Dinosaurs hidden in the bible?

By Mark Farquharson

Translation is not something that is precise, often the translator will take a guess, because there is no exact word in the language they are translating into. A team of scholars authorized by King James started to translate the bible into English in 1611. Many people today think this is the best translation. However I don’t think this is the best translation of the Holy Scriptures. This a badly translate version, because the translators often used the same English word for many different Hebrew or Greek words, there by destroying much of the work they were translating.

Translators do not usually translate word for word, because they run into difficult words, that do not exactly match up, or there are cultural differences making it difficult to comprehend.

The translators of the KJV used the English words that they thought best described the original texts. Other translators have thought differently, and used different English words. Also a number of other translations do not translate a number of the original words in to the same word, they find different words. Reading the original Hebrew in many cases unveils a number of significant surprises. This includes the fact that dinosaurs and mankind have always lived together and that man domesticated them.

The best in my book is Concordant Literal Version…however it is up to you which one you go for….

If you go to Genesis you will see when God created all the animals, this is when He also create the Dinosaur…but there is surprising stuff ahead read on!

Now lets go to the book of Job, where in Job 40:15 a behemoth is mentioned.

Job 40:15 Behold now behemoth… KJV

Job 40:15 Behold now, the behemoth that I made as I did you; He eats grass like the ox. CLV

Note both use the word behemoth. It is God who is talking here, he is the one that mentions this animal which is called a behemoth. God goes on to describe the animal:

Job 40:16 Behold now his vigor in his waist, His virility in the muscles of his belly;"

Job 40:17 He makes his tail taut like a cedar; The sinews of his awesome thighs are intertwined.

Job 40:18 His bones are tubings of copper, His ribs like bars of iron. CLV

This creature is clearly some type of gigantic plant eating dinosaur like a brachiosaurus. The tail is like a cedar tree, what other creature has a tail that? For some reason this is the only time the word behemoth is directly translated from Hebrew.

God told Job that the behemoth was created on the same day as man was created. God is not mistaken, nor is he lying, he created Man and behemoth on the same day.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance is a reference tool, each word that is translated has a number that one can look up to find out more. If you have the KJV with the Strong’s you can see the original Hebrew or Greek word, and a list of possible translations. The one the translators of the KJV used may not be correct, and many times is not. It has the number 930, but it is not the beast that is describe in the Strong. They say it is an Ox but it is clearly not an Ox.

Unfortunately many times the translators of the KJV picked one word that many Hebrew words would be translated into. Miqneh meaning acquired livestock was translated as cattle. Baqar is also rendered cattle, which is a correct translation. Here we see that the translators made the mistake by translating these different words as all the same word.

The next bit is a bit of a surprise:

However the first time cattle is used in the bible is in Genesis 1:24:

"Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle...” KJV

Gen 1:24 "Bring forth shall the earth the living soul for its from-kind, beast…” CLV

The word “Cattle” or beast here is translated from the word “Behema”. Behema is related to the word behemoth. The word “behema“, means a group of behemoths or many behemoths. It is translated as beasts or beast in the English. This means that God who does not lie correctly told Job, that He had made the behemoth and the first man on the same day.

The CLV uses beast, but why does it also not translate it beast in Job. Clearly there is a description in Job, therefore the word cattle should not have been used. Should beast have been use by the CLV translators?

Behemoth or behema is used almost 200 times in the Old Testament. The first five books of the bible are called the Pentatuach, which were written by Moses. In these five books Moses uses the words behemoth or behema about 100 times, in many of those God is the one speaking. These words are used by all the major prophets. The bible shows that People rode them, used them for food and domesticated them. While examining the ruins of Jerusalem, Nehemiah was riding one.

Did the Egyptians use the behema to build the pyramids? One can only guess, but the bible shows that they had domesticate the behema, which means that they could have had teams of large dinosaurs hauling those massive blocks around.

Note that all these uses are after the flood…that’s right they were on Noah’s boat the ark! What is more, is that they survived long after the flood…

What is surprising to me is how often it is used, 200 uses of behemoth or behema in the Old Testament! WOW….

The thing is, they did not translate behemoth in one part, so why translate behema and why use the word cattle?

People are shown to have domesticated them and used them for food. Now there’s a challenge, domesticating a behemoth…..

Nehemiah was riding on a behema? WOW….

Of course these animals survived up to the 1900’s according to sightings….

Evolutions tell us that the dinosaurs were created many millions of years before man, which shows that the bible is not true. However it is the Evolutions who are incorrect, the bible clearly tells us that man and dinosaur did live together. God create all the animals including these creatures in six days of the creation week. Do not believe these fallible humans, believe what the bible has said all along.

Yes that is right man is fallible, I have believe for along time that man and dinosaurs lived together and God created both. However it is interesting to know that it is right there in the bible, and it was there all along….

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2007 edited 2008 Revised 2009 Corrected June 2009
