Creation Study Part 3

By Mark Farquharson

Rock dating???? Surely that proves it? Again it does not prove it to me… no amount of rock dating will prove it…to me….

How do they know that radioactive-decay is constant over 100’s of millions of years??? Or even 10 million years, or 100,000 years….they don’t… please show me the data.. anywhere…

Where they there when the rock was formed..??

No… a thousand times NO….. N O ….no…..

Yet the RATE research has uncovered much evidence, including the patterns of these discordances between the "dates" from the different radioisotope systems,10 that radioisotope decay rates were accelerated in a global catastrophic event in the recent past.11 For example, if accelerated radioisotope decay occurred, then alpha-decaying radioisotopes would yield older isochron "ages" than beta-decaying radioisotopes, which is exactly the pattern in the Brahma amphibolites…

Because the different radioisotopes are dating the same geologic event, to have produced different "dates" has to mean that the parent radioisotopes have decayed at different rates over the same time period. In other words, the decay of the parent radioisotopes was accelerated by different amounts, the decay of those yielding older "ages" (the alpha-decayers) having been accelerated more. Obviously, if radioisotope decay was accelerated, say during the Genesis Flood, then the radioisotope decay "clocks" could never be relied upon to "date" rocks as many millions of years old. To the contrary, the rocks could still only be a few thousand years old.


RATE research: Creationists doing there own research in to rock dating…

Also check out: A much more tech article….

But where does this 6000 years come form, it does not say that in the bible anywhere?

True.. however we can work it out.. The bible gives boring information about who begot who.. right? And we can also find out how old they where when they begot whoever..

Genesis 5:3 And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his likeness after his image,—and called his name Seth: REB

How old was Adam when Seth was born? It tells us.. hundred and thirty years

Now we don’t know what year that was of hand do we? However we know the earth at that time was hundred and thirty years old….!!!

However it does turn out that we do know what year for instance Jesus was born… so picking the right person and going back, from the time they where born and bingo you get the answer…..

I have not done this myself, but others have…….

Now some may have questions, ask away, I will answer one of the common ones here: Who did Cain marry? Cain Marry his sister, Adam did not just have sons:

Genesis 5:4 and the days of Adam, after he begat Seth, were eight hundred years, and he begat sons and daughters. REB

See Sons and Daughters….some point to Adam only having sons, clearly that is not the case..!!!!

Some point to in breeding: God did not bring up the problem of in breeding till well after genesis….

Leviticus 20:17-20


Adam and Eve start out with perfectly healthily bodies, no problems....

There was no problems with marrying you sister, and that is what the sons of Adam did, married their horrific problems resulting from breeding.....over time these problems came about....

But Adam could not have named all the animals? Yes he could have… he was only naming kinds…

Was not the flood local? No a million times NO….. if it was local then why did God say he would not do it again… there have been lots of local floods… and why did they have to build an ark, sure they could have gone to higher ground, or some other area, if they had all that time, {the time to build the ark}. And why take all those animals…

But there is not enough time to go from 8 to 6 billion? yes there is, A thousand times yes there is, people have done studies, and yes there is…

There was not enough room on the ark for all the animals… Yes there was… it was not two of every species {what we call a specie today}, it was two of every kind and in fact it was more than two of some kinds… there was loads of room…. And it does not say the animals where fully grown when they enter the ark…..

What evidence for creation? Well I will not full this entry with evidence, however I may post some in my blog {Blog now ended} …. And if you truly think that there is no evidence, then that shows that you have not heard of it… I wonder why?

"fourteen natural phenomena which conflict with the evolutionary idea that the universe is billions of years old"

>>> I point to one of the fourteen

According to evolutionists, Stone Age Homo sapiens existed for 190,000 years before beginning to make written records about 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. Prehistoric man built megalithic monuments, made beautiful cave paintings, and kept records of lunar phases. Why would he wait two thousand centuries before using the same skills to record history?


This suggests that Homo sapiens did not exist that long ago….Also the flood was about 2348 BC, approximately 4,000 years ago.

Check out the others here:

And also check out: more

evidences that the earth is only a few thousand years old at …

here are some:

Magnetic field decay.

Earth's magnetic field is slowly, relentlessly lessening. Even 7,000 years ago, the earth would have had a magnetic field 32 times stronger than it is now. Only 20,000 years ago, enough heat would have been generated to liquefy the planet. Therefore, the earth cannot be over 6,000 or 7,000 years old. This is an important matter, affects the entire planet, and has been measured for over 150 years.

Thickness of ocean sediments.

If the earth were billions of years old, the ocean floor would be covered by sediments from land, measuring 60 to 100 miles [96.5 to 160.9 km] thick, and all the continents would be eroded away. Instead, we only find a few thousand feet of sediment. Based on known yearly sediment deposition, calculations yield only a few thousand years for our planet



There are loads of sites… like:

They are building a Museum of their own…. >>>> if there is no argument for creation and the case is closed, then how is there enough of an argument to full a museum..???

Set to open in 2007


Institute for Creation Research: Doing on going research into rock dating… That’s right a web Encyclopaedia

It has a page that lists a number

evidences that the earth is only a few thousand years old…

I would also warn against thinking that the six days of creation are a story:

Jesus said: John 5:

46 For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he writes concerning Me.

47 Now if you are not believing his writings, how shall you be believing My declarations?"

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2006 revised 2008

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