England Signs

Please note there are a number of dates mentioned in the entries for the judgement on London that have past. That does not mean that I am wrong about there being a coming judgement, it means I have got the date wrong. There is definitely going to be a judgment, and the signs point to London.  Note my views have changed and some of the entries could contain deferrent views to those I hold today. 

Coming Judgement on London, England

Coming Second Judgement 19/03/2011

Christchurch Cathedral Rose Window 18/06/2011

Signs of a Coming Judgement on London, England 17 March 2012. Edited 25 May 2012. 

England’s Past Earthquakes, London to be Struck Again 10 April 2012

Reason Judgement is Coming on London 27 May 2012. Updated 28 May 2012.

Will London be Demolished to Make Way for the New Jerusalem 24 July 2012

London is Babylon 29 July 2012

London has the Spirit of Zionism, it will be like a dream 30 July 2012

Mount Albert-Owairaka and the Judgement 11 August 2012

Elvis, Campbell, Phoenix & Dream Signs 15 August 2012. Updated 21 August 2012.

Chapel 2, Confirmation of Coming Judgement 29 September 2012

Judgement Forty Days after Atonement 14 October 2012

Signs of St Paul’s Church, the Signs of St Paul’s Cathedral 28 October 2012

The Bride, St Paul’s Cathedral, and the Phoenix 4 November 2012

Elul & Steel Gate Judgement 23 November 2012

80 Days, 100 Days, & the Coffin is at the Chapel 21 December 2012

Update on Coming London Judgement 25 January 2013

Another Hearse Sign 30 January 2013

The Judgement, the Funeral service, and Thomas 23 February 2013

Repeating Pattern, Outpouring, Thomas & the Judgment 2 March 2013

Church Signs, London Service, & Spain 5 April 2013

The London Service & Thomas 28 April 2013

Will the Judgement Come on the Day of Atonement 25 August 2013

Will the Judgement be On the Same Day as the Prayer 30 August 2013

The Crypts & the Wedding 15 September 2013


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