Site News


By Mark Farquharson

New section

There is a new section coming to the site. I don’t know that it will be all that exciting, but that is not the point is it. I started working on some new images, that I was going to post in the Illustration section. However they where different to other illustrations. Then it came to me that, they where for a new section. The new section does not require the info to be in images, which will make it fast to do them. However having done two images these will be posted up as well. I am not sure if I will do more images, I start thinking of them as images, and I may do more. After doing the images I hit on a new format for the images, so I redid them even thou I did not have to. As you will see they are lists arranged as tables, which does not sound all that exciting does it. Not sure while I start seeing them as images first.

Thus the new section will be called “Tables”. I will be posting up several tables to start with, but I don’t know how often new ones will come out, as there are several other sections to this site. You just have to see the long break in the Illustrations section between the posting of Illustrations, to know that there can be long breaks. I am not saying there will be, I just don’t know. Individual tables maybe updated from time to time as I think up new entries to the lists in the tables. Since start work on the tables I have already thought up new entries, which will be in the tables when posted.

You will notice that a lot of the info comes from the “Short Messages” section. Which means you will have read a lot of it before if you have read the short messages. This may cause you to state that it is just a duplication of that section. I would say no it is not, because it shows what you can do with the “short messages” for one. Also it is not all from that section, there will be the “Now” list for one thing, in one of the tables.

But if you still think it is a complete waste, because it is just a duplication, then I refer you to my boss. For it is not for me to decide what I do with the site and the stuff on the site, it is my Boss who has decided already. It has already be decided by someone far more powerful than me or you or the whole world, the person is of course God.

New Image Format

New images will be posted in “PNG” format instead of “JPEG” format. What’s the difference and why the change you may ask. Well I don’t know what the formats mean at all. However I discovered that the wording is clearer in the new format. I am not sure why I discover it just now, but that is the way things are. The image sizes will also actually be smaller by the look of things by about 20-25%. Old images will not be changed over at this point. That would take time, which seems limited. If I do a straight save of a “JPEG” file to a “PNG” file it is actually larger and does not make the wording clearer. You have to redo the wording to get it clearer, this would be time consuming.


I said in the last entry about the site, that there would be new illustrations when I had the time. Well if you have come since that time you will have seen some new illustrations and there are two that I have just posted up today. However doing illustrations cuts in the time for other things. Thus it is not like I had some time one day when everything else was done, and did them then. I don’t do things when I have time, because I have loads to do, it is a matter of just doing it, instead of doing something else.

Anyway just to let you know these where not actually the ones I had ideas about before, but ones I had new ideas about. Not sure when I will get to work on the ones I got ideas about.


The two articles I was referring to in the earlier post have not been finished. However I have posted up other articles. The two articles I still plan to post up when finished, but for some reason there has been further delay. I get new ideas for articles, and then start working on these and get them finished before the articles that I was working on. It is just the way of things.

Articles on Judgement: I rename one category in the “Articles” section “Death & Judgement” but then I have not done any articles on Judgement. At the time I thought I would do articles on Judgement at some point. I can say that these have just been started. I have no idea when these will be finished. Hence the reason I have stated “coming” instead of “Coming Soon” in the articles section.


In the last update about the sites I said that the “Spiritual songs” would be done when the time is right. Well as you know there has been one new song posted, and it was done when the time was right. However it was not one of the ideas I previously had for a song. It was a new idea I had for a song. The ideas I have for songs will be made into songs and posted when the time is right. That is the time that has already been decided by God.

Site Management:

There is no need to go to this section of the site. That is why it is not listed in the sidebar or on the “Home” page. This section has been set up to help better manage the site. However there is no way for me to block access to this section of the site, so if you stubble across it you can look around if you want. I recommend viewing the info in the correct section of the site, instead of in “Site Management”. Some items in site management maybe older versions, which are not up to date, or items that are not finished.


It seems blogs will not be updated as often as before. While I was meant to start the blogs, when I did and update them when I did, it seems that these will now take a back seat to the site. The site being more important than the blogs.

Update: 26 Jan 2010

Wisefire Blog: Entries to Wisefire blog use to be only posted to that blog. I no longer do exclusive WiseFire content. Instead of doing entries that only appear in Wisefire, I now select entries to appear in the Wisefire blog from articles or songs that I post to this website {mainly Journal entries}. All entries {except site promo} that where only posted at Wisefire have now been reposted to this website.

God Loves All Creation Blog: This blog has been deleted, all entries from this blog have been reposted in this Journal.

Update: 25 July 2010

Site Management: become “Image Storage,” and is now listed on the home page and in the sidebar.

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2009 Updated 26 Jan 2010 & 25 July 2010

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