Signs from Last Time Related to This Time

4 September 2012

By Mark Farquharson

Please ensure you have read these two entries:

1}The Hill, the Passover, the World

2}Library Dream, Provision and Stairway to Heaven

As I explained on the 30 March this year a sequence ended at the front of St Benedict’s, at the stage. At that time was the Passover conference. On the 30 August this year I was right up the front of St Mary’s, at the first pew, but not at the stage. Therefore I dated arrive at the stage for the 1 September, being for Elul 14, and a Passover.

If I look back to the earlier time of the 30 March for a pattern for this time, there are same signs that seem to connect. One of the signs I got on the 1 April was “naked under robe.” This directly refers to when the disciples were fishing in John 21, for Peter was naked and when he heard it was the Lord he put on his overcoat and cast himself into the sea {John 21:7}. There was this miniseries on called Cloud Street, in the episode I watched on the 7 April, a person was in a small boat on the water, and suddenly all these fish jumped out of the water and into the boat. Of course the disciples used a net, but it was still a miracle, remember they had net nothing {John 21:3}, then Jesus told them to “Cast the net on the right parts of the ship and you will be finding,” John 21:6. It was a 153 fishes, and being so many the net was not rent, that is torn. Thus such a large number should have tore the net, but it did not.

One of the disciples that was with them when they were fishing was Thomas, John 21:2. After the resurrection, Jesus meet the disciples the first time, but Thomas was not with them. After eight days Thomas was with them, when Jesus meet them again, the second time. The time of the fishing was the third time {John 21:14}.

As I explained before 153 is the number for the sons of God. 8 is new beginnings, new creation, it is also the sign of Thomas which is after eight days. 153 X 8 = 1224. Gematria of 1224, “Surely, Yahweh was in this place, And I, knew it not,” Genesis 28:16. This was Jacob’s statement after awaking from a dream, in which he observed the angels ascending and descending the stairs to heaven. 1224 = 12 24, being the 24 of the 12 month in the civil year or Elul 24, the 24 of the 6 festive month, or the 11 September. This connects to the Door of Heaven in the “Heaven's Gate Mountain,” with it’s 999 steps.

On that episode of Cloud Street, there was a boy who came home glowing, I can not recall if he was then one from the boat. The glow could be a sign of the coming glory, which will come with the knowledge, when we are revealed. This connects to the sign of the fish, since they were in the same episode. Recall the breach is repaired on Elul 25, thus watch for this to occur on 11 or 12 September.

On the 8 April I was watching television, I saw the words “Lion’s Gate,” and there were these gates that opened in the sky on clouds. Often heaven is depicted as being on the top of the clouds.

Revelation 5:5 And one of the elders is saying to me, "Do not lament! Lo! He conquers! The Lion out of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David…” {CLV}

Jesus is the Lion out of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David who conquers.

Thus the Gates of Heaven, the Lion’s Gate, Jesus’ Gate, are a sign of the opening of the Door of Heaven. I got the sign on the 8 April, 8 being new beginnings, and the sign of Thomas is after 8 days.

After they have brought in the fish they are having lunch and Jesus is asking three times of Simon Peter “are you loving Me?” {John 21:15-17}.

John 21:17 He is saying to him the third time, "Simon of John, are you fond of Me? Peter was sorry that He said to him the third time "Are you fond of Me? and he is saying to Him, "Lord, Thou art aware of all things! Thou knowest that I am fond of Thee. And Jesus is saying to him, "Graze My little sheep!" {CLV}

In other translations the words "Graze My little sheep!" are translated as “Feed my sheep.” Some years ago God asked “are you loving me,” during pray. I responded “yes,” and he told me to “tell the world.” As I approach the time of the world in the sequences, the time of the library, this then is the time to tell the world. For more on this refer to the article: God told me to tell the world that "I love God"

Also on the 1 April I got the sign, “Not for six months.” Lets look at a similar reference in the scriptures. It was near the time of Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem and clear the temple {John 2:13-16}. After which He and the disciples headed to Judea {3:22-36} and then on toward Galilee {4:1-3}. On the way Jesus stopped for a rest in Samaria, meeting a woman by a well {4:7-26}. When the woman left the disciples asked:

John 4:31-5 Now in the meantime the disciples asked Him, saying, "Rabbi, eat." Yet He said to them, "I have food to eat of which you are not aware." The disciples, then, said to one another, "No one brings Him aught to eat." Jesus is saying to them, "My food is that I should be doing the will of Him Who sends Me, and should be perfecting His work." Are you not saying that, 'Still four months is it, and the harvest is coming'? Lo! I am saying to you, Lift up your eyes and gaze on the countrysides, for they are white for harvest already." {CLV}

The harvest that was to come, was the wheat harvest. When they looked at the fields the wheat was little more than spikes, having been planted a couple of weeks ago, at the start of the first Hebrew month. The wheat takes about four months, and then it is ready to harvest near the end of the fourth Hebrew month. Jesus of course was talking about a different harvest that was ready at that time.

The sign of the Passover came in the first Hebrew month. Thus if we go to the start of the Hebrew year, the 24 March 2012, and apply the “Not for six months,” the harvest should be in about six months. That is near the end of the sixth month, which has the name Elul. The last day of the sixth month is the 16 September. Above I mention Elul 24, and the breach is to be repaired on Elul 25. These dates would then fit with the six months sign. Thus it will be the time of the harvest.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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