Forgot About the Weekly Sabbath

5 August 2012

By Mark Farquharson

Well the day is now over in England, that being the 4 August and nothing occurred, well not nothing altogether, the Olympic games continued. But what about the outpouring of the spirit, or the coming of the knowledge or glory, where’s the judgement on London?

Most of the numbers and some of the signs did point to the 4 August as the date for the coming judgment. I did get the sign of a coming second judgment soon after the Christchurch earthquake on the 22 February 2011. Then I started getting the London signs. They pointed to the judgment occurring in London. The Rose and Olympic signs pointed to it occurring during the Olympic games, which are still occurring.

The 21 June 2012 was a seat point as I have explained. From the sign I have got there are three seat points before the travel. I worked out the other two seat points, one was the 4-6 July and I thought the other was the 4 August 2012. The outpouring of the spirit according to the sign I have got is to happen before the travel at a seat point. I got indication that I was at a seat point on the 4-6 July, thus one seat point to go which I thought and still think should be close. For more on this refer to these entries: The Meaning and the Timing of the Three Lots of Seats & The Greatest Passover to Come

The knowledge and the glory came to the Israelites in the wilderness on the 15 and 16 of the second Hebrew month. I took the 21 June 2012 as the start point for the year, meaning the 4 July would be first Passover and the 2 August would be second Passover. This is a pattern for us the chosen as there is an upcoming exodus for us. I thought the wave-sheaf would come on the 4 August, for the second Passover, and with it the fruits of the spirit.

I got signs that 4 July was a Passover, these confirmed for me that I was on the right track. Refer to the entry: The Greatest Passover to Come. On the 2 August I got signs that it was a Passover, thus it was the second Passover. I went to St Mary’s catholic Church on the 2 August, only the third time I have been there when they have had a service on. I also went there back on the 4 July when a service was on, the 9 am service both times. The other time was the 24 July, not a Passover point. Each time I have not stayed very long. On the 2 August I also got the sign of Samson, who was a Nazarite. This does not mean he was from Nazareth. It means a person who has taken a vow to be set apart for God’s service. However it is similar to Nazarene, where Jesus was from, and can be a sign of a Passover for Jesus died at Passover and on the cross was written "Jesus the Nazarene, the King of the Jews" {John 19:19}. I also got the sign “Christ the King,” thus another sign pointing to it being a Passover.

Other indications that I have got, that I take as signs, indicate that the third seat, is close. This third seat is I believe when the outpouring of the spirit will come, the knowledge, the glory, the provision and the authority. Going by a sign I got last year, my thinking is that it will happen sometime before the 22 August 2012. Using this as a date point and the signs I have got, recently, it should happen some days before this. For this reason I still think we are close.

My view is that the Wave-Sheaf/Firstfruit is the day after the special sabbath of Unleavened Bread. This has been indicated to me by the sign I have got. The Passover is on the 14 of the Hebrew month, with the special sabbath on the 15, thus the Wave-Sheaf is on the 16. However I forgot to take something into account, which I just start to think about the other day. That is the weekly Sabbath. You can not harvest and therefore get the firstfruits on the weekly sabbath for it is a day of rest. Thus you can not have the Wave-Sheaf on the weekly sabbath, you therefore have it the next day. The weekly sabbath is always Saturday, thus you can not have the Wave-Sheaf on Saturday. This rules out the 4 August for the Wave-Sheaf. Thus the Wave-Sheaf should then be on the 5 August 2012.

For the sign "The Spirit of Zionism," I took the inclusively number as that got the opening ceremony of the games and the ninth day would then be the 4 August. Nine is the number for judgment and as 3 X 3 it signifies the fruits and gifts of the spirit, the fruitfulness. However it could be nine days, instead of the ninth day, which would mean the 5 August. On the other hand exclusive 1760 days from the 3 October 2007, the date of the unveiling of the "The Spirit of Zionism," the statue of a thirty foot spider, or 40 X 44 days is the 28 July 2012. Thus the ninth day would then be the 5 August, or nine days the 6 August. However I would take it now as the 5 August to coincide with the wave-sheaf. For more on that read this entry: London has the Spirit of Zionism, it will be like a dream

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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