Library and Church Signs

21 October 2012

By Mark Farquharson

For those who have read the last entry on the timing of the Outpouring will know that my latest prediction for the coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit is 6 Nov 2012. That entry is here: Outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the Delay

After posting the entry I did work out some numbers. It will be 192 days after my birthday. 192 is a sign I got, being 24 x 8.

It will also be 222 days inclusive form the 30 March 2012. This being the end date for a sequence I was shown. 222 is another sign I got, and I think it links to the double portion. However I do know I have been wrong in the past with predicting dates.

For those few who regularly read my journal entries you will know that I had a dream about a library. In the dream the library had padlocks on the doors which were unlocked. Inside the library past the front counter, was a big counter of food, that is the provision, which I believe will actually be money, but represent as food in the dream.

I did not use to go to the library, but I have been a number of times over the last year. However I usually do not go to the front counter. As some of you know my old watch has not been working correctly for sometime. In the Henderson Library I was standing back from the front counter looking at the time. The woman behind the counter said that her watch had stopped at 11:30 that night. This I have taken as a date being the 30 of the eleventh month. Not of November, but of a prophetic 360 day year.

When I recently went to the Ranui Library, I went to the counter and got the sign of the key. Thus I took that as being 11:30 in a prophetic 360 day year, each month having 30 days. This with other signs indicated a date for the outpouring of the 7 October.

However there was something else that happened on the 9 October that I did not mention when I write about what happened on the 9 October. I went to the Henderson Library going to the counter, to ask about prices for printing. I do not have a home printer. There was no sign to do with a key. However at the computers I did enter my password, which is a type of key for unlocking accesses to the computer.

I know from past signs that you can arrive at the same point again at a later time. This being shown through sequences and other signs. Sequences being a series of events. Each time I have been to the library does not represent arriving at the library in a sequence. Thus I had arrive at the library counter earlier and here I am arriving again, if I am understanding this correctly. Note the other time of arrive was indicated by a sign at a different library. This time the arrive is indicated at the same library where I got the date indication from.

If I use the date of 9 October, then the 360 day year would end 30 days later on the 8 November. Remember the start was delay until 8-10 May 2009, which means exactly three years and six months for the drought ending on the 8-10 November 2012. This then agrees with this date.

However this does not fit with other signs that I have for the coming outpouring. Recall that I went up the mount representing the outpouring on the 9 August 2012, this being the 21 of the fifth Hebrew month. Sitting in the sit in St Benedict’s on the 21 February 2012, representing the second festive month. We are currently in the eight Hebrew month, which is the second of the civil year.

A sign can come before, on or after the date that it relates to, which can be confusing. My thinking is that the sign came a couple of days later. Thus I relate it to the 7 October, meaning that was the 11:30. If one then adds the 30 days, the last day of the 360 day year is the 6 November. Thus the 7 November then can be seen as the starting point for the new year, and the starting time of the heralding. It is the travel section in the library that represents our heralding to the world.

There are some other watch dates to do with this time if I am correct about it being the twelve month of a prophetic year. 21 Queen, or 21st of the twelve month, being the sign of a blocking on that date, which is 28 October. 25 Queen being the 1 November, it is also the 16 of the eighth Hebrew month. Recall that I sat on the stage in Lady of Lourdes, on the 16 February 2012.

On the 18 October 2012, on a screen I saw a drawing of a rainbow over a mountain. The sign of the rainbow, the separation of the land and the waters.

There is a new Noah film that is currently being filmed, with a USA release date of 28 March 2014. Russell Crowe plays Noah, rest of cast here:

On the 19 October 2012, I walked to Saint Matthew in the City, going along one side of the outside of the building and up another side. Then I went around to the side with the two main sets of entrance doors. Inside I walked up one side, there was this structure like a room made of wood, it had the name Thomas. I went around back of the raised area that is in front of the pews. Then I went on the raised area, there was a large bird on a stand, I do not know what bird it was, but I think a bird of prey. Maybe it is meant to be the sign of the eagle as I have had this sign before. It had a ledge on the wings, to put your papers on.

