Feed My Sheep, Next Told to Herald Evangel

10 April 2012. Corrected 11 April 2012

By Mark Farquharson

As I said in the last entry I do believe we are in the pattern of Jesus after his resurrection. He manifested himself to the disciples a number of times, of which some are recorded for us in the scriptures. Last entry I covered the manifestations:

“Jesus ascended to his Father on the day of his resurrection {John 20:16-17}. Then he manifested himself to the disciples later that day, but Thomas was not with them. After eight days he meet with the disciples including Thomas {John 20:26}. The third time he manifested was when some of the disciples were fishing {John 21:14}. Later he meet them on the mount {Matthew 28:16-20} and give them the great commission, telling them to herald the evangel {Mark 16:15-18}.”

The days the events occurred in the scriptures is not important, it is the pattern that is important. Thus while it was not until after eight days that Jesus manifested to all eleven disciples including Thomas, it is not eight days this time. While I have stated the eight days in the past, I now realise my error. On the 4 April, I did go into the Shop and the Church both named after the saint. Also the woman in the shop said that a service was on now, thus the meeting was occurring.

The ascension was on the 30 March 2012, then Jesus meet the disciples later that day which was the 31-1 April being the Passover Conference. Manifesting to the eleven disciples was on the 4 April, when I went in to the St Thomas Church. Later Jesus manifested while some disciples were fishing, this was on the 7 April 2012.

On the same day Jesus manifested while they were fishing, Jesus also had lunch with them and talked to Peter. However in terms of the pattern these have occurred on different days.

Today the 10 April I went for one of my walks were I just let the spirit lead me. The focus from the start was on “kiwi.” I took a bottle of Kiwi Blue water, a truck passed with Kiwi Lumber written on the side, and in Corban Reserve there was the sign “Kiwi Trikers.” There were also signs directing to “Kiwi Valley.”

Then I got to “Old Mac Donald’s Farmyard” which also had the name “Kiwi Valley.” From the road I could see a cow, sheep, and goats. A sign read “please feed me.“ There was also a statue of a large golden gumboot.

There was emphasis placed on the word “kiwi,” and the sign was at “Kiwi Valley.” What was the sign? It was “please feed me.” This being a very important sign. It is to do with what Jesus said to Peter after the disciples had been fishing. The disciples brought in the fish, had lunch with Jesus, and then Jesus talked to Peter.

John 21:15-17 When, then, they lunch, Jesus is saying to Simon Peter, "Simon of John, are you loving Me more than these? He is saying to Him, "Yes, Lord, Thou art aware that I am fond of Thee! He is saying to him, "Graze My lambkins!" He is saying to him again a second time, "Simon of John, are you loving Me? He is saying to Him, "Yes, Lord, Thou art aware that I am fond of Thee! He is saying to him, "Shepherd My sheep!" He is saying to him the third time, "Simon of John, are you fond of Me? Peter was sorry that He said to him the third time "Are you fond of Me? and he is saying to Him, "Lord, Thou art aware of all things! Thou knowest that I am fond of Thee. And Jesus is saying to him, "Graze My little sheep!" {CLV}

The translation here uses the term “Graze,” other translations use the word “Feed” as in “Feed my Lambs” and “Feed my Sheep” {YLT}. Note the sign at the farm was “please feed me.” I take this as indication of this event. Which means that we are now waiting for Jesus to tell the disciples to Herald. The scriptures do not cover how long it was after the third manifestation, but it is not how long that is important, it is the pattern that is in the scriptures, which means it is the next event. In terms of the pattern it has been a couple of days between some of the events, which could indicate it is close.

Here are a few watch dates:

11 April, being two cycles from the start of the prophetic year.

14 April 2012, being two cleansing cycles from the end date of the tenth anniversary of a prayer campaign. This is also 300 days form the ten anniversary of the marriage proposal.

15 April being 100 years since the sinking of the Titanic. One cleansing cycle from the start of the tenth anniversary of a prayer campaign was the date the Costa Concordia sank.

16 April being Pope Benedict’s birthday, there are rumours he will retire after his birthday.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012.

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