Sites I go to


Sites I go to: {Extract from “I know People come“} {Edited}

I started get newsletters form the Martin Zender site, they are good and I encourage you to sign up. Not that I agree with everything he is saying there in them, but there is good stuff in them there newsletters, and you can also get hold of the audio tapes about the beasts of Daniel if you sign up {He views them as religions, that maybe correct on one level}. These are interest tapes, I have listen to them all, however they took sometime to download with this slow connection I got.

Another interesting site is God's Kingdom Ministries, there is a web log there, that I read most days. There is stuff there that I do not know of. There is info he gets that is not in the bible, that comes from above. 76 Day cycles and other stuff. Having said that, I don’t agree with Dr Jones on some issues.

Links to those sites in the links area also.

But if Dr Jones is get info from above, about 76 day cycles and such, should not he know more than you? Well actually he does, about a lot of stuff, but that does not make him right about everything. Know one knows everything, or can be right about everything, that is the way it is. Those of the body of Christ learn different things at different times. I explain this in the article “Different beliefs in Christianity

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2009 Extract edited April 2009 {Edited March 2020}