Next the Library, the Mount & the Travel

21 August 2012. Updated 22 August 2012. Edited 26 August 2012

By Mark Farquharson

When I start being shown the sequences which involved libraries, I thought that the knowledge and the glory would come before getting to the library. A sequence is a series of events. When shown a sequence, I try to understand want different points mean in the sequence, and where in the sequence I am. Because with the library there is the travel signs, I thought the knowledge and the glory would come before that. When I was shown that one of the sequences involved going through the Unitec, a place of learning, I thought the knowledge would come at that point. The Unitec being before the library in the sequence.

I was given the sign that it was not as far as the war, as that was to far. In the sequences the library is before the war. Of course what is, not as far as the war? I thought it mean the coming provision at the time. However I was not given a sign that it was before the library, it was that I thought it was before. Different signs I took as indication of that.

The question then is, where are we in the sequences and what is next. In one sequence there is three lots of seats. Then there is the library, followed by the war. I dated the three lots of seats as 21 June, 4-6 July and 2-4 August 2012. I got confirms for the first two sets of seats being the 21 June and the 4-6 July 2012. However the confirm did not come for the 2-4 August 2012. I check the numbers and thought there was some waiting period. However I had got the timing of the seat incorrect. There are three small parks which have seats. The last park has an arch that the other two do not. In the sequence I go through the arch and to the seats. Thus the arch is part of the sequence. I now can date the arch at 2 August 2012. The time form the arch to the seat 3-19 August. Got the sign that I had got up from this seat on the 20 August 2012, I looked at the time soon after and it was 10:01 am. Thus next is the library. Also on the 20 August I looked out the window and observed a rainbow, it was 16:00, or 4 p.m. 1600 is the number for the fullness of love.

Looking at the one with the Unitec, next is a bridge and then the library. I date the start of the crossing of the bridge in this sequence as the 22 August. In a different sequence a bridge represent 18 days, but this is a different sequence, thus I do not know how many days the bridge represents.

I still view a year stating on the 21 June 2012, and that there have been two Passovers, in the first and second month of the year. The third month started on the 19 August, which is the first day of the sixth Hebrew month. During the exodus the knowledge and the glory came in the second month starting on the 15 and the 16. If you look at the Unitec then, that would represent the coming of that knowledge. The Chosen, the body is also to soon get the knowledge and the glory, thus the thinking it would come in the second month of my year. Then I thought the start of the third month as the provision came in the third month in the days of Hezekiah, 2 Chronicles 31:6-7. Of course now we are in the third month, it could come later this month, which is 19 August-16 September.

In terms of the exodus if this is a pattern for us, next is Mount Sinai. The Israelites arrive at the mount in the third month. Moses on that day went up the mountain, then came back down, they were to be prepared for the third day {Exodus 19:10-11}.

Moses goes up the mount on this third day of their arrival, then comes back down, with a lot of knowledge that he has received from Yahweh. I am not saying that this is the time of the coming of the knowledge for us. Which he gives to the people and writes down. However when in the month did they arrive, I work that out from Jubilees.

Jubilees 1:1. And it came to pass in the first year of the exodus of the children of Israel out of Egypt, in the third month, on the sixteenth day of the month, that God spake to Moses, saying: "Come up to Me on the Mount, and I will give thee two tables of stone of the law and of the commandment, which I have written, that thou mayst teach them." {translated by R. H. Charles 1917}

Here it does not say what day they arrived, it says what day Moses went up the mount to get the two tablets of stone, he was up there for forty days. Compare this to Exodus 24:12-18, you will see that it is the start of the forty day count. Thus Moses started the forty day count on the 16th of the third month. They arrived three days earlier on the 13th of the month. When he goes up to start the forty days he has to wait until the seven day, the 22 of the third month. Moses gets the two tablets of stone at the end of the forty days, while up there he gets instruction for the construction of the tabernacle.

Comparing the dates, the arrive would be on the 31 August {13}, the third day is the 2 September {15}. The start of the 40 days is the 3 September {16}, and the seven day is the 9 Sept {22}. I am not saying that any of these dates are the time of the come of the knowledge or glory. Just that these are watch dates.

Recently I did an entry about this meeting I went to that was in the John Logan Campbell room, there was a painting there on him. Someone mentioned One Tree Hill in connection to Campbell. The grave of Sir John Logan Campbell is at the summit of the hill, with an obelisk on top. At the time I wonder why we went through the library room to get to the Campbell room, what was the meaning of that. Because I was thinking incorrectly about when things were going to occur the library sign confused me. Thus One Tree Hill connects to library, and the travel signs.

One Tree Hill is joined to Cornwall Park, which is named after the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall {later King George V and Queen Mary} who visited Australia and New Zealand on the royal visit in 1901. It was originally a farm owned by Campbell. Unusually 12 Lambs were born early this winter at the farm. 12 is the number for divine government. Across the road from Cornwall Park is Alexandra Park. The recent child born to Vinnie and Joy was named Christin Alexandra. In the British Museum is a Statue of Apollo in Room 22: Alexander the Great. 22 is the number for the sons of light. As I covered in this entry: Apollo and Thomas Signs in England

Recently I got the sign, “don’t let the hill beat you,” this could be a sign to do with One Tree Hill. Shortly after the sign I connected it to Mount Albert. In the English it was named after Prince Albert of the royal family, who was married to Queen Victoria. Thus a sign to do with England and the royal family. One Tree Hill connects to Alexandra which is similar to Alexander. The Alexander room is in the British Museum. Should I then connect One Tree Hill to Mt Albert and Mount Sinai. At this time they do seem connected.

