The Total Love of God

By Mark Farquharson

Different Believes in Christian Universalism

What is this all about, I thought that there was one believe, that All would be Saved?

Yes that is the believe, that all people will be saved. However there are also Demons and Animals to think of. There are what I call three levels, and this is what we will explore today.

Level 1: This is the believe that all people will be saved, and all Christian Universalists hold this view. It is the believe that is most mention when you go to these sites on the net. And that is the way it should be, the message needs to get out there.

So what is Level 2?

Level 2:

This is the believe that all Demons will also be reconciled to God. Under this view God not only Loves all people, but he also Loves all the Angels and demons out there.

Not all Christian Universalists hold this view, but most do, some hold the view that demons will go to hell and burn there. I do not see how a loving god would torture demons for all off entity, this is hate surely…. If God can reconcile all humans to himself, then he can reconcile all demons as well.

This view that Demons burn in hell, is like the believe that all unbelieving humans go to hell and burn there for all entity. These two believes are totally wrong, but some Christian Universalists can not see that both believes are pure hate.

Here is a great level of understanding I believe of Gods plan for the ages. And a deeper understanding of his love….that extends to all mankind and to all Angels and Demons out there.

There is much debate as to who the devil is: A fallen Angel or a one of a kind created Adversary. As to the answer, well I will not cover that in this article, I have my own thoughts on that… What I will say is that ether way, God will reconcile him also…

Demons and the devil go to the Lake of Fire, where they get cleansed and purified. After which they get fully reconciled back to God.

Level 3:

Who is left?

Well there are two levels, in this view….

Basic level: This is the view that all pets will be alive again. God will raise them from the dead. Many Universalists hope that God will raise their pets from the dead. And I believe he will do so, a loving God would do this….Their pets will be with them in paradise….God knows how much we love our pets, he is not going to have us be sad, because we miss our pets.

Full Level: All Animals will be raised from the dead…. It does not mean they will all be roaming around Heaven…. In this view the animals will be spread over the many planets out there in the universe. Pets however will be with us where we are….

It is not a view that is widely covered by Universalists, which makes it had to work out how many hold this view.. Some

hold the view that when an animal dies it is dead, forever, end of story…

However I believe God gathers their spirits, and at some future point God can then raise them again…

God can and will raise and reconcile All to him, he is all powerful

This I believe shows a greater understanding of Gods love to all that he has created…

I may not understand some things as much as other Universalists, but I believe I have more understand in this area than others….

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2006 updated 2008

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