Is The Ninth Sign Money?

10 August 2010

By Mark Farquharson

I know in an earlier Journal entry {About Open Door Ministry} I said the ninth sign of Elisha could relate to my revelation, All will be Revealed. However now I think the ninth sign is linked to money. That does not mean the “All will be Revealed” was not a revelation, yes it was, but it does not mean it is the ninth sign. Of course the ninth sign could be both All will be Revealed and money. It does not have to be one or the other. Why do I now think it could be money?

I was thinking about the sort of things that we will need to do for the Open Door Ministry. Now I could be wrong on the sort of things we will be doing. Anyway to get notice, one of the things we could do is hire out a place for conference, and provide free entry and parking. Then of course there would be the advertise to get people to come, that is expensive. Now I have thought of this before, but this time I got the feeling that we will need and get a lot of money. Just imagine the sort of money you would need to hire out a large venue in a major city of the world for two to three days and advertise the event. Then of course there world be the printing of the free pamphlets that would be given away at the event. Now imagine doing that in loads of cities around the world, the cost soon adds up. By the way I do not know the costs, but one can imagine it would be a lot.

Why do free events in large venues? You can start up as many websites as you like, but that will not get you noticed by the majority of the population, which is our goal with the Open Door Ministry. By hiring out a venue, and having free entry and parking, you should get people to come. By advertising this sort of event in a large way, we will get noticed.

This is the ninth sign:

2Kings 4:42-44 And a man has come from Baal-Shalishah, and brings in to the man of Elohim bread of first-fruits, twenty loaves of barley, and full ears of corn in its husk, and he said, `Give to the people, and they eat.. And his minister said, `What--do I give this before a hundred men?' and he said, `Give to the people, and they eat, for thus said Yahweh, Eat and leave;. and he gives before them, and they eat and leave, according to the word of Yahweh. {CLV}

Now the above verse does not mention money, but actually food, loaves of barley, and full ears of corn. However that does not mean the Open Door Ministry will get food. The food represents something in the way of a Provision that the Open Door Ministry will get. I do not think it will be food, of course we all need food, but that is not going to help us that much in getting the gospel out to the nations. What will help us is money, lots and lots of money.

The people we will be going up against already have loads and loads of money. Who am I talking about? The Christians out there in the world. Mega churches have large followings and lots of money. They have big churches, some of the ministers are rich. There followers donate a lot of money, these churches already have loads of money.

They will be telling their followers that what the Open Door Ministry is saying is wrong. That we are wrong and they are correct. We need to come out in a big way, so that our voice is heard by the nations. They will equally respond in a big way and to compete with them, we will need loads and loads of money. I have not heard this is sometime but I have heard people refer to money as “Bread.” Now in the verse above it mentions bread, “loaves.”

Now if you happen to come into a lot of money suddenly, do not spend it all at once on yourself. Do not go out and buy a new car, or a new house, or a new boat. Hold on to the money, and pray about what to do with it. You may soon be spending it, not on yourself, but on the Open Door Ministry, which will bring much better rewards than the short term rewards that you would get if you spent it on yourself.

I am not telling you to donate the money to me at this time. You may be required to spend it yourself, or to give it to someone else to spend. I am currently not seeking any donations, and do not need any at the moment, but I may soon need money for the Open Door Ministry. That said, it could come from someone else, because you may need any money you get in your own location. All I will say at this time is to hang on to any money, until the time comes when you know what to do with it.

Of course Christ is the Bread of Life, which means it could have something to do with Christ being the bread of life.

John 6:32-35 Jesus, then, said to them, "Verily, verily, I am saying to you, not Moses has given you the bread out of heaven, but My Father is giving you Bread out of heaven, the true, for the Bread of God is He Who is descending out of heaven and giving life to the world." They said, then, to Him, "Lord! always be giving us this Bread!" Jesus, then, said to them, "I am the Bread of life. He who is coming to Me should under no circumstances be hungering, and he who is believing in Me will under no circumstances ever be thirsting." {CLV}

As to do with “All will be Revealed,” I think certain people will find out the truth about all saved, who currently do not know. To enable me to do the work that I think I will be doing for the Open Door Ministry and to do with my vision, certain people close to me will need to know, that currently do not. I will not get into why they need to know, just that it would make it hard to do the work if they did not know. I will not say who they are. Some people close to you, may find out soon, but they may not.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2010, edited 17 August 2010

Open Door Ministry
