Ray’s Gold Dream & the Upcoming Exodus From Egypt

27 May 2012. Updated 30 May 2012

Extended & Updated 1 July 2012

By Mark Farquharson

Quote from Ray’s email:

On the night of Feb 25th 2012 I had a dream where I was in an old European city. It was deserted except for small groups of believers walking around, we knew this and only had to nod at each other in agreement. I walked past a stone pillar of some kind that was leaning slightly. When I walked around it it slowly laid down on the ground. I was instantly on top of a treasury building and saw a line of stone roof blocks fly into the sky revealing the gold inside. Everyone instantly took refuge inside as the blocks came down. The next night I asked what city I should look at and instantly got Barcelona.

I researched Barcelona and found the following signs. Dove, Olympics and "how Edom/Judah got Spain's gold". Ironically I believe my dream was in Madrid but I was to look at Barcelona to discern this.

Barcelona is located in Catalonia Spain in a region called the gold coast. 173 countries participated in the 92 Olympics in Barcelona celebrating the 500th anniversary of Columbus (dove) crossing the Atlantic (red sea) to discover the new world (promised land). There are monuments to Columbus in this city. The bones of Tsar Nicholas II and Alexandra who were murdered by the Judah/Edom Bolsheviks were discovered in 92. In 1936 there was a Spanish civil war. Spain had the 4th largest reserve of gold in the world. The two sides in the conflict were splitting the country into east and west. The Iberian anarchist federation (east) wanted to assault the vaults of the republic (west) located in the treasury in Madrid and move the gold to Barcelona. The west was supported by the Soviet Union (formerly sauviet union) so the decision was

made to smuggle Spain's gold to the Soviet Union for safe keeping. Upon the arrival of the gold which was guarded by the 173rd regiment of state police Stalin had a banquet and declared that the "Spaniards will never see their gold again just as they don't see their ears". Thats how Edom/Judah got Spain's gold much of which was stolen from the new world to begin with.

So this dream seems be about a transfer of wealth, a promised land and some coming events (olympics) which seem to be counterfeits of something very big.

{End Quote}

Columbus discover the new world (promised land) of America.

Upcoming Exodus From Egypt:

On the 10 July 2010 a group of people did spiritual work at the Federal Reserve building in Atlanta. Dr. James Bruggeman takes oils with him when he travels, and it occurred to him to anoint two of the people there outside the Fed building. The first oil was “Exodus II” used on the youngest and the second oil was “Egyptian Gold” which was used on the oldest person of the group. When the Israelites left Egypt they took the gold of Egypt. You can read more about that work here: Spiritual Work at the Fed

Ray informs me that the stone pillar of the dream was like the one outside the Federal Reserve building in Atlanta, but with out the image on top. You can see the pillar in the second picture at the link above, with the Federal Reserve building on the right.

There is an upcoming Exodus from spiritually Egypt. Currently the faithful are in a type of Israel and will take the gold. When I was on a walk I picked up a pamphlet on the crossing of the Red Sea, I also pasted a statue of Moses. The Egyptian ruler at the time of Moses, the Pharaoh did not want to let the Israelites go. This time the spiritual forces are trying to prevent us from going, however they will not prevail.

Last year I got a sign that there would be a second judgement. The first judgment against the spiritual forces had resulted in the 22 February 2011, earthquake in Christchurch NZ. Thus the second judgement will also have a major effect on some location in the world, at the time I did not know where. I started getting signs on England, but I was not sure this was the location of the second Judgement. I do now believe that London is where the second Judgement will occur.

The connection to the UK:

Barcelona is a city in Spain that held the 92 Olympics. Madrid is the capital of Spain. In 2012 London is both the city holding the Olympics and the capital of the United Kingdom. There is a building in Barcelona called the Torre Agbar at 31 stories, 144m, it is the headquarters of Agbar, the company controlling the city's water supply, sewerage and other civic activities, which include health care provision, vehicle inspection and tax collection. This building is similar to the nick named Gherkin building in London which is 41 stories.

From the Japan earthquake/tsunami on 11 March 2011 to 4 August 2012 is 512 days which is 8x8x8, and the number 888 is the number for Jesus. 512 - 490 the number for bless time gets you 22 the number for the Sons of Light. The largest Christchurch NZ Earthquake was on the 22 February 2011 at 12:51 p.m. during the day. In England it would have been 21 February 2011 at 11:51 p.m. at night. Using the blessed time number of 490 days you get 25 June 2012. If the 40 Days of Jonah start on the 25 June you get the 4 August {25 June - 3 August inclusive}. The 4 August 2012 is the day 30 years ago that Prince William was baptized with water from the Jordan. It is also Obama's 51st birthday and is usually the 216th day of the year, however this year being a leap year it is 217th day.

On the 4 August is the women's triathlon at 9-11.40 am, which involves a 1500 metre swim in the Serpentine in Hyde Park, a 40 KM cycle and a 10 KM run, which is a total of 51.5 KM. Serpentine, means resembling a snake, in shape or motion, it also means cunning. The Serpent in scripture relates to Satan. Note the Torre Agbar runs the water supply for the city of Barcelona and the women will be swimming. There is also the female, Olympic Trampoline event at 2pm-4.15pm in the O2 Arena formally known as Millennium Dome, in Greenwich. I am not saying the judgement will occur during the women's triathlon, or during the Trampoline event, but the signs are that it will occur that day. The 1500 metres could connect to the New Jerusalem, as the length, breadth and height are all 12000 stadia, or about 1500 miles.

For more about the coming Judgement on London and more London signs refer to the entries here: England Signs

Some points about the article “Spiritual Work at the Fed”

While I believe that the countries of the world are controlled by secret organizations, I do not believe that it is the Secret or Mystery Babylon from the book of Revelation. That Mystery Babylon is long gone, as it was Jerusalem which was attacked by the Romans in 66-70 AD and laid to ruins. You can read more about Secret Babylon here: Who is Secret Babylon

There is no separate group of overcomers, all believers in Christ, all the faithful will be transformed when Christ returns, and the saints of the old Testament will be resurrected at that time. They will all rule with the head of the body, Jesus Christ in the eons to come. However not all Christians are part of the body in fact most Christians are not part of the body and are not true believers in Christ. For more on there only being one Body read this article: One Body

There is going to be an Exodus from those places that are spiritually Egypt. Currently the faithful are in a type of Egypt and will take the gold. When I was on a walk I picked up a pamphlet on the crossing of the Red Sea, I also pasted a statue of Moses.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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