San Lorenzo & the Mississippi River

6 October 2013

By Mark Farquharson

Since last entry I have had new insight to what I covered last entry. Thus my thinking has changed somewhat. I still think the thirty days goes from 22 Tishrei - 21 Cheshvan inclusive, thus a full thirty days taking us to the 22 Cheshvan, the 26 October 2013. However my thinking for the sequence from Broader rd has changed.

Last year the sign came of being at Broader rd on the 9 October, 23 Tishrei. However the prayer campaign ended this year on the 10 Tishrei, surely we were at the Broader on the 10 Tishrei, being the 14 September, which was 13 days before the 23 Tishrei. Further the sign of crossing the Jordan river came on the 18 Tishrei, five days before 23 Tishrei.

On the 6 October 2013, the 2 Cheshvan, I got the sign Mclaren. I have Bruce Mclaren Park dated 14 Cheshvan, thus the sign came 12 days before the date I noted down from last year. Should I thus redate the sequence? Here is a possible redate of the sequence subtracting between 12 and 13 days. Last entry I showed the 2012 dates, here is the 2013 dates.

10 Tishrei, 14 September, Broader rd

2 Cheshvan, 6 October, Henderson Valley Park & Pony club

2 Cheshvan, 6 October, Bruce Mclaren Park

No date, Xena park

10 Cheshvan, 14 October, San Bernardino Reserve

10 Cheshvan, 14 October, Lake Panorama

No date, Landow Reserve

Thus arrive at San Bernardino on the 14 October, however I do not think this is the time for the Door of Heaven to Open.

Going back through my notes for last year I see a prayer on the 15 November, 1 Kislev. There I mention the “Door of Heaven & True Evangel to the World.” In the sequence this is the date for San Lorenzo. There is a similar Payer the day before on the 14 November, 29 Cheshvan. No mention of the door however. My thinking is that these are similar enough, therefore I should have dated San Lorenzo as the 29 Cheshvan. Thus then from this date what should I subtract, 12 or 13? Thus taking of 13 days gets you the 16 Cheshvan, 20 October 2013, for San Lorenzo.

As explain on the 9 October last year I got the sign, “You are here,” at Broader rd. Thus I was at the broader. A bit further on my walk someone what to know how to get to “San Lorenzo.” What then of this sign, is it that from the Broader we have to get to “San Lorenzo?”

Basilica di San Lorenzo

There is the Basilica di San Lorenzo, in Florence, Italy. While it is one of the largest churches in Florence, I do not see it directly connected to the sign. The fact it is a church could be part of the sign.

The Treaty of San Lorenzo

“As it appears in The Laws of the United States, (Pinckney's Treaty) Folwell's, Philadelphia, 1796.

Often glossed over if not overlooked in many history books, The Treaty of San Lorenzo between Spain and the United States played a major role in the expansion of the infant nation's boundaries. Preceded by the acquisition of lands set forth by the Northwest Ordinance eight years earlier, and soon-to-be followed by the Louisiana Purchase eight years later, the Treaty of San Lorenzo (also known as Pinckney's Treaty) opened up the Mississippi River to American navigation.

Negotiated by Thomas Pinckney, America's special envoy to Spain, the agreement also allowed western settlers the "right to deposit" their exports in New Orleans and to engage in commercial transactions within that city. This was of vital importance to the more than 100,000 westerners who lived in Kentucky and Tennessee, and to the many thousands of settlers who lived in what is now Ohio. Under the treaty Spain officially recognized the southern and western boundaries of the U.S. as the 31st parallel and the Mississippi River. The treaty thus allowed the U.S. to gain access to the area now known as the states of Mississippi and Alabama.

The treaty was signed at San Lorenzo El Real on October 27, 1795.”


This was signed on the 14 Cheshvan. The 27 October this year is the 23 Cheshvan.

Recall that the eighth sign involved casing barley meal into the Head Waters of the Mississippi River on the 9 July 2010. The well was actually capped on the 15 July 2010 at 2:25 p.m., which was 6 days and 9 minutes later.

Since the treaty opened up the Mississippi River and the barley was cast into the river, could this then be the time of the next sign.

Note above I dated San Lorenzo as the 16 Cheshvan, the thirty days takes us to the 22 Cheshvan, a 6 day difference.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013