Soon to Open the Door of Heaven

19 October 2013

By Mark Farquharson

On the 13 October I put a journal entry on the site and read a conference report by “Brother Vinnie” on Dr Jones website. Later that day I listened to the conference testimony by Vinnie on you tube. The link to the testimony is here:

Conference Testimony From Brother Vinnie

In the videos he mentions his 999 dream and the 999 steps to the Door of Heaven in China. It is “Heaven’s Gate Mountain” in china that has this huge opening in it called the Door of Heaven. I note down the two view numbers for the two videos, the first is 1414 and the second is 611. I have gotten the numbers 711 and 811 a lot, thus 611 seemed like an important number as well.

Then I was look at my notes and happened to notice my library dream. In the dream as I have covered before I go to the library, but it has moved. Then I get to the library, and go through two locked doors. In the library there is this counter of food, but I do not take of the food that is offered to me. It is offered to me three times then I wake up.

My thinking is that the food at the counter is not the food I want, which is not yet available for me to eat. Recently as explained before I went to a meeting and the drink I wanted was not at the counter. There was other drink but I wanted orange juice. I got three drinks elsewhere, before returning to the counter to get the orange drink, at which point she said sorry for the delay. Thus when the delay ends, we will get the food we are waiting for.

In New Zealand we write day first then month, well that is the way I was lead to do it. Thus the date for the dream is 29 August 2012. I also now note down the Hebrew date as this could be important. The Hebrew date is 11 Elul, which is the sixth month. Thus written the other way around it would be Elul 11 or 6/11, which is the view number 611.

This seems to link my dream to the Door of Heaven, which I would say could be the case, for when the Door of Heaven Opens, we will get the food from heaven.

But does the dream also indicate the date? This year 11 Elul has past as has 29 August, but is another date indicated?

Lets refer back to the church sequence, this time using 2013 dates:

Entering the Church, 1 Tishrei, 5 September

Arrive at Stage, 21 Tishrei, 25 September

Chair on Stage, 21 Cheshvan, 25 October

Lectern 29 Cheshvan, 2 November

Tishrei is the seventh Hebrew month and Cheshvan is the eighth Hebrew month.

One can see two future dates, 25 October and 2 November. The 2 November has the Hebrew date 29 Cheshvan, the eighth Hebrew month, my dream was on the 29 August, the eighth month.

Last year on the 29 Cheshvan I prayed in a church at a lectern, for the evangel to go forth. The next day I prayed in another church and included “Door of Heaven open.”

Thus the indication is that the Door of Heaven will open on the 29 Cheshvan, the 2 November.

Update of sequence:

10 Tishrei, 14 September, Broader rd {13 days}

2 Cheshvan, 6 October, Bruce Mclaren Park {12 days}

4 Cheshvan, 8 October, Henderson Valley Park & Pony club {10 days}

8 Cheshvan, 12 October, Xena park

On the 14 October I got the “Hercules,” sign. Xena was a spin off series of Hercules TV series, both made in New Zealand. You can see along side the adjust period of between 10 and 13 days. I did not date Xena in 2012, therefore I do not know the adjustment.

On the 15 October I went to Lake Panorama, that it of itself I do not take as a sign of the date for Lake Panorama this year. However unlike the other times, I did pray at the lake. Then on the way back I also prayed at

San Bernardino. Thus then could indicate the time of these two.

The next day I had a meeting, but a couple of days before the meeting I realised that I did not have my paper for the meeting. That was alright because they would just print another one at the venue. I hand not receive the paper in the mail. This reminded me of a similar time in the past, when I went to a meeting and did not have my paper. That time I left my paper at home, and they print it out. Last time it was a different venue. I remember it was at Waipuna conference centre, which is next to the Panmure Lagoon. A lagoon is a partly enclosed area of sea water. In the dictionary it also states that it is a small lake, adjoining a large one. This could also be a sign of arrive at the lake.

Last time I adjust the date to 22 Cheshvan from 21 and then took of 12 days, to arrive at the 10 Cheshvan for both

San Bernardino and the Lake. However the indicate is a 10 day difference from the 21 Cheshvan date.

10 Tishrei, 14 September, Broader rd {13 days}

2 Cheshvan, 6 October, Bruce Mclaren Park {12 days}

4 Cheshvan, 8 October, Henderson Valley Park & Pony club {10 days}

8 Cheshvan, 12 October, Xena park

11 Cheshvan, 15 October, San Bernardino Reserve {10 days}

11 Cheshvan, 15 October, Lake Panorama {10 days}

No date, Landow Reserve

This one can see the adjustment seems to have changed from 13 to 12, then to 10 days. The last three are ten days.

Again last time I adjust the San Lorenzo date from the 1 Kislev to the 28 of Cheshvan, thinking the Lorenzo date should match the Lecture date. Then I took of the 12 days. However taking ten days of 1 Kislev gets us to the 21 Cheshvan, 25 October 2013.

A pray for rain could go from 22-27 Cheshvan inclusive, 26 October - I November.

With the rain coming, the Holy Spirit on the 2 November, as the Door is Opened.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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