The Bride, St Paul’s Cathedral, and the Phoenix

4 November 2012

By Mark Farquharson

Starforth Park and Owairaka Park both have overgrown gardens, which represent the overgrown city that will be judged. I had thought the judgement would occur at the time of the outpouring, however this is not the case. Close to Owairaka Park is Mount Owairaka and the date I sat on the summit was the 9 August, being the 21st of the fifth Hebrew month.

We are following the pattern of Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness. My view if I am understanding correctly is that we are in the second month. Soon the knowledge and glory will come to us, as it did to the Israelites in the second month.

However Moses got to the mount in the third month, on the 13 of the month. While he ascend the mount a few times, he started the first 40 days on the 16 of the third month {Jubilees 1:1}. Yahweh did not called unto Moses until the seventh day, the 22 of the third month.

Assume the coming third civil month is when this will occur, then the 13 is the 27 November, the 16 will be 30 November, the 21 is the 5 December and the 22 is the 6 December 2012.

The three and half year drought period started on the 8-10 May 2009 after a one month delay, this drought should then end between the 6-10 Nov. 2012. The pray for rain occurred during the time of tabernacles in October. The rain thus I view as coming one month later in November.

I did the work on the Day of Atonement, being the 10 day of the seventh Hebrew month, of spilling the water outside Chapel 2 and in other places. Forty days brings you to the 6 November. However a one month delay, would mean that the forty days should count from the tenth of the eighth month being the 26 October, not the tenth of the seventh month. This gets us the 5 December 2012, being the 21 of the ninth Hebrew month and would be a month after the rain comes on the 6 November. Note the ninth Hebrew festive month is the third civil month.

On the 10 August, that is on the tenth of the eighth month, thus one can view as the tenth of the eighth Hebrew month, my family and I went to a meeting. It was upstairs, in the John Logan Campbell room. To get to the room we went though the library room. In a dream the provision was in the library. The summit of One Tree Hill has the grave of Sir John Logan Campbell, with an obelisk on top. One tree Hill Domain is joined to Cornwall Park, which was originally a farm owned by Campbell. It was named after the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall {later King George V and Queen Mary} who visited Australia and New Zealand on the royal visit in 1901. In the farm on Cornwall Park, 12 Lambs were born this winter, which is unusual. Across the road from Cornwall Park is Alexandra Park. In Sydney, Australia on the 24 November will be the opening of Alexander. On the 16 September 2011, a child was born to Vinnie and Joy which was named Christin Alexandra. In the British Museum is a Statue of Apollo in Room 22: Alexander the Great. As I covered in this entry: Apollo and Thomas Signs in England

The Passover conference in Manassas, Virginia was in April 2009. A month after this Dr Jones and his family travelled to Virgin Islands in the Caribbean for his daughter’s wedding. At first I thought this was a sign of the delay, however it was a sign of something else.

In the sequence one of the roads is Virginia Street, which could then connect back to the wedding in Virgin Islands. This street is after San Bernadino Reserve in the sequence. Thus my view now is that the rain will come before Virginia Street. The wedding was a month after the conference, thus my view is that Virginia Street will come a month after the rain comes. Virginia Street then has something to do with the bride of Christ. Note it will not be the time of the actual wedding, for that is after Jesus physically returns.

My view is that Virginia Street connects to Starforth Park. Thus first you have the Greatest Passover, and the time of the morning star, Jesus Christ, then a month later the star goes forth. At the bottom of Virginia Street is Kensington Gardens. The sequence seems to indicate that the Kensington period will start about the time of Virginia Street, but carry on after this date. This being due to the direction of the gardens and later there is South Kensington road. I do not know the meaning of this at this time. There is the Kensington Gardens in London, England. You can read more about the features of the gardens in this entry: Outpouring, Virginia Street & Kensington Gardens

In a book on England I looked through there was St Brides Church and on the opposite page St Paul’s Cathedral. Thus a sign of a connect between the bride and St Paul’s Cathedral. I recently went to St Paul’s Church in Auckland. The woman there said there was a wedding on the next day. You can read about the other signs I got from the woman in this entry: “Signs of St Paul’s Church, the Signs of St Paul’s Cathedral

On the 2 November I entered “St Matthew’s in the City,” and there was a wedding on at the time, I did not know there was going to be a wedding there that day.

In St Benedict’s on the stage in front of the pews you have a wooden pulpit and you have a stone pulpit. Behind this is the Ciborium, which is a canopy supported by four columns, which is just out from the back wall. On the back wall is a ledge with a box on it. Next to the stage is a chapel, with it’s own pews and altar. The altar in the chapel is in line with the Ciborium. In Kensington Gardens, in London, the Albert Memorial features Prince Albert enclosed in a Ciborium.

In St Matthew in the City in front of the pews is the stage area. At the front you have the Brass Lectern in the form of a eagle, that is a symbol of St John the Evangelist, who bears the good news of God in Jesus to the World. According to the pamphlet about the church.

We bear the good news of the true evangel, and soon we will herald this good news evangel to the World. This being the actual good news and not what they have been hearing from most of the churches, which is a false evangel.

