that is the end of this Age. There are more people who are now believing in All Saved.

Now you will be wondering what this big thing is, well I can not tell you at this time, but you will know what it is in the future, stay tuned.

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2008

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