Declaring the Door of Heaven Open

17 April 2012

By Mark Farquharson

On the 15 April word came to me to declare the Door of Heaven Open. This is what I said in prayer:

“With this key I declare in the name of Jesus Christ the Door of Heaven Open. I declare in the name of Jesus Christ the Door of the Kingdom of Heavens Open.”

On the night of the 16 April and the morning of the 17 April, I included the words “keys of the Kingdom of the Heavens” in the prayer.

“With the keys of the Kingdom of the Heavens, I declare in the name of Jesus Christ the Door of Heaven Open. With the keys of the Kingdom of the Heavens, I declare in the name of Jesus Christ the Door of the Kingdom of Heaven Open.”

While the door did not open, it does not mean it had no effect. The effect can come after or I maybe required to pray again. Also something could have happened that I am unaware off. Thus I could be praying this over a number of days, or on certain days. I will have to wait and see if it is required again. It does not mean that you have to also pray, that is up to the leading of the spirit. If you are lead to do so, please pray.

The keys of the Kingdom of Heaven are refer to in one verse in scripture:

Matthew 16:18 Now I, also, am saying to you that you are Peter, and on this rock will I be building My ecclesia, and the gates of the unseen shall not be prevailing against it." 16:19 I will be giving you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatsoever you should be binding on the earth shall be those things having been bound in the heavens, and whatsoever you should be loosing on the earth, shall be those having been loosed in the heavens." {CLV}

I have included the previous verse, because Jesus was saying it to Peter. This is interesting because it was after Jesus resurrection that Jesus asked Peter “are you loving Me?” And Jesus told Peter to graze or feed my sheep after Peter answered the question {John 21:15-17}. I covered this in the previous entry: “Feed My Sheep, Next Told to Herald Evangel

In that entry I mentioned how I had seen a sign on a farm that read “please feed me.” This being a sign of the time that Jesus had told Peter to feed my sheep. Thus another reference to Peter. About six years ago I went though a similar experience during pray as Peter did.

On the 16 April I put on an old shirt, which had been in a drawer since I think the time I brought it. That is it had not been worn before. The shirt has 2003 on it, that is nine years ago, but when someone saw the shirt they at first miscalculated it as seven years, which the person should not have done given they are good at maths. Thus what happen seven years ago, that is relevant at this time, is there some cycle?

Pope Benedict became Pope seven years ago on the 19 April 2005. There is a focus on Pope Benedict because the many day journey represented by two walks ended at the altar in St Benedict Church.

Also on the 15 April the date of the 16 February 2012 came up. On that day I went to Church of Lady of Lourdes and sat in a chair on the stage. This connects with the two walks that both represent a many day journey that both ended in St Benedict Church. I thought that this journey ended on the 30 March 2012. However it was only on the second walk on the 21 February 2012, that I actually sat in the chair on the stage. My think now is that the sitting in the chair represents a later time, than the arrive at the altar. The 16 February was two months ago. This could indicate a period of time with the next time to watch the 20 or 21 April.

I think the chair itself represents one of the seats in the celestials, heavens:

Ephesians 2:4-7 yet God, being rich in mercy, because of His vast love with which He loves us"(we also being dead to the offenses and the lusts), vivifies us together in Christ (in grace are you saved!)"and rouses us together and seats us together among the celestials, in Christ Jesus, that, in the oncoming eons, He should be displaying the transcendent riches of His grace in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus." {CLV}

Of course spiritually the faithful are seated in the celestials, in Christ Jesus. These seats representing the thrones in:

Revelation 20:4 And I perceived thrones, and they are seated on them, and judgment was granted to them…..{CLV}

However the time is coming when the faithful will be able to physically exercise this judgement that is grant to them. Thus sitting on the chair would then represent one of these thrones and the gaining of the authority. That is the faithful members of the body will sit in the thrones and authority will be grant to them.

I have mentioned before 10:30, which I have taken to mean 10X30 , being 300 days. 10 means Fullness of Law and Responsibility. 30 means Blood of Christ, Dedication, spiritual maturity.

Note the 22 April is a watch date as it is the 300th day from the anniversary of the Boxing match between Mike Tyson and Evader Holyfield. The 23 April is 300 days from this anniversary. Field representing the world.

As for nine years ago I have no knowledge of anything, but there could be something I am unaware off.

In the past I have mentioned the 8-8-8-8-4 dream. The number for the name Jesus is 888 and the last two numbers added to 12. Thus the dream represented Jesus at 12. I have mentioned before about Jesus being left behind when he was 12, and being found talking to the teachers in the temple {Luke 2:41-50}.

Luke 2:49 And He said to them, "Why is it that you sought Me? Had you not perceived that I must be among the things which are My Father's? {CLV}

This is what the faithful is to be doing, we are to be among the thing’s which are our heavenly Father’s.

In the dream the years represented my life, four periods of eight years and one lot of four years. Thus while it represents Jesus at 12, it also somehow relates to me. The numbers add up to 36, which is my present age. However on the 28 April I will turn 37. The coming Knowledge, Glory, and authority will enable us to be among the things which are our heavenly Father’s. Does this mean they have to come before this date? Or does the delay mean that they can come after my birthday? That I do not know, I would think that my birthday is a limit, but can that be changed by the delay? After which the numbers will not match, I will be 37, but the dream numbers only add to 36, which means if it has not happened by then, does this invalidate the dream? Since the dream can not be invalid, then either it has to happen before my birthday or the delay fact means it can happen after.

Watch Dates:

19 April: Pope Benedict elected Pope seven years ago.

22 April: 300th day from the anniversary of the Boxing match between Mike Tyson and Evader Holyfield.

23 April: 300 days from Boxing Match.

28 April: My birthday, I will be 37, the numbers of the dream add to 36.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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