Different Times for the Computer, what time is 8 am

February 16, 2017

By Mark Farquharson

Last time I mentioned when I brought my last the computer, that it was April 27 2014, and that the Hebrew date was 27 of Nisan, or the first Hebrew month. This can refer to the first month in the western calendar how ever this has past for this year.

Why is this important, because of this sign I got in November last year "waiting on the computer," "who's my 8 o'clock," "almost there." This tells me that 8 am the time of no delays is connect to the computer and we are almost at that time.

Both the 27 of Nisan and April 27 are coming up, however I do not think it is those dates. Ruling out those dates leaves me with when I paid for the computer. I pay for the computer on May 22 2014, with the Hebrew date being the 22 of the second Hebrew month.

This gives me three possible which dates of February 22, May 18 being the 22 of the second Hebrew month and May 22.

Recall that an hour is 288 days on the longer scale. Back on June 1st 2016 I was told to wait an hour, this would bring is to about the middle of March this year, if you go from the Hebrew date of the 1st of the sixth month which was August 5 2016 then you get May 20 2017 which is in between both May dates. You may get a different time for the Hebrew dates depending on who you decide is right on the adding or not adding of the thirteenth Hebrew month, back in the first half of 2016, when we get to the first Hebrew month this year there will not be this issue.

However I have been given other times. Thus back on July 28th 2015 I was told to wait a total of half an hour two periods of 15 minutes, this was the 12th of the 5th Hebrew month . Then on May 12 2016 I was told to wait 15 minutes and on June 1st I was actually given two times one of an hour the other 15 minutes. The 15 minutes and the hour done at the same time not one after the other.

Given that July 28 2015 was the 12th of the 5th Hebrew month and I was told to wait on May 12 2016 this shows the two are connected. However we have past half an hour from May 12 2016. June 1st 2016 is also connected, thus an hour form May 12th last year brings us to February 24 which is close to February 22.

If you go half an hour from the 28 of the seventh Hebrew month for 2016 which was October 1st, you get February 22 2017. Half an hour being 144 days.

It will be six years after the Christchurch Earthquake back on February 22 2011 New Zealand time, and 16 years after the Almond rod ruling back on February 21 2001, USA time.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2017

Open Door Ministry
