Destiny of All Creation

04 August 2009

By Mark Farquharson

What is the destiny of all creation? What is the destiny of everybody and every animal and every spiritual being? Did God know the destiny of every being before it was created? For if he did know the destiny of all creation, then why did he create billions of humans for them to just end up in hell or annihilated? Why did he create billions of animals if they just stay dead? Why did he create the angels that he knew would go bad and that he would then have to destroy or send to hell? Does not God love these people, these animals, these spirits? Why would a loving God destroy so many or punish and torture so many?

Is God not all knowing, is he not all powerful? Of course he is, and that being the case surely he would have come up with a plan that would get the result that he wanted. A result that would have all creation where God want it to be, where it was destiny to be.

How then did it all go so wrong? Satan who is not all powerful, messed up God’s plan, and God did not even see it coming. God who would have foreseen the out come of any plan that he come up with for all creation, did not see want Satan would do? Satan a being that God created, ends up more powerful than the creator, and does something that his creator did not foresee, and something his creator can not stop. Worse still is that if it happen once who’s to say it won’t happen again?

Actually it did not go wrong at all, all creation is still heading for the destiny that God plan from the beginning. That plan has all creation saved, with no creature or being destroyed. With no one sent to hell or annihilated forever, this plan is the greatest plan ever.

God knows the destiny of all of creation, and it is the original destiny that he planned all along. If it was not, then God would not be all powerful, he would not foresee what is going to happen, he would not know the destiny of all creation. Even worse than that, Satan could do something destructive again.

In God’s original plan from the beginning there was a saviour, God had always planned that there would be a saviour. This saviour would not just save those who believe, he would save everybody and all creation. The original plan to save all creation has not changed. Everybody and all creation will be saved.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2009

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