God Loves the World!

05 July 2009

By Mark Farquharson

John 3:16 For thus God loves the world,.. CLV

It is interesting that the scriptures tell us that God loves the world, but most churches teach that God does not love the world. For if God loves the world he will not send them into outer darkness forever. A loving father will want their wayward children home with him. The father in the parable about the two sons one of which goes out in the world, loves the son who goes out into the world. When the son returns he does not lock him up in the basement and forget about him. He welcomes the son home and gives him a feast {Luke 15:11-32}.

Who does God love? God loves the world, that is God loves everybody and all that is in the world. That is God loves all the animals as well that are in the world. It does not say that God only loves those who believe in him. It does not say that he will only love those who will believe in him. God is the Father of everybody, and as the Father of Everybody he loves everybody.

Note God did not come himself, he sent his son. This is important to understand, the Son is not the Father, as you may have been taught. God could not come himself, for the Son had to die to save the world, but God can not die. For if God himself died we world have a problem, for who would raise god, who could raise god, there would be no salvation. Who raised the son from the dead? The Son could not raise himself, it was the Father who raise the son, his son from the dead. God loves the world and he loves his Son. To save the world that he loves, God sent his son, the Son that he loves.

1John 4:14 And we have gazed upon Him, and are testifying that the Father has dispatched the Son, the Saviour of the world." CLV

A god who world send his children to outer darkness for all eternity or annihilated them, does not love them. If this where the case the son would not be the saviour of the world, he would only be a saviour of those who believe. However the bible tells us that the Son is the Saviour of the world.

God loved the world even thou most of the world at the time where not following him. In fact God still loves the world even thou most of the world does not follow him now. God will always love everybody, no matter want they do, or have done. When the unbelievers are in the “Lake of Fire” he will still love them. All who go to the Lake will get into the kingdom, for God loves them all.

God sent the son to save the world, because he loves the world. The son has saved the world, this has been accomplished. It may not seem like the world has been saved at this point in time. Those who have faith come to the realisation that they are saved, and with this realisation they are saved. For salvation is a process and does not happen all at once. Thus while it is true all are saved, it is also true that all are being saved. In the lake unbelievers will also come to the realisation that they are saved as well.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2009