Recent Signs, Travel, Pyramid, and Water

23 February 2013

By Mark Farquharson

On Monday the 18 February 2013, I got a travel sign, when I noticed these little flags of different countries, the place had the word “Pacific,” as part of it’s name. If the USA is one of my first stops on my travels then most likely I would be travelling across the Pacific Ocean to get there. On Tuesday there was the 900 sign connected to water. The travel section is the 900 section. The Apostles could not travel until the outpouring occur, hopefully this means it should be close.

There was a Hollywood sign that came on Wednesday. Last time I mentioned the “Zero Dark Thirty,” relating to 19 February 2013, which was Tuesday. Recall the movie “Inception,” and that the word inception means the beginning of something. On Friday someone point out the cinemas at St Lukes, the sign was about a big screen, called V-max. V is the 22 letter, which is the sign for “Sons of light.” The other sign I got on Friday was H 24 or 24 H, I am not sure if it connects to V-max.

On Wednesday I was out at a meal and there was the number 2 on this person’s shirt. Then I awoke at 2 am on Thursday morning. Recall that “Zero Dark Thirty,” I take as a sign of 30 December, which converts to 19 February 2013, if I got this right. 2 am would be February I am thinking. The 1 January converts to the 21 February, and 1 February converts to 24 March.

Sign of the Pyramid: On the 17 February 2013, I thought build the pyramid. There is this online game that I have been playing. It takes two weeks to build the pyramid unless I do an instant build. The pyramid cost $15,000, however instant build is over $3 million. Two weeks is approximately the 3 March 2013. However I do have the money for an instant build and therefore could build any day before that if I get the word to do so, unless I spent the money on something else. Recall that Dr Jones built a pyramid on the 29 November and finished on the 30 November 2011. This connected to the Stone of Destiny that was returned to Scotland on the 30 November 1996 I think.

On Friday the 22 February I got the sign of water connected to digging and diamonds. On the mount Big King is a water tank, next to it is a open cast mine. When we are released from spiritual Egypt we will take the gold, the treasures, and the outpouring will occur.

The spiritual Warfare ends on the 18 March 2013, USA time. The second 76 day cycle ends on the 30 March, which is Easter. However the Passover is actually on the 14 of the first Hebrew month, which will be the 25 March.

Here are a couple of Weblog entries by Dr Jones about the spiritual warfare that have been posted since the last entry that I did:

1: Preparing for War

2: Update on the prayer campaign

The second entry mentions the possibility of a major natural disaster, this possibility will be discussed in an entry that I hope to post later today or tomorrow. The time period to watch for this I have as 24 February-28 March 2013. With the important watch periods of 24 February-28 February and 24 March-28 March 2013.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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