Mt Albert is also known as Mt Owairaka, it‘s Maori name. “Owairaka” should be properly pronounced “Te Wai O Raka,” which means “Priest on Tainui Canoe.” This refers to the “Sacred drinking waters of Rakataura.” I relate this to the Holy Spirit, which is the water of life. I have got the sign that there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the chosen. This then is connected to a mount.

After I got the “don’t let the hill beat you” sign I walked on to St Martin’s at St Chad, Anglican Church which is actually it is in Sandringham. Note the word “ring” in the name Sandringham. Not sure what to make of the sign St Martin’s or St Chad. It is on Sandringham road, near the corner with Mt Albert rd.

I just find out that “The Feast of the Transfiguration” is celebrated by various Christian denominations on the 6 August, however there are those that follow the Julian Calendar, August 6 falls on August 19 of the Gregorian Calendar. The Transfiguration is covered in Matthew 17:1–9, Mark 9:2-8 and Luke 9:28–36. Jesus is on a mount with three of his apostles, next to Jesus two Old Testament saints appear, Moses and Elijah. I am not sure if this connects to the other mount signs or how it connects. The next sign is the ninth sign of Elijah, the first sign of Elisha. There will soon be an exodus form spiritual Egypt.

There is a sequence that I have covered before: Alan Wood Park, Underwood Park, Walmsley Park and the War Memorial Park. In Walmsley Park is three seats next to some boulders. My thinking is that this represents the last of the three seats of seats in the other sequence. On a street running parallel to Walmsley Park I got the sign “don’t let the hill beat you.” Of course it can be hard to workout the point of this sign in relation to the park, but my thinking is that it is after the three seats. On one side of Sandringham road is Walmsley Park on the other side is the War Memorial Park.

In War Memorial Park is a running track, close to Sandringham road. After the running track are the sports fields, the memorial and the memorial building are right at the other end. Thus while the whole park is called the War Memorial Park it does not mean the come war will start at the Sandringham road end in the sequence. In fact I do not believe it will because it would not fit with the other sequences. Some of the other sequences involve going to the library first before the war, this sequence does not have a library. I thought the library represent travel, and I think it still does, but my thinking is now that it represents the world. I have looked at many travel books, and the evangel will go out to the world, thus the library could represent the start of that.

Getting back to the War Memorial Park, recently I noticed plaques for world records. The plaques are at the Sandringham road end of the track. Next to plaques is a building, to do with sports. However in this sequence this could represent the library in the other sequences. The world records represent the world as the library represent the would in the other sequences. When then is the library? I have no date from the sequences for the library, at this time, except to say that it does not appear to be to far away.

This brings me to repairing the breach in the wall. The repair started on the 22 July 2012 and is to finish on the 12 September 2012. This is one day after the anniversary of the September 11 attacks back in 2001.

Nehemiah 6:15 “And the wall is completed in the twenty and fifth of Elul, on the fifty and second day;” {YLT}.

The 12 September will be the 25 of Elul, it will also be the 25 of the third month of the year that start on the 21 June 2012. The breach represents a breach in the chosen, that is being repaired. It connects to the living stones, the chosen, the body are living stones.

1 Peter 2:5 you, also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, into a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, most acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. " {CLV}

A Great way to repair the breach would be to give us the knowledge, with the knowledge we would then all believe the same. For we disagree about things like the tribulation, the rapture, the millennium etc.

There is a person who had a vision that he calls the “THE STEEL GATE JUDGEMENT.” This was on the 13 September 2006, which in 2012 will be the 26th Elul. The person connects it to the Canterbury earthquake that was on the 4 September 2010, which was on Elul 25. Note the judgment earthquake that hit Canterbury was on the 22 February 2011. There is a second Judgment coming as I have said for sometime now. This judgment given the signs I have got will be on London, England. This could then be the Steel Gate Judgement. Those signs are covered in the entries here: England Signs

You can read more of what the person has to say on Elul 25, the judgement and the breach in the wall here: “Elul 25 - What Does it Mean to Christ’s Church

I do not agree with his view points when it comes to the Rapture and the tribulation. There will be no pre-tribulation rapture, because there will be no tribulation. Hence the need for the knowledge to come to correct those of us who are incorrect.

I recently covered the sign of the unbuilt dream cities, this sign I got at a public library. That info is covered here: Elvis, Campbell, Phoenix & Dream Signs

This link might also be interesting to those who are interested in this date: Elul 25, 2010 The day the Glory Fell on Me

The queens Jubilee was on the 4 June, from that date to the 12 September is 100 days, which is God’s election of grace, children of promise. It is 60 days for the 14 July, which was the date of the visitation at St Paul’s. 60 is the number for pride and 24 times 60 is 1440. The number 144 is the number for first resurrected saints.

There is a prophecy that the revalue will occur at 3:18, the 18th day of my third month is 5 September 2012. I am not saying this is the actual date for this to occur, it is a possibility. This will be 76 days from the start of my year which is a cleansing cycle.

The Church of England recently gave a prayer of thanksgiving for cows. I do not know what to make of this and if it is some sign. It was a St George’s parish, and St George is the Patron Saint of England, how it connects to cows I do not know. More here: Church of England's prayer of thanksgiving for cows

In the news lately has been the Pussy Riot. It occurred at the Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Saviour on the 21 February. This is one day before the anniversary of the Christchurch, Earthquake. I am not saying these are definitely linked. The lower church of the rebuilt cathedral was consecrated to the Saviour's Transfiguration in 1996. On Transfiguration Day, 19 August 2000, the completed Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was consecrated. The Pussy Riot is covered here at this link:

Pussy Riot members jailed for two years for hooliganism

Comments at the above link are closed at 414 comments, which is the number for cursed time. Do not know what the sign means.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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