Disciples Told to Herald Evangel, Pattern for Open Door Ministry

24 March 2012. Updated 31 March 2012. Corrected 8 April 2012

By Mark Farquharson

After Jesus’ death and resurrection, he told the disciples to herald the evangel. The Open Door Ministry is heralding the evangel to the world, before the return of Jesus Christ Our Lord. At the start of the ministry all those who are part of the body who are not asleep in death, will be told to herald the evangel. Here I only talk of those who are truly of the body, the true faithful, not all those who call themselves Christian. There are not two groups or more of the faithful, believers as some claim. For there is only one body, and all the faithful are part of the one body, that only has one head that is Jesus Christ. For more on there being only one body refer here: One Body

Mark 16:15-16 And He said to them, "Go into all the world; herald the evangel to the entire creation." He who believes and is baptized shall be saved, yet he who disbelieves shall be condemned." {CLV}

Condemned: This has nothing to do with going to hell, for such a place does not exist. This is a judgement, those not on the scroll of life are sent to the lake of fire. This is where they are cleansed spiritually {lake} and purified spiritually {fire}. Once they have done their time outside the Kingdom of the Heavens they will be granted access, and gain full salvation, immortality.

The evangel includes the salvation of all mankind. For an in death look at the evangel refer to the article: Evangel and the Secrets of the Evangel, and here is my article on the salvation of all mankind: All Mankind Saved

There is only one evangel, not two as some claim. Paul was not given a different evangel. This is covered in detail in the article: One Evangel

Baptized does not mean water baptism, it means baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus {Acts 19:1-5}.

There are a number of signs that the disciples would do while they were heralding:

Mark 16:17-18 Now these signs shall fully follow in those who believe: In My name they shall be casting out demons; they will be speaking in new languages; they will be picking up serpents; and if they should be drinking anything deadly, it should under no circumstances be harming them; they will be placing hands on those who are ailing, and ideally will they be having it." {CLV}

When the body is told to herald the evangel we of the body will also be able to do these signs.

Since the disciples were told to Herald the Evangel this could be a pattern. The question then is, when were they told?

After Jesus’ resurrection from death he appeared to the disciples later that day, however Thomas was not with them {John 20:19-24}. After eight days Jesus appear again and Thomas was with them.

John 20:26 And after eight days His disciples were again within, and Thomas was with them. The doors having been locked, Jesus is coming and stood in the midst and said, "Peace to you!" {CLV}

In Mark 16:14 the eleven disciples including Thomas are at the table when he is manifested to them. There are only eleven after the betrayer killed himself.

Mark 16:14 Now subsequently, at their lying back at table, He was manifested to the eleven, and He reproaches their unbelief and hardheartedness, seeing that they do not believe those who gaze on Him having been roused from among the dead." {CLV}

These scriptures in John and Mark are covering the same event. In the next two verses in Mark 16, Jesus tells them to herald the evangel.

However it does not mean that he is telling them at that time. For in Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus meets the eleven disciples on a mountain in Galilee. Here he tells them to disciple all the nations. These one would think they are the same event on the mountain, which means Jesus tells them to herald the evangel on the mount, not at the table. The scriptures do not tell us when they were on the mount.

After meeting them in John 20:26-31, Jesus manifests himself to them at the sea of Tiberias John 21. However John does not mention the meeting on the mount. What we can tell from John is that the meeting on the mount is after this event because John tells us that this is the third time Jesus was manifested to the disciples after his resurrection {John 21:14}.

The first time is when Jesus meets the ten on the day of his resurrection. Later after eight days he meets with the eleven disciples when they are with in. Thus this is the third time when they are fishing. Which means when he manifests on the mount to tell them to herald, it is after these. There is no info on how long after. Which means one has to look for a sign of resurrection, then account for the eight days and look for a watch date after that.

Signs of the Eleven Trees: I have a number of times gone along this path that has six trees on one side and five on the other of the same type of tree, thus a eleven altogether. Thus one of the meanings of these signs could be the eleven disciples. For more on the signs of the Eleven Trees refer to this entry: “Forest of Life Revelations.”

Sign of Empty Tomb: The sign of the empty tomb, is the sign that Jesus has resurrected, for the tomb is empty. This sign can come in the form of an empty coffin. On the 14 Feb last year I got the sign of the cross on the 16 Feb last year I got the sign empty coffin, which I take as a sign of the empty tomb, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This year I got the sign on the 26 January. The second time I got the sign this year was on the 22 March. One should start the count on the next day the 23 March, thus after 8 days you get the 31 March 2012.

On the 31 March - 1 April is the Passover Conference in Manassas. It is also 76 days after the Costa Concordia sank, and two 76 day cleansing cycles after 31 October 2011, tenth anniversary of a prayer campaign 31 Oct. 2001 to 14 Nov 2001. You should also watch for the 14 April, which is two cycles from the end date.

The day before has also been indicated as a watch date. On the 30 March last year I was on the top of a mount that represented the river of life. That mount could then represent when the disciples were on the mount in Galilee. Thus the 30 March is a watch date this year. There are other signs this is the date, on the 30 Dec I was given the revelation “Opening the Door of Heaven.” Dec last year being comparable to March this year.

For more on these two dates refer to this entry: Opening the Door of Heaven & RV Dinar Part 1 & Part 2

If I look back on the 26 January and go forward, on the eighth day the 3 February, I had the signs, “Volcano” and “Elevated.” Volcano then would refer to the second Judgement against the Saul type church, which I have said could be an earthquake or a volcanic eruption. Elevated could then refer to the mountain that is the volcano, and it could also refer to the judgement being elevated, meaning a more severe judgement.

The judgement will could against Pope Benedict XVI, the present Pope and the Roman Catholic Church as the many day journey, represented by the walks ends at the altar in “St Benedict’s Church.” Thus my thinking is that the judgement will be by a volcanic eruption close to Vatican City. For more on the judgement refer to the entry: Gaining Authority, and the Coming Judgement on Vatican City {Entry no longer exists}

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012.

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