A Brief Step Back into Creation


By Mark Farquharson

I was told about a site, that had different ideas about the creation week. The main believes at the site is that each day of the creation week was a age long and that the flood was local.

Thus I have taken a brief step back into studying creation. I know I said I would not, but someone had other ideas. I stated in a blog that I would stop studying creation, the article is on this site where I mention that. That was at the beginning of 2008, if I recall correctly. I will not be studying all the scientific side of the debate again. I feel I have to much on to get into all that stuff again.

Thus I studied some articles at the site, and what I find was faults in their arguments. However I also discovered some things that where wrong in my own understanding of the creation process and the flood.

One morning I was shown the rod that brought for buds, the account is recorded in the bible in Numbers 17:5-8. This was shown to me to reveal the fact that God used his powers to make the ground on day 3 of the creation week bring forth trees.

New articles posted up on these things, in the Creation section.

With my overall beliefs confirmed in this area, I don’t feel the need to studied all the scientific stuff again. There to me is just no point, in using up my time in this way. There is a lot for me to do, it just seems it would unnecessarily slow down the good works that are ahead for me to do.

The only area that I want to study on this now is the Genesis Genealogies. I don’t really like genealogies, they seem boring to me. However they are an important part of the bible, and there is something that I want to get to the bottom off. Once I have this answer, it might get me to an understand about something else, and how it applies, I will see. Note at this time I am not saying what that is.

Once the Genesis Genealogies have been studied then I can move away from studying creation again. The Genealogies is not an area I have studied before, which means it is a good Idea to study this area.

As I said just a brief step back into this area, before moving on to something else.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2009

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