Outpouring of Holy Spirit Coming Soon

13 October 2013

By Mark Farquharson

The ninth sign of Elisha is coming soon, possibly on the 14-15 November or earlier. For more on that read here: Coming Soon the Ninth Sign of Elisha

On or before the date it is my view that there will be an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I got the sign of the outpouring last year on the 22 May. There was these two people sitting down and they pointed out this Tui in a tree. However the bird they pointed to was not a Tui, but was actually a Kereru, also know as the Wood Pigeon. Then one said about the bird getting drunk, because birds can get drunk on the nectar. This reminds me of when the holy spirit came at Pentecost. At Pentecost the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak to the People in different languages.

Acts 2:13-15 Yet other, taunting, said that "With sweet wine are they bloated!" Now Peter, standing with the eleven, lifts up his voice and declaims to them: "Men! Jews! and all who are dwelling at Jerusalem! Let this be known to you, and give ear to my declarations, for these are not drunk, as you take it, for it is the third hour of the day." {CLV}

One accused then of being bloated, that is drunk, but he was mistaken, for they were not drunk. Thus the sign of the bird getting drunk and him mistaken on the type of bird indicate to me that this a sign of the coming out pouring of the Holy Spirit.

My view is that while the overcomers have the Holy Spirit, we will get a greater fulfilling of the spirit to carry out the work ahead, before the return of Christ.

Indeed our we not waiting for the prayer for rain like in the days of Elijah. For there was a three year drought and famine at the finish of Elijah’s ministry {1 Kings 17:1; 18:1}. This was followed by the

showdown with the prophets of Baal. Elijah then prayed for rain “seven times,” and then the rain came.

It was thought that this rain would came on the eighth day of Tabernacles, but this came and went with no rain coming. Indeed the intercession work was done to end the famine, it being finished on the 14 September, but the rain, that is the holy spirit has not come.

The Treaty of San Lorenzo opened up the Mississippi River, which is a sign of the Holy Spirit. The arrive date for San Lorenz from last year is the 15 November. However the treaty itself was signed on October 27, 1795.

Recently I mentioned a sequence of dates in which I subtract 12 days of the Hebrew date from 2012, here they are again:

10 Tishrei, 14 September, Broader rd

2 Cheshvan, 6 October, Bruce Mclaren Park

2 Cheshvan, 6 October, Henderson Valley Park & Pony club

No date, Xena park

10 Cheshvan, 14 October, San Bernardino Reserve

10 Cheshvan, 14 October, Lake Panorama

No date, Landow Reserve

As I said at the time I go the sign Mclaren on the 6 October 2013, the 2 Cheshvan.

On the 8 October I went for a walk. I have been past Avondale Track when times, but on this day I went in and had a look around. It is a horse racing track. There was a sign that said “Jockey Club.” Walking around the grounds of the race track could be a sign of the Pony club. A pony is a small horse. However in a dictionary it also states that it is any horse, especially a racehorse {informal}. Mclaren was a race car driver. The track at Avondale is horse racing. I do note that the 8 October is only a ten day subtraction not the 12 days.

On the 12 October I remembered that “Xena’s” sidekick was called “Gabrielle.” Xena: Warrior Princess was a television program made in New Zealand. I do note there was no date for Xena, however in the pattern from last year it comes after the 14 Cheshvan {unadjusted}, the date for the Pony Club. Since it was only the 8 Cheshvan on the 12 October there is a subtraction, if the memory is a sign of being at Xena in the sequence.

Thus the pattern seems to be holding of a subtraction. I am now waiting for signs of San Bernardino and Lake Panorama.

The adjusted date for San Lorenzo is the 16 Cheshvan, being the 20 October. A seven day pray for rain could go from the 16-22 Cheshvan, with the rain coming on the 23 Cheshvan, which will be the 27 October this year. However while the treaty was sign on the 27 October, that was actually the 14 Cheshvan, thus seven days could go from the 14-20 Cheshvan.

