Poisoning Us with Fluoride

6 February

By Mark Farquharson

There are reports that governments and organizations are poisoning us and animals. But are these reports on alternative news sites really true? This entry looks a fluoride which is added to water supplies in many cities and towns around the world. Fluoride is also added to toothpaste.

Fluoride: Yes - fluoride is a poison, that is true.

A recent report issued by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admitted that “2 in 5 children in America show signs of fluoride poisoning” and the CDC “concluded that fluoride levels need to be lowered in municipal water supplies.” From: http://www.naturalnews.com/030952_CDC_fluoride.html

Wait they admitted that 40 percent of children in America had signs of fluoride poisoning. This poisoning being caused by the fluoride, the poison that they are putting in the water supplies. However instead of not putting the poison in, they are lowering the level. Clearly the level was to high to go unnoticed, hence the level will be lowered. The level is not being lowered for the health of the American children. If they want to lower dental fluorosis, they would not fluoridated water. According the “Natural News” report this is a P.R. stunt, which no doubt it is.

Professor Paul Connett told NaturalNews:

"The bad news is that the CDC and ADA are still trying to maintain that the only issue of concern is dental fluorosis [while] they are trying to ignore all the other health concerns. If they were really serious about reducing dental fluorosis, they would stop fluoridated water altogether. But short of that, if they were really serious, then the next best thing would be to warn parents in fluoridated communities not to use fluoridated tap water to make baby formula. That's the most practical thing to do."

From: http://www.naturalnews.com/030952_CDC_fluoride.html

“ABC News is reporting today that Dr Griffin Cole, a dentist in Austin, Texas, said, "I still don't think it's enough, honestly," he said. "I don't think there should be fluoride in the water at all."

"Ingesting fluoride in any form does nothing for your teeth," he said. He also points out that dental fluorosis leads to costly (i.e. high-profit) dental work being needed to restore the patient's teeth. "When you see a case of somebody coming in with bad fluorosis, to restore those teeth you either have to crown them completely or at least do a veneer. So it's a very costly thing to fix."

From: http://www.naturalnews.com/030952_CDC_fluoride.html

“Another study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association found that fluoride destroys teeth, particularly those of young children and babies that consume it. Yes, the toxic byproduct of the aluminum and phosphate mining industries that has been touted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as the greatest dental health achievement in history is actually responsible for destroying them.”

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/031209_fluoride_juices.html

Wait the study showed that fluoride destroys teeth. In fact adding fluoride to the water brings in business to the dental industry as customers have to get their teeth restored due to damaged cause by fluorosis, which is cause by having to much fluoride. Not only should all fluoridation of water stop by all government agencies that do this, companies should also not added fluoride to toothpaste.

The other problem is that fluoride gets into food. For instance the habit of supermarkets to spray fruit and vegetables with water, which means they are coated in fluoride, not to mention other chemicals in the water.

What is interesting is that a number of European Countries do not added fluoride to water. If fluoride is so good, then they should be adding it as well, but they are not.

Why is fluoride being added to the water and toothpaste?

“To bring in repeat business to dental offices around the country. It's the same scam as mercury fillings which crack teeth and result in a steady stream of repeat business to repair the damage. Over half of today's practicing dentists have already stopped using mercury fillings ("silver fillings") due to the toxicity of mercury”

From: http://www.naturalnews.com/030952_CDC_fluoride.html

Fluoride is actually the toxic waste byproduct that comes from mining phosphate. It is also reported to come from the fertilizer, aluminum and nuclear industries. This is a hazardous toxic waste chemical that should be disposed of under the rules for toxic chemicals. It is added to the water supplies of cities and towns to get rid of it.

What can you do to slow down you intake of fluorides?

Read this offsite article on detoxing: How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body

Read about alternatives to Toothpaste: Natural dental products: Tooth Soap, Dental Miracle, Weleda and more

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011

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