Also at the front is the Stone Pulpit. Behind this is the choir stalls commemorating World War 1. To the side of the stage, next to the choir stalls is the St Thomas’ Chapel. The St Thomas’ Chapel was originally on the Southern Cross mission boat. St Thomas’s in Freeman’s Bay used wood salvage from the chapel. When St Thomas was demolished it came to St Matthews first being installed in the crypt, then rebuilt and placed in the South Transept next to the stage.

What is the point of all this, well we will get to the pulpit first, at a type of second Passover. At the pulpit we will be able to start heralding the good news to the world. Then soon after this, there will be an entering of the chapel and proceed to the front. Once at the front there will be the judgement on the overgrown garden. This overgrown garden is a city, with the judgement befalling on St Paul’s Cathedral and the city of London. Remember I prayed for London in Chapel 2 in Waikumete Cemetery. Thus the judgement will be after the rain comes, not at the same time.

There was an earthquake on Saturday the 27 October, that is one day after the tenth day of the eighth month. It was a 7.7 in British Colombia, in Canada. Note the name of the place “British,” which is a word referring to the people of Britain, that is the United Kingdom, which includes England.

Recall that I brought a watch for $80.00 which was at a 20 % discount from $ $99.95 or almost $100. It was an “Olympic” which is a sign of the Olympians, the Elite of the world. Before entering the shop, I noticed in the window display the “Elite” brand, which was 50% off. There was one there for $160, 50% off bringing it down to $80. The civil year started on the 17 September 2012, being the first of the seventh Hebrew month. The eightieth day of the civil year is the 5 December and the hundredth day is the 25 December.

The watch is Olympic and there was an earthquake in Olympia back on the 28 February 2001. Thus the Watch a sign of a coming judgement on the Olympians, the Elite of the world. Last night I suddenly thought to check when the quake occurred Hebrew time, it was in the twelve month, on the fifth day. Now I am predicting that the judgement will occur in the twelve month, on the fifth day, in our western calendar.

Can one use this conversion method of dates, the answer is yes. A sign on a date in the western calendar can convert to the Hebrew calendar. For instance if a sign comes on the 10 July, it can refer to the tenth day of the seventh Hebrew month. I do not see why you can not convert the other way as well.

There is also a pattern, the outpouring is predicted to occur on the day of the USA elections, the 6 November, and it will be a type of Passover. Independence Day was the 4 July, which was the 14 of the fourth Hebrew month. The second Passover is on the 14 of the second month. The Olympics in London went from the 27 July to the 13 August 2012.

On the 4 August was the women's triathlon with 55 women running, swimming and biking. The swimming stage took place in Hyde Park’s famous Serpentine Lake. Recall it was the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3. The number 55 is Hebrew Gematria for bride and 55 (mercy) is also a extension of 5 (grace) and 25 (forgiveness).

This is also the day 30 years ago that Prince William was baptized with water from the Jordan. The Queen marked Prince William’s 30th birthday by making him a Knight of the Thistle. The Order of the Thistle is the highest honor in Scotland and has a complement of 16 Knights. St Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland is also the patron saint of the Order of the Thistle. This was the 16 of the fifth Hebrew month, but was a month after Independence Day and therefore could be view as occurring in a type of third month.

The mention of thistles in the scriptures:

Genesis 3:18 Thorn also and thistle, shall it shoot forth to thee,—when thou hast come to eat of the herb of the field {REB}

Job 31:40 Then may the thistle come forth instead of wheat, And nightshade instead of barley! The words of Job are finished. {CLV}

Matthew 7:16 From their fruits you shall be recognizing them. Not from thorns are they culling grapes, nor from star thistles figs." {CLV}

The faithful produce the good fruit, and are the ones that will be married to the Lord, they get the ring. William does not produce the good fruit, for he is a thistle, you can not get figs from him.

There may also be a connection to Psalm 55.

Psalm 55:9-10 Do away with them, O Yahweh; befuddle their tongue, For I see Violence and Contention in the city." By day and night they go round about it on its walls, And Lawlessness and Misery are within it."….

Psalm 55:23 And You, O Elohim, You shall bring them down to the well of ruin, These mortals of bloodshed and deceit,…{CLV}

The Closing Ceremony of the games included a large Phoenix. There is a large sign on the way to Henderson, in west Auckland that has the words “Phoenix House” and “St Andrew.” The tenth sign is the Phoenix, which comes after the provision.

The Coronation Stone was in London for 700 years, then it was return to Scotland, arriving in Edinborough, Scotland on 30 November, 1996. Prince Andrew presided as the Coronation Stone was given back. Also 30 November is St. Andrews Day. The body of Christ is the David Company and Manasseh, which was formally crowned on the 30 November 2011.

Eastenders is a long running television series set in the east end of London, in Albert Square. Recently in the program there was a fire at a bed and breakfast. The building was repaired and Kim who is one of the owners said “like a Phoenix rising from the ashes.”

On the third St Paul’s cathedral built after the great fire of London, is a phoenix, representing the rebuilding of the cathedral and the city.

