Watch Period 27-31 January for Holy Spirit

28 January 2013

By Mark Farquharson

I recently mentioned the sign of Halloween and it’s connection to the sign of 11:30 last night at a library. I take it that 11:30 was the 20 January 2013, that is it was like 30 November. If I am understanding correctly. I got the sign that I was at the counter on the 21 January, this would fit with the sign of 11:30, being the day before. This connects with the sign of the table, thus I say that we have arrived at the table where the bread is eaten. However there is a wait, I do not think it is for long. The thinking was that it was a week based on Pastor Thomas. Interestingly my mother had a dream and told me on the morning of the 28 January, in the dream there was this meeting that went for a week. Each day she went to the meeting where she eat the cakes. In my library dream the food counter piled high with cakes and stuff was in the library. Thus we are at the counter, and it has been a week, where is the food, the bread of heaven?

I recalled something from 2011, that occurred shortly after the 30 November. Actually it was on the night of the 11 December 2011. If 30 November was 20 January 2013, then December started on the 21 January. Thus 11 December 2011 would be the 31 January 2013 if the pattern continues. Note I am in New Zealand, thus it might point to the 30 January in other parts of the world. Here is some of the revelation I received that night:

“It’s time to receive Great Knowledge”

“The provision is coming”

“You have the evangel go forth”

“You will travel wide and far”

“It’s time for the priests to go into the temple.”

“Time is short, things will happen quickly at great speed, be ready”

“We are a nation soon to move out of Egypt”

“Leave the world behind. Take the evangel to the world.”

Thus this could be the time of the outpouring as the apostles had to wait for the outpouring before they could go forth with the evangel, we too have to wait for the out pouring before we can go forth. This would fit with the prayer campaign called “His Fulness” which occurred January 27-30, 1994.

A bit more on that campaign from Dr Jones weblog:

“The main difference between him and me was that my death spiral took a full year to accomplish, because I did not experience resurrection until the same dates a year later. Pastor Thomas’ experience crunched death and resurrection into a single cycle, for he “died” in late December 1985 and was “resurrected” by the Holy Spirit a month later on January 27, 1986.

In 1994 we had a prayer campaign called “His Fulness” on January 27-30, 1994. It was a prayer to receive the fulness of the Holy Spirit, according to the pattern seen with Pastor Thomas on the same date in 1986.”

From Dr Jones weblog: Cosmic warfare, Part 2

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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