Ready to Go

5 November 2011. Edited 10 Nov 2011.

By Mark Farquharson

On the 25 October I saw a duck that was much bigger and coloured different to the other ducks. Later I found out it was a “Paradise Shelduck.” Thus a reference to Paradise which is the “New Jerusalem.” Which reminder me about the 6 month sign I got back on the 27 July, which was connected to going up the mount back on the 30 March. The mount representing the river of life, which comes from the “New Jerusalem.”

On the morning of the 30 October I was awakened with the words “Open Door” repeating in my head. I looked at the time and it was 4:43 am.

On the 1 November, there was first the number 27. I am not sure how this relates, I have got revelation on the 27 June and the 27 July, it could relate to these. 27 June being the delayed Birthday.

Then also on the 1 November there was “Nothing” indication, to do with the same object, that I got a “nothing” indication before, back on 2 July. Also I said “Nothing” about a delivery, then I check, still nothing, and then it was there. Not long now before there will be something.

I check my finances and I write down the same amount as I had back on 1 August 2011. An indication that I am right about things that happened in August indicating what will happen in November.

On 2nd Nov. the Numbers 25, 24, 1, 36, 4 and Zero. I think zero is related to “Nothing” indication, maybe a sign this nothing period is coming to an end maybe.

Bread and Red wine: This of course is related to what Jesus said:

Luke 22:18-20 For I am saying to you that under no circumstances may I be drinking, from now on, of the product of the grapevine till the kingdom of God may be coming." And, taking bread, giving thanks, He breaks it and gives to them, saying, "Take. This is My body, given for your sakes. This do for a recollection of Me."

Similarly, the cup also, after the dinner, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for your sakes." {CLV}

The red wine was a symbol of the blood of Jesus, which was shed for the sakes of the disciples, the faithful and all mankind. This happened on the 14 of the first Hebrew month.

There is this motorway tunnel that is due to open to traffic soon. The fact that interest was taken in this it could mean something or not. It is due to open to traffic on the 14 Nov. Could this be a reference to the fact that the Israelites put the blood on the doorposts on the 14? Of course it could be indicating something in the eleventh Hebrew month.

The number 36 is my age and relates back to the dream I got, with the numbers 8-8-8-8-4 relating to my life. The numbers adding up to 36, and 888 is the number of Jesus. Which leaves 8 and 4 making 12. My birthday is the 28 of April.

On the 1st Nov I got the number 27. Thus if the 2nd then is a type of 28, then it was a type of turning 36. Since the dream relates to Jesus at 12, then a reign type starting 2nd Nov, for it being a type of the first Hebrew month. Thus the 14th day, would then be the 15th of Nov. The Israelites started their journey on the 15th and left Egypt on the 16th. The corresponding dates in Nov being the 16 and 17. This fits with the construction sign that I saw on 17 August, with the dates 22 July - 21 August. The 21st of the eighth Hebrew month is the 17 Nov.

“Ready To Go,” indicating that were ready to go, were on the starting blocks waiting for the gun to go off. I am Ready to Go, Are You Ready?

Watch a program on TV, it showed a church on fire, it’s steeple collapsing. A reference back to the collapse of the steeple of the Christchurch Cathedral, however that was the result of an earthquake.

On 4th Nov. numbers 46, 2, 29. Red wine. Phoenix. 50-100, possible could mean 150 being the delay possibly. 3X4=12 could be 12 days starting on the 4 would get you the 15th. 4 no 5, an indication that it was the 5th day and not the 4th.

Bix Weir has a series called “conversations with God.” In part 4 God says that “Many, many others are ready.” The conversation is about the unbacked fait money system coming to an end. The starting date is stated as end of next week. Is that then the 11 Nov. or when?

Part 4 here:

Links to other parts at bottom of part 4.

Bix Weir is ready for the end of the fait money system, there is no mention of the “Open Door Ministry.” What are these many others ready for?

August indicative of Events in November:

Well we have now entered the eighth Hebrew month, which started on the 29 October 2011. I am looking back to see what happened in August due to the indications I have got.


7: “The Open Door,” name of episode of the program called “Heartbeat.”

9: At Cemetery touched statuette, staff, head and foot.

One dog barked out of several, name of dog “Theo.”

Numbers 30, 90, 60, 120, 150.

15: Very light snow

17: St Ninian’s Church which had a plaque in the footpath. 1860 - 2010, which is 150 years. Later I went pasted Liberty Church and on the same road at the end was a Hindu Temple, which was at street number 21. Street Construction sign 22 July - 21 August.

Looking at November dates ahead:

7: Second Day of Atonement. Note name of program from August “The Open Door.”

9: Christchurch Cathedral to be deconsecrated on this date. This is the cathedral that lost it’s steeple indicating the loosing of authority by the Saul church. It was consecrated in 1881, that is 130 years, or 13 X 10. The number 13 representing depravity and rebellion.

Note the earlier touch of the staff of the statuette on 9 August. Remember back before the exodus of the Israelites, Aaron’s rod became a snake and eat the other rods that had become snakes {Exodus 7:1-13}.

11: Scheduled vote to recognize Palestine as a state by the UN Security Council.

18: This is the seven day of Second Tabernacles, being the 21 of the eighth Hebrew month, being the date indicated on the construction sign.

19: The last day, being the eighth day of Second Tabernacles.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011. Edited 10 Nov 2011.

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