Going to the Source of the Food From Heaven, the Church Sequence

15 March 2014

By Mark Farquharson

Before getting into the sequences, there is something a want to cover briefly. In recent discussions I have mentioned the meeting where a company split into two companies, the process was finished on the 30 Nov 2011. At the meeting which was earlier, I have mentioned the steel gate. Well I just thought of something else. You see we drove and parked the car for the meeting. However later after the meeting, it being late at night we could not just go back down to the car. Thus we had to get security to let us use the lift, then after getting in the car, security opened the large steel gate. The point is the timing of 30 Nov can indicate the timing of getting the security, not the actual opening of the gate. Like when you get to the airport and the gate for your flight is not actually open, you can not broad the plane until it opens. Recall that 30 Nov, is linked to the time of 11:30, which in the second cycle will be on the 29 May 2014.

The Wilderness Sequence

There is a pattern when the Israelites are in the wilderness. When they leave Egypt this is at first Passover. Just after second Passover, on the 15 of the second month the food from heaven comes, after the whole congregation of the sons of Israel murmured against Moses, because they did not have anything to eat, Exodus 16:1-3. This is when Yahweh started to provide them with food, the quail, the flesh in the evening and Manna, bread in the morning. In the evening they were to know it was Yahweh and morning would came the glory, 16:6-7. A quail is a bird, and birds fly in the sky, which is one of the places called heaven. The manna appeared on the ground in the morning, it did not come from the sky, it just appeared. Both sources of food were provided by Yahweh.

This year the second Hebrew month occurs in May, with the 15 of the second Hebrew month being on the 15 May. The month of May is a which period for the buds to bloom and the apple tree to produce the fruit. In May the overcomers will start to produce the fruit, it is also at this time that I believe the over comers will gain the knowledge and glory, the food from heaven. For we will sit at the Table of the Lord and eat the food, the knowledge and the glory. However while the Israelites are not overcomers themselves.

In the third month is when Moses goes up the mountain for the forty days. He does this on the 16 of the third month. The 16 of the third month will be the 14 June. However Yahweh does not call until the seventh day from the cloud {Exodus 24:16}. That is to say Yahweh calls on the 22 day of the third month, which will be the 20 June. The third month is also a watch period for the opening of the gateway 19-21 June.

When Moses ascends the mountain it is covered in cloud, Exodus 24:16. The KJV then says the that the glory abode upon the mount, Rotherham’s says rested, however Young’s Literal says the honour tabernacles on the mount. This connects to the Church sequence.

The Church Sequence

There are a lot of different churches, and cathedrals in the world. There are similarities, but there is also vast differences. Thus what I am explaining in the sequence will only apply to some churches. Some churches are known as chapels, but in the sequence when I say chapel I am not referring to a separate church. Inside some churches and cathedrals they will have an area known as a chapel, thus it is part of the church.

The sequence then goes like this:

1) The main entrance

2) Auditorium, the main hall.

3) The Stage in this case at the other end to the entrance.

4) The Chair

5) The Lectern on the stage

6) The Alter or Communion Table, behind the Lectern, on the stage.

7) Entrance to the chapel

8) The seating in the Chapel

9) The Lectern in the Chapel

10) The locked box known as a tabernacle, which holds the Eucharist.

The Eucharist being the bread from heaven. Not actual bread from heaven, but known as the bread from heaven. The box containing the bread is opened and the bread is brought to the Communion Table for eating, note there are no chairs at the table, for the priest stands.

We are on a journey that is the church sequence where we will be going from the main entrance all the way to the locked box. However we do not have to go all the way to the locked box to start getting the food from heaven. For in the sequence the food comes from the box to the table which is earlier in the sequence. Thus it is at the table that we start to eat of the food from the box, or in our case the spiritual food from heaven. The sign of the table in our case is that we are to “take a seat at the table of the lord,” or in other words we are not to stand like the priests in churches, but we are to sit at the table to have the food. Have you seen pictures of the “last Supper?,” are they not sitting down? My present view is that this will occur in May of 2014.

However we are not to stop at the table in the sequence. We are to go beyond, to the Chapel and finally to the source of the food itself, the tabernacle. That is not to say we stop having the food. We continue to have the food on our journey to the tabernacle, and we continue to eat the food at the table. However spiritual we will be moving along to the source. Now I have said that the food comes from heaven, and that we move to the source of the food, however I am not saying that we are going to go actually to heaven at that point. That is to say at the end of the journey I do not view us being transported to heaven itself, the other dimension where the angels are.

My view is that when we reach the source, that will be the “Door of Heaven,” and this could be the timing of the start to the “Open Door Ministry.” My view at this time is that this will occur in June. For the Gateway will open and the apostles will be sent out.

In St Mary’s Church in Mt Albert, they call their chapel the “Eucharistic Chapel.” In the chapel is the “Jacob’s Ladder Window.” Based on the dream of a ladder that reached all the way to heaven, that Jacob had. As I have covered before there is the revelation of the “Stairway to Heaven.” At the top of the stairway is the “Door of Heaven” it’s self.

As covered recently we are now repeating the hundred day cycles from last year. Last year these periods were near the end of the year. The following dates for the Church sequence are near the end of the year, but in terms of cycles we do not have to wait to the same time this year. For instance as I just said the hundred day periods are already repeating.

Thus these are dates I have based on certain signs which I will not be getting into in this entry.

1) The main entrance, 8 Oct

2) Auditorium, the main hall.

3) The Stage in this case at the other end to the entrance.

4) Seating in the Chair, 6 Nov

5) The Lectern on the stage, 14 Nov

6) The Alter or Communion Table, behind the Lectern, on the stage.

7) Entrance to the chapel,

8) The seating in the Chapel

9) The Lectern in the Chapel 4 Dec

10) The locked box known as a tabernacle, which holds the Eucharist. 11 Dec

11) Opening of the Box. 23 Dec.

One should note that there is a gap or period between getting to the box and the box opening. I know there are not dates for all the points. Using these dates I should be able to convert these to the first half of this year, for I view the cycle occur in this first have, as the hundred day periods are repeating at this time.

1) The main entrance, 6 April

2) Auditorium, the main hall.

3) The Stage in this case at the other end to the entrance.

4) Seating in the Chair, 5 May

5) The Lectern on the stage, 13 May

6) The Alter or Communion Table, behind the Lectern, on the stage. 22 May

7) Entrance to the chapel,

8) The seating in the Chapel

9) The Lectern in the Chapel, 2 June

10) The locked box known as a tabernacle, which holds the Eucharist. 9 June

11) Opening of the Box. 21 June

The date 22 May was the day two years ago that I got the sign of a coming of an outpouring of the spirit. I view this as the possible date for the Table. One may wonder why it is not on the 15 May to be inline with second Unleavened Bread.

I had the recent thought that it could have to do with the possibility of a pray for rain that would last a week with the rain coming on the eighth day, like when Elijah prayed for rain seven times, then the rain came (1 Kings 18:43-44). Another thought is that in the scriptures there is one time there where the second Unleavened Bread feast was extended by a week, 2 Chronicles 30.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2014

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