Behind the eagle there were pews that faced each other, dedicated to those of the Great War 1914-18, that is the first World War. I went past these pews right to stand that is there. Then I went down the other side. Since these war pews are on the raised area, but behind where you would be speaking to the main hall, is this the sign that the war is after the heralding of the evangel to the world begins. My thinking is yes at this time as it fits with another sign that I got, that Henderson Valley was to far. Henderson Valley, connecting to the sign of Valley Forge, being a sign of war.

There were a number of plaques on the wall, I took note of one. Eight bells in the tower were restored by the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in England in 1971. The Whitechapel Bell Foundry was established in 1570, and made the Liberty Bell, the 'Clock Bells' of St Paul's cathedral and the Great Clock of Westminster - known as 'Big Ben.’ More recently Whitechapel cast nine bells, eight bells for the Queens Jubilee and one 27 ton bell for the Olympics that was used to start the games.

Ray thinks the bells might be connected to some kind of war ritual. “In 1933 a 16 1/2 ton (33,000 lbs) bell was cast for the Nazi Olympics in Berlin 1936.Today this bell sits in front of the stadium in Berlin with its Phoenix bird and swastika removed” Quote from Ray. There was a large Phoenix in the closing ceremony of the 2012 games in London and it is also the tenth sign of Elijah-Elisha according to Dr Jones.

I looked at the Baptistery area before leaving the church, and finishing my circuit of the outside. Then I briefly stopped in at the Rendezvous Grand Hotel to get out of the rain, before continuing on to Myers Park. There I pasted by the Moses statue which some had painted red toenails on.

Then I went up to St Benedict’s going around the outside, there was a locked gate, but I got to both sides of the gate. Inside the church I went right up to the front of the pews and on to the stage. I went in the small room to the side. Then I walked up under the Ciborium, which is a canopy supported by four columns.

The Albert Memorial in Albert Square, Manchester, England features Prince Albert enclosed in a Ciborium. The statue of Albert was designed by Matthew Noble, the Ciborium was designed by Thomas Worthington. Thomas Goadsby commissioned Noble to sculpt the Prince. The Albert Memorial in Kensington Gardens, London, is similar to the one in Albert Square, Manchester, as both have Prince Albert enclosed in a Ciborium. John Henry Foley started the sculptor of the figure of Albert, but it was finished by Thomas Brock. The Victoria Memorial sculpture, dedicated to Queen Victoria, is in the centre of Queen's Gardens in front of Buckingham Palace, in London and was sculptured by Sir Thomas Brock. Notice the recurring name Thomas, which was the name of the wooden room in Saint Matthew in the City. For more on the Thomas signs refer to this entry: Apollo and Thomas Signs in England

Then I did sit down on the same chair as before which is near the front of the raised area, were the stand is for the speaker. There is another stand, that has a few steps up to it. Recall I sat on this chair on the 21 February this year, this new seating I take as an indication that we are in the month of it occur, being this eighth month, not October. The eighth month, being the second month of the civil year.

Then I walked to The Church of the Holy Sepulchre and walked around the outside of this church. There is a Maori Chapel at the back, the church was closed. I went on to St David’s Presbyterian Church going into the Op Shop. After leaving the shop I walked around the outside of the church, it was also closed. Earlier on the 11 October I had been in the Rainbow Op shop, which is op shop for the Intersection Church. Thus this connects the sign of the rainbow to the David company, which we are.

On the way back I notice a sign for the Church of Scientology. I went in and had a look around. The woman inside want me to full in a form, I said no. She did give me a free DVD, which I threw in a trash bin on the way back. Which is what I think of Scientology a load of old trash. Not sure what this sign means.

I past Auckland Baptist Tabernacle on the wayback and for the first time notice a place called “The White House Entertainment Centre.”

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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