St Lukes Mall Signs & Delay Due to Spiritual Warfare

14 February 2013

By Mark Farquharson

St Lukes Mall Signs

Before getting to this delay I want to cover some of the signs that I got on my recent walk to St Lukes.

If you have be reading along the recent entries then you will know about the sequences that I have been covering. There is the Pak n Save, Mt Albert to Countdown, St Lukes sequence. Countdown being at St Lukes mall. I mentioned seeing a person wearing a T-shirt with New York City after going pasted Countdown. I now think that this is not the point to do with arrive at NYC, it was a point to do with a sign to do with NYC.

On the 13 February I was on one of my walks. I usually take a bottle of water. There is water that I got from somewhere that I was drinking. I was taking two bottles of 350ml for a total of 700 ml, instead of the usually one bottle 750ml. After finishing the 350ml bottles, I acquired some 400ml and 450ml bottles of water. Thus straight after finishing the 350ml I went on to the 400ml, not the 450ml. That means two bottles is 800ml, and the price for the products at the counter in the dream was $800. I took the last two 400ml on the 13 February and drink the total 800ml. Thus that leaves me with four bottles of 450ml, if I take two bottles at a time that is 900ml. My next walk when I take water is likely to be the 19 or 20 February. Recall the sign in the Henderson library was that travel was in the 900 section.

Getting back to the walk, I thought “drink no water.” Upon getting to Pak n Save, supermarket, I would have usually drunk some of the water. I do not usually go into the supermarket, because if I am going that way I usually go past the supermarket having no reason to enter. I crossed the road and after have a small bit of water I entered. I have the water in a blue bag, thus it is not like I was carrying around two bottles of water in my hands. I went straight to the iced coffee. After picking up the Tararua Real Iced Coffee 600ml I went to the checkout. I thought express as I had one item. Then thought Self Service, the price was $2.99, I paid $3.00 cash. Due to no 1,2 or 5 cent coins I had to pay $3.00. Tararua is a region in New Zealand.

After leaving the supermarket I started to drink the iced coffee, but not the water. I entered Owairaka Park and proceed across the field, then sat on one on the seats near where I was going to exit the park. At that point I thought drink some water.

When I got to St Lukes mall I sat on a red seat outside and finished the 600ml coffee. After disposing of the bottle I still had the receipt. I entered St Lukes mall and went into Farmers a department store on level one. In there I sat on a Geneva chair which cost $999.99. The number 999 connects to the stairway to heaven and the door of heaven. Coming out of there I went and got a statement from the ATM. Then I went into Bond and Bond, a electronics retailer and looked around. After exiting the shop I went upstairs, to level 2 and back into Farmers, as it is on two levels. I briefly looked around and then exited the store.

Then I went to the cinemas, and picked up a leaflet on the film “Zero Dark Thirty.” according to the leaflet “Zero Dark Thirty,” is a military term for thirty minutes after midnight. The film itself I do not think is the sign, I think it is the name, of course it could be a sign. It is about the elimination of Osama Bin laden. There is conspiracies theories surrounding what actually happened and the theory that he was already dead. I am not going to get into any of that in this entry as I do not view it as related. Besides I do not know what is the truth of the matter, please do not email me any info that you have or any links to info. He is long dead I think and not important as far as I know.

Getting to the name, recall that one of the signs I got at the Henderson library was 11:30 last night for arrive at a counter. I related that to events in 2011, with 11:30 being 30 November. Recall that given the signs I have gotten recently I relate this date to 20 January, with arrive at the counter on 21 January being the next day after 11:30. As I have said in the past on 30 December 2011, I got the sign “Opening the Door of Heaven.” Converting you get 12:30 a.m., or thirty minutes after midnight. I did not realise this before. The 30 December date relates to 19 February 2013, New Zealand time, which could be 18 February in some parts of the world.

The only movie I have watched at St Lukes was “Inception,” back on the 29 July 2010. The movie was about the ability to enter other peoples dreams. The word ‘inception,” means the beginning of something. We are waiting for the beginning of the Open Door ministry, the beginning of the heralding of the true evangel to the world. Thus going by the signs it points to a start date of 18/19 February, however there is going to be a delay which I will get to later.

