Feast of Trumpets & the Lunar Cycle

5 June 2012

By Mark Farquharson

I do believe that the feast period of Pentecost is almost over and that soon we will be entering the feast period of Trumpets. The actual Feast of Trumpets is in the seventh Hebrew month, but that does not mean we have to wait for the seventh Hebrew month. You have to watch for patterns and signs to see if it could come at another time.

If you read the entry “Greater Filling of the Holy Spirit & Feast of Trumpets,” you will know that at that time I had observed five full moons in a row this year, one in each of the five months. Which means I am to follow the lunar cycle and it is the Hebrew months that follow a lunar cycle. The full moon falls on about the 14 of the Hebrew month you are in. However for this I am not to take note of what Hebrew month we are in. That is it is currently the third Hebrew month, but it is not that month for the pattern. For I observed the first full moon in this pattern in the first month of this year, however it is not the month of January, it is the lunar month that I am after, based on the Hebrew calendar. Thus the first month in the pattern actually started on the 27 Dec 2011.

Currently then in the pattern we are in the sixth month, that started back on the 22 May 2012. For this pattern to hold as I understand it, then I needed to observed the sixth full moon, which I have just observed on the night of the 4 June 2012. Thus the pattern has held.

The seventh month in the pattern then starts on the 21 June 2012. If I am understanding the meaning of the pattern correctly then this should be the time of the Feast of Trumpets as it will be the first of the seventh month in the pattern. As I have noted before this is the Anniversary of Ring 21 June 2001. It is also falls into the time period for the Anniversary of Dr Jones trip to the Apostle Islands, 20 June-22 June 2011.

Remember recently I got the sign “is that a ring or something.” It was a ring shape thing imbedded in the floor. On Thursday the 17 May this year my family and I went to the wrong floor where it was all set up for a wedding.

In the pattern day of Atonement would be on the 30 June and Tabernacles 5-12 July.

Other Watch Dates:

28 June: Anniversary of Boxing Match, Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield. Field represents the world, thus “holy world.”

9 July: 2-year anniversary of the casting of barley into the headwaters of the Mississippi River.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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