Church Signs, London Service, & Spain

5 April 2013

By Mark Farquharson

Most churches usually hold services on the Sunday, some hold services everyday of the week. Most churches are closed during the week. However some of those that hold services during the week are open each day. Some are open each day even if they do not hold services everyday.

I do not attend any church services at all. There is no need to go to church to be saved or have salvation. Therefore when I do go to a church, I view it as some sort of sign.

I live in west Auckland, and sometimes I go into the central city. Usually I go during the week, thus a number of churches in the central city are closed, but some are open.

However this last weekend, Easter Weekend I went in on Easter Sunday. Thus all the churches I went to were actually open.

The first church I went to was St Paul’s, which is usually closed during the week. There was a service on, and I stood in the entranceway for a few minutes before going in. After a few minutes inside, I left just before they closed the door at 10:30 a.m.

Last time I was in St Paul’s they were setting up for a wedding. Dr Jones went to the Apostle Islands on the anniversary of the marriage proposal and ring. This showed a delay for the time of Effective Apostleship. Thus a sign that St Paul’s and the time of Effective Apostleship are connected. At the time the woman refer to what had happened to Christchurch Cathedral, the damage it had suffered in the earthquake. My thinking is however that it relates to St Paul’s in London, England.

After that time, I have been past a few times and it has been closed. Thus a possible indication that I there would be a future sign involving that church, which came on the Easter Sunday.

Then I went on to St David’s, the service had finished. There were a few people in the entranceway. I went into the auditorium and sat briefly in the front row, before leaving. On the stage I noticed three sits.

Then I went across the road to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The service was on, however I did not stay for the service. A sepulchre is a vault in which a corpse is buried.

Then on to St Benedict’s, where the service had just finished. The people were coming out the doors. I stood in the entranceway briefly. A man asked me if there was a “Spanish mass today?”. I said I did not know. Then I went inside the auditorium and sat in the front row briefly, it was 11 a.m. As I left the priest said to me “Have a nice Easter see you later.” Is this some sort of sign, will I really see him later, and if so, when? Or does it refer to Benedict, that is the name of the church. As for the Spanish connection, it is covered below.

Walking back I noticed that Auckland Baptist Tabernacle Church was open. On the door to the auditorium it had a sign saying not to enter while a service was on. Thus I did not enter for a service was on. In the entranceway was a window that looked into the auditorium. On a wall inside was the sign “Harvest of the nations.”

As I walked down the road, I noticed for the first time the Salvation Army building. The door was open, I walked inside, there was a service on. A man said to me, “you’re a bit later for the service, it’s just finishing.” After that I left the building. If it was just finishing, then I am more than a bit later. On the other hand if I am a bit later, then surely the service has just started, which is it?

At St Matthew’s the service was just finishing. It finished at about 11:30 a.m. I went up the front and sat in one of the seats to the side in a small chapel like area. Then I went and sat in the front pew of the auditorium. Then I sat in a seat in the small St Thomas chapel that is in St Matthew’s.

The last church I went to was actual a cathedral, St Patrick’s Cathedral. The service was on, however I could not even get in the entranceway. There were to many people and some of them were standing on the footpath looking in. I did not stay.

The London Funeral Service:

I went to the central city and a number of services were on. However some were finishing. What does all this mean. My thinking is that it could mean that the service is on. What service? The funeral service for London. Of course one could point to the fact that London was not mentioned at all. However St Paul’s is a sign of St Paul’s in London.

After the earthquake in Christchurch I got the sign that there would be another event. While there have been a number of other earthquakes that have occurred since then, none of those where the coming event. The event might not be an earthquake, it could be some other equal devastating event. Later the signs came to do with London.

This first sign came in a cemetery that has three chapels. Two of the chapels are in the same building that also has the furnace. The other chapel is a separate building. Thus two events, the first one being Christchurch from my understanding, the second upcoming London.

My thinking is that this service will last about 30 days from my understanding. I think it started on the 27 March and goes through to about the 26 April.


Spain could refer to the dream that Ray had, here it is again:

“On the night of Feb 25th 2012 I had a dream where I was in an old European city. It was deserted except for small groups of believers walking around, we knew this and only had to nod at each other in agreement. I walked past a stone pillar of some kind that was leaning slightly. When I walked around it it slowly laid down on the ground. I was instantly on top of a treasury building and saw a line of stone roof blocks fly into the sky revealing the gold inside. Everyone instantly took refuge inside as the blocks came down. The next night I asked what city I should look at and instantly got Barcelona.

I researched Barcelona and found the following signs. Dove, Olympics and "how Edom/Judah got Spain's gold". Ironically I believe my dream was in Madrid but I was to look at Barcelona to discern this.”

For more on his research refer to this entry: Ray’s Gold Dream & the Upcoming Exodus From Egypt

From that entry I also stated the following:

“On the 10 July 2010 a group of people did spiritual work at the Federal Reserve building in Atlanta. Dr. James Bruggeman takes oils with him when he travels, and it occurred to him to anoint two of the people there outside the Fed building. The first oil was “Exodus II” used on the youngest and the second oil was “Egyptian Gold” which was used on the oldest person of the group. When the Israelites left Egypt they took the gold of Egypt. You can read more about that work here: Spiritual Work at the Fed

Ray informs me that the stone pillar of the dream was like the one outside the Federal Reserve building in Atlanta, but with out the image on top. You can see the pillar in the second picture at the link above, with the Federal Reserve building on the right.

There is an upcoming Exodus from spiritually Egypt. Currently the faithful are in a type of Israel and will take the gold. When I was on a walk I picked up a pamphlet on the crossing of the Red Sea, I also pasted a statue of Moses. The Egyptian ruler at the time of Moses, the Pharaoh did not want to let the Israelites go. This time the spiritual forces are trying to prevent us from going, however they will not prevail. ”

In Barcelona there is a building called the Torre Agbar at 31 stories, 144m, it is the headquarters of Agbar, the company controlling the city's water supply, sewerage and other civic activities, which include health care provision, vehicle inspection and tax collection. This building is similar to the nick named Gherkin building in London which is 41 stories.

The date Feb 25th, is interesting, for February is the second month. The second Hebrew month starts on the 11 April. The current watch dates are second Passover on the 24 April and Wave-sheaf on the 26 or 28 April. Depending on if it is after the special sabbath or after the weekly sabbath. The 25 of the second Hebrew month is the 5 May 2013. Recall Julius email about the dinar and the number 205, which he said could be 2 May. However I got what I took as signs and worked out a date of 3 May. Thus I could be out by a day somewhere in my workings.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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