Recall that the 13 February was 20 days after the dream about the beauty counter, with the purchase price of $800. However I did not use the soap brought at the beauty counter in St Lukes until the 2 February 2013, thus 20 days would get you the 21 or 22 February. Thus there could be a upcoming sign.

After picking up the leaflet I headed back pasted Farmers, and had the thought of going down stairs but at that point I was pasted the travelators. I decided to go into k-mart a department store, which is directly above Countdown. In the toy section I stopped to look at the toy train called “Holiday Express,” which was $20. It plays Christmas melodies, I did not buy it, I do not need a toy train. It is the sign of this that is important, according to the dating above the 13 February was 24 December, Christmas eve. After exiting K-mart I went down stairs and into Countdown.

In Countdown I purchased Tararua Real Iced Coffee with choc hit 600ml. I know it is a bit different in that I purchased the one with the chocolate hit. It was on special at $2.99, usually $3.40. Thus it was the same price as Pak n Save. I used the self service again, but put in a five dollar note instead of three dollars in coins. Thus I got $2 change. Recall the sign “Pak N Save at Countdown,” I had the receipt from Pak N save, the product was the same except for the choc hit, and happened to be the same price on the day. I did not know about the special and I do not usually go into this Countdown. After which I went to the library and looked at a book on New York city. In the sequence starting at Pak n Save, my thinking is now the travel section in the library is the point for the outpouring and start of the heralding. Arrive should be at 18/19 February going by the signs. However this will be delay due to the coming spiritual warfare.

Spiritual Warfare:

This spiritual warfare will start on the 17 February and go for a month until the 18 March. Here is two brief extracts from Dr Jones weblog:

“Last night the Lord confirmed to us that there was still a problem, and this morning He spoke more specifically. We are to go into spiritual warfare again on February 17, and this battle will continue until March 18...”

“….I am reminded of the revelation that came to me in 1986, “March 18 I set you free.” In this case, it appears that we are to be set free from the power of the red dragon (or the new demonic army that was released January 15).”

From: Preparing again for spiritual warfare

This reminds me of the prophecy that the dinar would revalue at 3:18:

"Good, it's going to revalue soon and when it does you need to buy silver and gold because once it does everything is going to change". My friend said, "Well we heard that it's supposed to RV any day now". The man responds, "Not yet but soon. What you see going on in Egypt is going to happen in two more middle eastern countries and the US will go into another war." and then he says this, "When it does happen it will RV at 3.18, when it does RV, everything is going to change".

From God‘s Kingdom Ministries: A strange Dinar story

Sign of Satan:

On the 5 February the word “Satan,” repeat in my head. Going by the 2011 pattern I had a watch date of 13 February, which in the pattern was 24 December. I often go past St Mary’s, sometimes I go in. On the way to the first supermarket, I went into St Mary’s. I sat down briefly amongst the people there for the service. Then I left before the service started. On the screen was the words “Ash Wednesday.” I have heard of “Ash Wednesday” before, but I did not know what it meant. Looking on line, it is the first day of lent. Which is to do with the period of time Jesus was tempted by Satan, which was forty days. I do not know if this sign is to do with the coming 30 days spiritual warfare or some other time. Also I do not know the meaning, it could mean that after this period the heralding will start. It could mean there will be some sort of tempting by spiritual forces. I do take it as a sign, I did not know I was going to go in until I got there, I did not know it was “Ash Wednesday.”


In New Zealand we have our own brand called “Marmite,” which is a different version of the food spread in Britain which has the same name. It is made from brewer’s yeast and is black. Following the Christchurch New Zealand earthquake the Sanitarium factory that makes Marmite in New Zealand was put out of action. The company announced in March 2012 that its own stocks had run out. People began to stockpile it and the shops in New Zealand soon run out. I did not stop pile it as I prefer the Australian version that has a different name, I have not try the British version. Getting back to the point, they have started making it again recently. However distribution will not occur until they have enough to supply the whole country. It is expected to be back in supermarkets on the 20 March 2013. Why am I reporting this, well it will be two days after the end of the warfare and I am thinking it might be some sort of sign.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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