Truth about Freewill Table


There is No Freewill


Freewill DOES NOT exist

Freewill is a myth

No one has Freewill

No one has freewill to chose their fate, not one

No one will prevent God from doing his will

You do not have freewill

Freewill is an illusion

Everyone is influenced by something, you can not remain uninfluenced

God in Control

God is in Control

God is sovereign

God moulds us

God owns us

We are all God’s creations

God is in control of everybody

God is in control of everything

God is in control of all creation

God has total control of all the world

God is in control of the forces of good & the forces of evil

Everything has been predetermined by God

Our lives have been predetermined by God

God has predetermined your fate, you can not change it.

You are not in control of your destiny, God is in Control

You can not withstand the intention of God

No one has withstood the intention of God

God as the potter has the right over the clay, out of the same kneading to make one vessel, indeed, for honor, yet one for dishonor {Romans 9:21}

Man’s will is Not stronger than God’s will