My Revelations on the Open Door Ministry 2

{Former called: “Watch Dates: 30 Days & Nothing Something & Other Stuff”}

10 July 2011. Corrected & Renamed 16 September 2011

By Mark Farquharson

The first thing about this again is that like the other times, it is all indicative only. Thus it is about trying to understand and interpret the signs I get.

30 Days:

On the 30 of March 2011, as I have said in the past I was up the mount that is representative of the mount that new Jerusalem comes to rest on in Revelation 21-22. I took it to mean a ten day count an indicate of the date of 30 June. There seemed to be other indications to do with the ninth sign and the 30 June. Interestingly on the 30 June I got a sign of 30, which makes me think the 30 June is not what was indicated. However 30 could mean the number not the day. Thus 30 days could be what was indicated here. Thus 30 days from the dates of 19-21 June 2011, the days to do with the marriage proposal {19} and the ring {21}, gives you 19-21 July.

Nothing, Something:

Then there is the nothing, something indication. Dr Jones mention this in one of his weblogs:

“Short prophecy re the Dinar by Kim Clement June 29

I thought this was interesting. Click on the link above, and watch the video. Go to 41:20 and listen for about 30 seconds.

In essence, he says that it will be "nothing, nothing, nothing, then suddenly something."

The timing of this broadcast on June 29 is also interesting. Does this imply that we will see "nothing" over this week end? Do the three "nothings" indicate three days or three false alarms? And what does "something" mean?

It's hard to say, but take it for what it is worth.”

Quote from: Short prophecy re the Dinar by Kim Clement June 29 {Link in weblog does not go to video}

I myself have got what could be indications to do with nothing, something. At first I was not sure even if it was an indication when the first sign of “nothing” came on the 17 June, which was actually the indication of zero. Thus I did not put much thought into it. Of course if you have “zero” of something that is you have nothing of it. The zero sign was indicate with the date of the 22 July, which would be the next day after the 21, after the 30 day count. There was actual a strong “nothing” indication on 2 July. Another strong indication came on the 4 July, when “zero” was again linked to the 22 July, with a clash with “something” else, that could be connected to water. That could mean spiritual water, or out pouring of spiritual water. Again on the 7 July, I got the indication of “zero” linked with the 22 July and this clash that could connected to water. Thus you have something clashing with nothing on that date. Thus something will happen on that date, instead of nothing? Or there will be a clash on that date?

I was remained of a passage in the scriptures were all forces are as nothing:

Daniel 4:35 All abiding on the earth are reckoned as naught: According to His will is He doing in the army of the heavens and with those abiding on the earth. And no one will actually clap with his hands and say to Him, "What doest Thou? CLV

Here all abiding on the earth are reckoned as naught or nothing, this also applies to spiritual forces, for God is doing His will in the earth and in the heavens. Thus all these spiritual forces causing delay are reckoned as naught, for God does “According to His will” in the heavens and on the earth. Thus surprisingly there can be a clash with naught or nothing.

Blocking of the 21:

On the 6 July I got the indication to do with a blocking out of the 21, which could mean the blocking of the 21 June. For spiritual warfare blocked or stopped the Apostleship. Of course 21 July is also another possibility. This is the complete sign:

“Key West completely blocks out 21 Queen street”

Thus this could mean the west or those influencing the west are completely blocking the 21. Queen here came mean wife of king. The king being then the Lord Jesus Christ, and the body, the bride who would of course become queen.

The 8 and 9 sign:

The 8 sign occurred on the 9 July 2010, with the barley, and had effect on the 15 July 2010. It is now a year later as we await the ninth sign which is also a barley sign. The numbers I have to do with the ninth sign are 15 and 20. Thus 15-20 July, however it may not mean that at all.

Feast Sign:

On the 27 June I got what I took to be a sing of the double feast of unleavened bread. The sign the number 28, would be the last day of the double feast. Earlier on the 14 April I got a two week sign or 14 days. After the 27 June I again got the 14 sign, it was actual two 14, which is 28, on the 2 July. Which coursed me to take another look. 28 is the last day of the feast, starting on the 15. Thus the focus then was on the last day. However I released that the sign on the 2 July could also mean 14 divided by 2 which would be seven. Thus I am possibly to look for the end of another feast that has seven days? Another feast that is coming up is “Feast of Tabernacles,” which happens about mid October, this year.

The Christmas sign: I got this earlier in the year, it does not have to mean actual Christmas day 25 Dec. For Christmas is meant to do with Christ. Actually born around September/October I believe. However it does not have to be his actual birth date. There are indications on Christmas at this time. Indication on the date of the 8 July 2011, and you do have the 12 days of Christmas. It would bring you to the 20 July.

Big Four: Not sure if this is connected to these dates, the sign of the number 4 come on the 7 July. Could be connected to Phoenix sign explained below. Seemed to be connected to people, but what then are the “big four” persons? Four people from the scriptures? Four well know people that live today? Or possibly four people to do with the upcoming ministry? Or big four countries?

All Seasons: I saw an “all seasons” sign on the 6 July. There is the saying “Four seasons in one day.” Not sure about this one. Is it connected to the big four? Well there are only four seasons, so how can you have the big four seasons? On the other hand you could have four seasons of extreme weather, the big four. Then again it may not be connected to the big four, which seemed to be connected to people.

Phoenix: Sign came on the 7 July. The mythological bird that lives for so long and then burns itself to death, then a phoenix rises from those ashes. It is a symbol of death and resurrection. This could be connected with the tenth sign which is to do with cleansing from leprosy, and is symbolic of passing from death to life. Early days on this one as I only just started getting it. Could be connected to the big four, but not sure. Later on the same day I heard about a large dust storm that hit the city of “Phoenix” in the USA. On the 9 July there was a possible indication with the Phoenix sign connecting it to Summer. I am in the southern half of the world down here, if you live in the northern half, USA, Europe, then that would be winter of course.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011. Corrected & Renamed 16 September 2011

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