A Different Time Period Indicated, Feast of Trumpets

Mark Farquharson

16 September 2014

Last time I write about the time period indicated by the books. I thought that the books indicated a time period of 32 and half days. My thinking was the count started on the 22 of the fifth Hebrew month, because I had brought the first two books on the 22 May of this year. Recall that the books connect to a dream I had, of buy two books for ten.

I would not think of the purchase of books as having some meaning, however before I brought them I had the dream, therefore they do indicate something. There is a third book, that I got later but used the same gift card, plus cash of $2.50. Then there are the other two books I brought in July for cash. All books are on animals.

Looking at the three books that I got with the gift card and cash the total cost was $32.50. This I am thinking of as indicating a time period of 32 and half days.

What has now change that indicates a different time period, the signs I got on the 11 September. Usually when I go to the library I did not go to the counter, but on the 11 September I went to the upstairs counter twice. It is not important the reason. Then later I went to this other building to vote. I had to go upstairs, getting the form from the desk. In this entry I am not getting into the election in New Zealand.

The point is that the library has books, and the indication is on books. I did not buy the books online, I went to the store. Thus I brought them at the counter. Note I went to the counter twice in the library and it was upstairs, thus that makes me think the indication is on the second purchase at a cost of $12.50.

Later that night I got the sign of two dogs. The first purchase was one book on dogs and one on birds. This sign makes me think that going to the counter in the library does connect to the purchase of the books. Is this then the time of the start of the total count or is it the time of the last 12 and half days.

My thinking is it has to connect to the 22 somehow, for I bought them on the 22 May 2014 and the sign of the outpouring was on the 22 May 2012. If one goes back 20 days from the 11 September you get the 22 August. This is the date for the sign of the bridge that opened on the 22 of the fifth Hebrew month back in 2011. 23 August-11 September is 20 days inclusive. I got the dog sign that night of the 11 September, thus my thinking is that is the day that period ended. Thus start the last period of 12 and half days on the 12 September. This would then finish in the evening of the 24 September. The 24 September is the evening before the first of the seventh Hebrew month.

The first of the seventh Hebrew feast month is the feast of Trumpets. We will be preparing the way for the return of Christ.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2014

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