Coming Kingdom


New Earth Kingdom Reign

Actual Kingdom & City

All in Heaven

Universe of Light

New Earth Kingdom Reign

God did NOT literal promise the thousand-year reign in Daniel 2, God literal promised a Kingdom.

Overcomers will not reign over other believers in the kingdom, they will reign over those outside the kingdom.

Those in the kingdom will rule over those outside the kingdom.

Physical Israel has no special role in the coming kingdom.

All Nations will walk by the light of God

The nations will walk by the light of the new Jerusalem

Christ will not reign forever, He will give the kingdom to His Father, God {1 Corinthians 15:24-28}.

During the Kingdom reign the nations are not learning war any more {Micah 4:1-3}

There will be no war at the end of the coming kingdom reign, since the nations will not be learning war any more.

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Actual Kingdom & City

There is an actual kingdom coming to the new earth.

The kingdom of the heavens does not come to this old earth, the kingdom comes to the new earth.

The new Jerusalem is a real city

Christ has gone to prepare actual abodes in the new Jerusalem.

All mankind will one day live in the new Jerusalem.

The Kingdom of the Heavens is Paradise

Flesh and blood is not able to enjoy an allotment in the kingdom of God{1 Corinthians 15:50}

Flesh and blood is Not able to enter the kingdom of the heavens

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All in Heaven

Everyone will be in Heaven

Heaven, the place everyone will be one day.

Everyone will be in paradise, no one is excluded.

Heaven is the destiny of All mankind

Paradise is the destiny of All Mankind

Everyone will be happy in the Kingdom of the Heavens

Everyone will be joyous in the Kingdom of the Heavens

Every person who ever lived will be in the Kingdom of the Heavens

All mankind will love God in the Kingdom of the Heavens

Everyone will be in the Kingdom of the Heavens

All mankind will be in the Kingdom of the Heavens

Everyone will be relaxing in the Kingdom of the Heavens

One day we will all be relaxing in the Kingdom of the Heavens

One day we will all be immortal, living and relaxing in the Kingdom of the Heavens

One day we will all live forever in the Kingdom of the Heavens

One day we will all be live forever, living and relaxing in the Kingdom of the Heavens

It does not matter if you are Christian or not, as everyone will get into heaven.

There is no choice, you can not chose Christ, everyone will be drawn to Christ and get into heaven.

Those not on the scroll of life will have their names added to the scroll later and they will get into heaven.

Your family and your friends will be in the Kingdom of the Heavens

All families will be in the Kingdom of the Heavens

All Mankind will be Living & Relaxing in the Kingdom of the Heavens

All mankind will be Living Happily & Joyously in the Kingdom of the Heavens

All Mankind will be Immortal in the Kingdom of the Heavens

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Universe of Light

There will be a new Universe of Light

The coming Universe of Light will be filled with God’s glory.

The Universe of Light will be full of both spiritual and physical light

There will be no physical darkness in the Universe of Light

In time there will be no spiritual darkness in the new Universe of Light.

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Short Messages

All Mankind Will Be in the Kingdom of the Heavens