Casting Today’s Money Changers Out of the Temple

17 September 2013

By Mark Farquharson

23 and Half Years:

When I got a sign at a Library counter, on the 11 July 2012, I thought that it referred to months and days. Then more recently the thought came that it could refer to years. The sign is "my watch stopped at 11:30 last night." That is 11:30 p.m. My thinking was that it referred to eleven and half years ago. However that only gets you back to midday, not the start of the day. I will get back to this later.

Last year on the 26 September 2012, there was the sign

"10:30, I thought it was 12." It was 10:30 a.m. but the person thought it was 12 p.m. or noon. Note in the sign the 12 is important why is it there? If one adds 12 hours to 10:30 a.m. you get 10:30 p.m. thus last year was 10:30 p.m. at night. Thus last year there was an hour to go until 11:30 p.m. But an hour is a year, thus there was a year to go. This brings us to the 26 September 2013, which could be when the watch, the time stops. This will be the eighth Day of Tabernacles.

In terms of the library dream that I have mentioned before, I was at a counter with food on it, in a library. Thus my thinking is that we will arrive at this counter in the library at 11:30 p.m. thus possible 26 September 2013. This food could represent the provision, and or the food from heaven, the Quail and the Manna, which represent the knowledge and the glory.

Thus when did the day start? If one goes back 23 and half years ago then the date is the 27 March 1990, which was the first of Nisan, the first Hebrew festive month. However my thinking is that it started a bit later. If one goes back 23 and half Hebrew years you get the 22 Nisan, which is the day after the end of Unleavened Bread. This feast goes for a week from the 15-21 of Nisan, there is also wave-sheaf during the feast and Passover just before on the 14 of Nisan. Unleavened Bread went form 10-16 April 1990 and Passover was on the 13 April 1990.


In 26 A.D. it was the end of two Jubilee cycles from Adam, each cycle being 40 Jubilees, or 1960 years. It was the start of the final week of Daniel’s seventy weeks, the last seven years. The final week ended with Jesus’ crucifixion in 33 A.D. Another forty Jubilees brings us to 1986 A.D. and 40 Jubilees from the crucifixion brings us to 1993.

In the period from 1986-1993 is the year 1990. Going back 40 jubilees from 1990 brings us to 30 A.D. Jesus was 30 when he was baptised by John and started his ministry, however that would have been in 29 A.D. This brings us to something that would have happened in 30 A.D.

John 2:13-17 And near was the Passover of the Jews, and Jesus went up into Jerusalem." And He found in the sanctuary those selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers sitting." And, making a whip out of ropes, He casts all out of the sanctuary, both the sheep and the oxen, and He pours out the change of the brokers and overturns the tables." And to those selling doves He said, "Take these away hence, and do not be making My Father's house a house for a merchant's store." Now His disciples are reminded that it is written: "The zeal of Thy house will be devouring Me." {CLV}

In the sanctuary, the Temple, Jesus found the money changers. He casts out both sheep and oxen, pours out the change and overturns the tables. The year 1990 was 40 jubilees from this event. Since 1990 we have been in a 23 and half year period that will end soon. Since this occurred at Passover back in 30 A.D. our time to watch now is Tabernacles 19-26 September, for the end of this period.

What to expect then is a Judgement that will cast out and turn the tables on those who are the money changers today.

God’s Confirmation of the 23 Years

On morning of the 16 September 2013, someone commented that I had worked at "The Warehouse." That is the name of a shop over here in New Zealand; it was several years ago now. Then in the afternoon someone else pointed out that I had worked at The Warehouse.

A bit later I was walking home through the Cemetery. On the way I meet up with Alex who worked at the Warehouse when I was there. You can see that I was given two signs earlier that indicated something to do with "The Warehouse." Then I meet up with someone who worked there. He mentioned that he was now 23 years old, and that at the time when I worked there I was 30. Then he said that God had as meet.

This to me confirms this 23 and half year period. The 30 then can relate to Jesus at 30.

Note the location was a cemetery; this is the same cemetery that has the two chapels I have mentioned previously. As I have noted before, the Chapel 1 judgement has past, while the Chapel 2 Judgement is coming up.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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