Library, Travel, Something

9 February 2013

By Mark Farquharson

Please ensure you have read the last entry before reading this entry as I will be expanding on some of that stuff in this entry: Watch Period 18-22 February 2013, for Door of Heaven

Recall the 7:11 sign, that I understood as meaning seven Hebrew months and eleven years. That is after the anniversaries of the marriage propel 19 June 2001 and the ring 21 June 2001. There is another way to look at this, as in the number 711, I still take it the same, however this way I understand that 700 can stand for month. This has now pasted, but is the base for the next signs. H11, being one of them, H being the eighth letter of the alphabet, thus 8:11 or 811.

This then can connected to the dream I mentioned last time, where I was working in a beauty shop. I was at the counter and a woman was paying for something. We negotiated the price, and I said $800.00 which she paid for by cheque.

This connects to a sequence, that goes from Pak n Save, a supermarket to Countdown, another supermarket, and further. There are a few streets between them. The Countdown one is in St Lukes shopping mall. I got this sign recently, “Pak n Save at Countdown,” which to me means Pak n Save, to Countdown. Entry into the shopping mall I have down as 10 January 2013. At the beauty counter on the 24 January, the time of the dream. The ATM on the 31 January. The supermarket is not to far away, in terms of distance, but that does not tell me days in a sequence.

On the 31 January I was at St Lukes and I went pasted the supermarket and this person walked pasted with “New York City” on their T-shirt. I have got a lot of signs about New York City. If this is an indication of timing then New York City would be soon after the supermarket. If it means me travelling to New York to start heralding then the outpouring I would think would have to come before that.

Recall from last time that I said the soap was $20, thus 20 days, and I started using it on the 2 February 2013, thus 20 days would get you the 21 or 22 February. I got the sign to use the soap on the 1 February, thus watch period 20-22 February.

This brings me to the library sequence, which I base on Henderson Library, as all libraries I have been in are different in layout. The travel section is upstairs, which I take as where the sequence ends. In the scriptures the apostles had to wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit before they could depart, or travel. Sometime ago I got the sign 11:30 last night at the Henderson Library. Thus referring to a certain location in the library, which I thought was the travel section. However now having got to that point recently I understand it was not the travel section, but the counter upstairs. I date the counter upstairs as 21-29 January 2013. As I went to this place which was not the library, on the 21 January and I went upstairs and sat at a counter. This also fits with the count from the Halloween sign. There was another sign I relate which was 30 minutes which I got on the 8 February. If I take the 30 as 30 days from the time of 21 January you get 19 or 20 February. This fits with the sign of 11:30, being like the end of November, on the 20 January, recall the sign is last night, or day before, thus arrive 12:01, or 1 December, that is to say the time is like that time, thus 21 January like 1 December, for this pattern if I am correct. Thus 30 December is 19 January, and on the 30 December 2011, I got the sign, “Opening the Door of Heaven.”

This brings me to a recent sign at the Henderson Library. I was upstairs going down the rows, looking for the sign for the travel section. I did not see the sign and went pasted into the Unitec section. I asked the woman where the travel section was, and she said that they had recently separated the Unitec books out of the general library stuff. The sign is that she said the “900 section.” Travel is in the 900’s. this could mean the ninth month from the anniversary. The twelve Hebrew month starts on the 11 February, in our count this would be the ninth month. The anniversary last year for the ring fall on the first of the fourth Hebrew month. This brings up some interesting dates which I will get to later.

Which brings me to the sign of “Something” on a recent walk through Western Springs. Recall that I recently mentioned the “Circle of Friends.” A circle is 360, on the 5 February I got the sign “360, 380.” The difference is 20, which could indicate 20 days. This then could connect to the $20 for the soap at the counter. On the 6 February I got the sign “something.” I was walking through Western Springs, a park with a lake. There was this Asian man I noticed who was carrying a bag, that was open. The towel, if that was what it was, fall on the ground. I picked it up, turn and said “you dropped something.” He turned and thanking me took back the towel. This occurred at the point in the sequence which is after “Circle of Friends.” Thus my thinking is that the “Something” is at 380. The sequence includes the tram stop that was at eleven, which I take as the start of the period like November. Thus I take that it relates to the library sequence. This “Something” may relate to the prophecy “nothing, nothing, nothing, something,” I am not sure how many “nothing’s” where in the prophecy, but it ended with “something.” I am not say for sure it does relate. What is the “Something,” well it is “something,” and defiantly not “nothing.” If it relates to the library sequence it could be the time of travel. As for the timing of the “something” my current thinking is that it will occur between 19-22 February 2013.

This brings me back to those interesting dates. As I said the 11 February is the start of the ninth month in our count. Well this makes the 21 February the 11 of the ninth month of the eleven year, or if one was to put month first, 9/11/11, from the ring. However if one goes from the marriage proposal, then the 19 February would be 9/11/11. Like I said interesting as we all know what happened on 9/11/2001. I am not saying it is a time of destruction, it could be, on the other hand it could indicate rebirth after destruction, or both.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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