Basque Park and Other Signs

8 September 2013

By Mark Farquharson

The Karaka grove in Basque Park use to provide food and medicine for Mt Eden and the Zoo. I walked down to the first circle of stones, and into the centre of the stones. Then I went over to the second circle of stones, that had stones in the centre in water. We are the living stones, being built up into a spiritual house. Into a holy priesthood, 1 Peter 2:5. Water can represent the living water, the holy spirit.

Later in the day someone mentioned a wedding, there was a sign of a gold horse, and the number 9,999,925.8. Three of the nines could be a sign to do with the Stairway to Heaven and the 999 steps. The last digit was changing up and down, but overall the trend was down. Is the 25 indicating of a date? The 25 September is the seven day of Tabernacles. What of the other nine, I am not sure.

There was a man called Michael who had travelled to Bethlehem, New Zealand. At Blue Earth river on the evening of the 4 September the berley meal was cast into the river to heal the broken covenants. The meal coming form a “House of Bread” (Bethlehem). Michael is a chief angel or archangel in the scriptures. More what occurred at Blue Earth river here:

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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