In Saint Matthew in the City the eight bells in the tower were re-tuned {one bell recast} at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in England in 1971.

The Whitechapel Bell Foundry was established in 1570, and some of the notable bells made were the Liberty Bell, the Great Clock of Westminster - known as 'Big Ben’ and the 'Clock Bells' of St Paul's Cathedral.

More recently Whitechapel cast eight bells for the Queens Jubilee. The final destination of the 8 bells was the tower of St James Garlichythe Church located in "The City".

Whitechapel designed the 27 ton bell for the Olympics that was used to start the games. However it did not cast the bell for the Olympics, that was actually made in Holland, by a Dutch company.

Whitechapel designed the 27 ton bell for the Olympics that was used to start the games. However it did not cast the bell for the Olympics, that was actually made in Holland, by a Dutch company.

“But now the firm has revealed that while the bell – Europe’s biggest – has been designed in-house, it will be manufactured by a Dutch company….

The East London firm’s Kathryn Hughes, 54, said ‘we simply don’t have the pouring capacity’ to make the 3.3-metre-wide bell in Britain....

Mrs Hughes said: ‘This is a Whitechapel bell and we have supervised every stage.

'The design, shape, lettering, metal specifications and patterns are all Whitechapel.

‘If an M&S outfit is made in China, it is still M&S clothing.’"

From Daily Mail: Why the London 2012 bell is being cast in Holland

The info I had was that it was cast at Whitechapel, sorry for the mistake in earlier entries. I do not know why I was meant to find this out just now, or what it means for Holland. At this time I do not know the name of the Dutch company.

The three 'Clock Bells' of St Paul's Cathedral were cast at Whitechapel by Richard Phelps. He also cast the Great Tom for the Cathedral, and in 1717 cast two more bells for the cathedral added as quarter jacks.

The John Taylor Bell Foundry in Loughborough, Leicestershire, cast 13 bells for St Paul's Cathedral, including the Great Paul at 16 1/2 tons. This foundry cast 13 bells for the Christchurch Cathedral, which fell from the tower in the 22 February 2011 earthquake. These 13 bells have now been transport back to the foundry for repair. Interestingly one of the notable bells this company cast was for the rock band AC/DC, the "Hells Bell", which was used on the "Back In Black" tour, 1980.

"Ray thinks the bells might be connected to some kind of war ritual. “In 1933 a 16 1/2 ton (33,000 lbs) bell was cast for the Nazi Olympics in Berlin 1936.Today this bell sits in front of the stadium in Berlin with its Phoenix bird and swastika removed” Quote from Ray. There was a large Phoenix in the closing ceremony of the 2012 games in London and it is also the tenth sign of Elijah-Elisha according to Dr Jones.”

From the entry: “Library and Church Signs

What is interesting is that the Great Paul bell is 16 1/2 tons and the one cast for the Nazi Olympics was also 16 1/2 ton.

That does not mean the war will start on the 6 Dec, it could occur after this date, but be linked to the date in someway. Recall above I said that the “Kensington period will start about the time of Virginia Street, but carry on after this date. This being due to the direction of the gardens and later there is South Kensington road.”

If I was to draw a perpendicular line {right angle} from where the walkway ends on Henderson Valley road {the one that comes from Henderson}, it would intersect South Kensington road at the start of a different shorter walkway, that also goes to Henderson Valley road. The one from Henderson comes out at the name sign for Henderson Valley. The valley links to Valley Forge and the war. This then could be the start of the war, I am not saying it is for sure. You can not go by length on a map to date a sequence, therefore I can not tell how long it would be after 6 Dec 2012. However I would not think that it would be to long after. Of course I could be incorrect, it could start on this date. However remember September 11 2001, the war started shortly after. That is not to say the destruction to London will be blamed on Iran or some other country or people. However it could be, I am not sure what form the judgement will ultimately take.

Prince William was born at 9.03 pm on 21 June 1982. Note the 21 June 2001 is the date of the Ring. The presenting of the ring is confirmation to the marriage proposal on the 19 June 2001.

On the 14 July 2012, Dr Jones, Chad and Brad, were lead to go to the “downtown area of St. Paul, Minnesota to issue some decrees from the Divine Court.”

“From there, we drove to St. Paul's Cathedral, which stands on the highest of the seven hills in St. Paul. Its location was deliberately chosen in order to lay claim to a higher authority than that of the Minnesota State Capital on the next highest hill nearby. St. Paul's Cathedral is a smaller scale model of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, which also sits on seven mountains (Rev. 17:9).

….The Church's authority was legitimate, but like Saul, it has usurped the power of God by instituting its own laws that are contrary to the law of God. (One example is usury, which was sanctified in the Church in 1942 when the Vatican Bank was established.)….”

Hence, we were led to St. Paul's Cathedral to cast down supplanters and to re-establish God's sovereignty.”

From: Separating Land and Sea, Divine Visitation at St. Paul

The 5 December is 144 days from the 14 July 2012. The number 144 is the number for Resurrection Saints.

Of course one could think that the count of the 80 days starts at some different point in time, which would come to a different date.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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