Then you have the church sequence from 2012:

Entering the Church, 17 September 2012, 1 Tishrei

Arrive at Stage, 7 October 2012, 21 Tishrei

Chair on Stage, 6 November 2012, 21 Cheshvan

Lectern 14 November 2012, 29 Cheshvan

One of the things I did not understand from last year is why is there a delay of a month between “arrive at stage” and “chair on the stage.” The distance from the doors to the stage being longer than the distance from the edge of the stage to the seat.

Then I went out to some meals this year at the RSA. I have mentioned these before. The first meal on the 9 May 2013, being the 29 of the second Hebrew month and my pager was number 29, thus they matched. Again I went to the RSA on the 4 July, and the Pager number was 22, however the Hebrew date was the 26 of the fourth Hebrew month, no match.

On the 6 August three of us stopped at the food court and ordered from LJ’s. Two of us had fish burgers and chips, and the other had fish and chips. Since the chips were not ready we had to wait, and we were given a pager, I did not observe a number. The Hebrew date was the 29 of the fifth Hebrew month.

At the RSA the first time I had the fish and chips, it was the 29 of the Hebrew month and I had a pager numbered 29. At LJ’s I had fish burger and chips, there was a pager, it was the 29 of the Hebrew month. The two are connected definitely.

At the RSA the second time it was about two months later, the first half of the table got their food first on pager 21, I was with the second group pager 22, and got the Lamb. Jesus is the Lamb of God. Thus if one goes to the second Hebrew month after the end of the fifth month, you have the seventh month, the 22 day is the eighth day of Tabernacles, being the 26 September. Interestingly the Hebrew date was 26 of the fourth month.

The 22 Tishrei, the seven Hebrew month is one day after the arrive at the stage above. Thus the sequence indicates some sort of delay. Going back to the RSA meal on the 4 July, when I got back to my seat someone was sitting in it. I waited for them to move to their own seat before I sat down. Thus the delay is course by someone in my seat.

On the 23 Tishrei, 27 September 2013, I got the sign “Take thee seat at the Table of the Lord.” Then I got the prayer that we take our seat at the table of the lord, and the removal of all obstacles, and spiritual forces that are prevent us. The prayer can be viewed in this entry: Time to Take Our Seats At the Table of the Lord

Looking then at the church sequence then the delay is course by those who are trying to prevent us from taking our seat at the Table of the Lord. In that sequence then it was a month between the arrive at the stage and the seat. Thus a month delay would take us to the 21 or 22 Cheshvan. This seat indication pointing to the time to take the seat at the table of the lord.

This year I got the sign of entering on the 8 October. This seems to indicate that we are entering in again, which was not in the sequence above. From past signs this period takes usually about 18 days, I also have one time down of twenty days. 18 days would get you to the 26 October, the 22 Cheshvan.

On the 9 October the sign was “come sit.” Then on the 10 October, “come sit, have a seat at the table of the Lord.” This then could point to the time to eat of the food of the Table of the Lord, the knowledge and the glory.

We await the cloak of Elijah and it’s double portion, which Elisha picked up at the Jordan river:

2Kings 2:12-15 And Elisha is seeing, and he is crying, `My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and its horsemen;' and he has not seen him again; and he takes hold on his garments, and rends them into two pieces. And he takes up the robe of Elijah, that fell from off him, and turns back and stands on the edge of the Jordan, and he takes the robe of Elijah that fell from off him, and smites the waters, and said, `Where [is] Yahweh, Elohim of Elijah--even He?' and he smites the waters, and they are halved, hither and thither, and Elisha passes over. And they see him--the sons of the prophets who [are] in Jericho--over-against, and they say, `Rested has the spirit of Elijah on Elisha;' and they come to meet him, and bow themselves to him to the earth, {CLV}

Will it come at the time of San Lorenzo & the Mississippi River?

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013