Birth of Christin

17 September 2011. Corrected 28 September 2011.

By Mark Farquharson

On the 16 September 2011 a child was born to Vinnie and Joy. It is their seventh child, her name is called Christin Alexandra. That is she was named after “Christ,” one could even say her name is “Christ in Alexandra.” Do not know about the Alexandra. There is Alexander in Acts 19, but I do not know if that is what is meant. Maybe a connection to the voice in Acts 19:35.

Acts 19:33-34 Now they unite on Alexander, one of the throng, the Jews pushing him forward. Now Alexander, gesturing with his hand, wanted to make a defense to the populace." Yet, on recognizing that he is a Jew, one voice came from all for about two hours, crying, "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians! Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!" {CLV}

Now Artemis was a goddess. Paul was causing a throng to stand aloof, saying that made by hands are not gods, which would mean that the sanctuary of the goddess Artemis would also be reckoned as nothing {Acts 19:26-27}. However the cry this time will be replaced with “Great is Christ.” If that is what is meant.

However this birth seems to be indicating the birth of Christ. For the birth of Christ was at the beginning of the seventh Hebrew month. Interesting this just happens to be their seven child who they have named after Christ, who is the ultimate firstfruit, the barley. The ninth sign is a barley sign. Interestingly the weigh of Christin was 6 pounds 3 ounces, 6 plus 3 makes 9.

The revelation I have beginning lately is “7:11.” It could be Isaiah 7:11.

Isaiah 7:11 Ask for yourself a sign from Yahweh, your Elohim; deepen the asking, or elevate it toward that above." {CLV}

She is a sign I do believe.

Earlier this year on 27 June, I got a delayed birthday indication, which I misunderstood at the time. Currently there is a delay, this then was indicating something about the delay. The birthday that I do not think of at the time was actually Christ’ birthday.

Interestingly I had a dream back on 10 March 2010, to do with the numbers 8 and 4. There were a few 8’s, my thinking is four and one 4. Now 4 times 8 plus 4 gets your 36, my age at the moment. 3 plus 6 gets you 9.

There is one earlier Journal entry on this date:

Rosh Hashanah & Jesus Birthday

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011. Corrected 28 September 2011.

The Alexander the Great connection: Alexander the Great & Christ

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