The Long Awaited Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

8 August 2015

By Mark Farquharson

I have given many dates for the out pouring of the Holy Spirit, that does not mean that it is not going to occur, just that I have been wrong about those dates. Thus here I go again with my latest date.

The last prayer campaign, "Cleanse the House" was for just 2 days, being the 21 & 22 July, however it was the start of a 76 day cleansing cycle, which ends on the 4 October. It asks for the Father to cleanse his house "so that there would be no hindrance to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, or to the work that" his house hold is preparing to do in the time ahead. It also calls for a baptism of fire to cleanse the nation and the world.

July the 21 and 22 represent the 7th & 8th day of Tabernacles, and the 4 & 5 October are the actual 7th and 8th day of Tabernacles in the seventh Hebrew month. Thus the cleansing finishes on the seventh day, ahead of the 8th day.

Over here in New Zealand the wood pigeon, the Kereru has been in the news lately, because Sonny Tau was found with five kukupa or kereru in his possession. The Kereru is a fully protected species under the Wildlife Act. Sonny Tau was the chairman of Tuhoronuku, but stepped down as chairman. This body is mandated to act in Ngapuhi Treaty of Waitangi claims.

On the 6pm news on the 21 July a wood pigeon was shown falling of a branch of a tree, after getting drunk on the nectar. The next day, in the Herald newspaper there was a cartoon of seven wood pigeons.

One may wonder how this links to the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Recall the sign for the outpouring I got back on the 22 May 2012. There were these two young men, in the park. They pointed out a bird which they identified as a Tui, and said about it getting drunk on the nectar. I thought at the time that the bird was to big to be a Tui. Later at home I came across a image of a wood pigeon, the bird they had point out was actually a wood pigeon. Thus they were mistaken.

I took this as a sign of of the outpouring because when the outpouring occurred on the disciples at Pentecost, the crowd were mistaken in thinking that the disciples were drunk.

Last time I mentioned about having a haircut, and the barber said, "no waiting, no delays." At the time I related this to the price $13 and going every 13 weeks, that is about every 91 days. However he said that he opened at 8 am. This could be a reference to a month or the eighth day or even the time 8 am. There is the eight month August, there is the eighth Hebrew month, and there is October which is now the tenth month, but was once the eighth month hence the name, octo meaning eight.

On the 6 August I had another haircut and he said that 12000 cars were important each month. Which is interesting because 12000 is the number of people in a tribe in the book of Revelation, and it is the cost of the table in my dream.

Last time I did mention the buying of the books, but I left out the second lot of books and there relationship to the dream. Recall in the dream, my mother, brother and I were released and they went ahead, but I stayed behind and brought two books for ten. Then I meet up with them at the broader.

On the 22 May 2014 I brought two books for ten dollars each using a gift card. Then on the 4 June 2014 I brought another book for $12.50, using the card and cash. Later I brought two books with cash for ten dollars each on the 24 July 2014.

In the last entry I was going with the first lot of books on the 22 May, thinking this could mean the 22 of the fifth Hebrew month as this would connect with the earlier outpouring sign on the 22 May 2012.

Why then is there a double lot of books, two on the 22 May and two on the 24 July. And how does the book connect on the 4 June 2012, for it does connect because I used the same gift card? I do not know at this stage. It could be away of connecting the books to the sign of the outpouring, thus buying the books on 22 May 2014 connects it to the earlier sign on the 22 May 2012 for the outpouring. The later purchase of the books on the 24 July then points to the actual timing. What of the book on 4 June, not sure at this stage.

On morning of the 27 September 2013, I had the thought “Take a Stand, Take thee seat at the Table of the Lord.” Then that night I prayed for us to Take Our seats at the Table of the Lord. This was the 23 of the seventh Hebrew month that is one day after the eighth day of Tabernacles. A 740 day count would be 27 Sept 2013 to 6 October 2015 inclusive, that is the 740th day would be the 6 October 2015, being the 23th of the seventh Hebrew month. Note also the last day of a course in 2013 was the 26 September being the 8th day of Tabernacles.

Why then does it seem to be a day out, this could be down to the fact that I am in New Zealand, and thus I and others in NZ may have to wait until the 23 of the seventh Hebrew Month, other than that I do not know.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2015

Open Door Ministry
