The Kingdom: Salvation for the Nations

Salvation For All the Rest of Mankind

The work of the chosen in ruling over the nations, is for the people of the nations to have salvation, not to rule over the nations forever. Once they have salvation, that is immortally, the work of ruling over the nations will be over, for all the people of the nations will have their names on the scroll of life and have entered the holy city. 

This part of the article is similar to part 7 of my Judgement series “God’s Purpose For the Chosen.” It covers most of that material, but not all of that material. If you have read all of that material and do not want have it cover again you can go to the next part on paradise. In Part 9 of the same series I cover in detail the judgement of different cities. Refer:  “Judgement: 9 Judgement and Restoration of Israel and the Nations” 

River of the Water of Life & Forest of Life

Revelation 22:1-2 And he shows me a river of water of life, resplendent as crystal, issuing out of the throne of God and the Lambkin." In the center of its square {Greek: plateia}, and on either side of the river, is the log {Greek: xulon} of life, producing twelve fruits, rendering its fruit in accord with each month. And the leaves of the log are for the cure of the nations." {CLV}

The Greek, Plateia: Means a broad place, or open square. However some translations use “street,” this is incorrect. “Rhume” is the word for street. 

In the KJV, Rotherham, Geneva and the YLT it is call the “Tree of Life,” however in the CLV it is called the “Log of Life.” Log is translated from the Greek word “xulon” which literately translates as “wood.” In the Strong’s Concordance it is refer to as timber. The Greek “dendron” is the main word for tree. The English words “wood” and “timber” can mean both the substance of the tree and an area of land with many trees, a forest. However a log which is cut from a tree or timber cut from trees can not actually produce fruit. Thus the word “wood” should be used, the meaning here being “forest.” Why is it a forest and not a single tree? Read on and you will find out. 

This tells us that the wood of life will be in the square of the city as well as both sides of the river, however this is incorrect. While there is more than one tree of life for it is on both sides of the river and the correct meaning is wood as in forest, it is not in the square. The square would have to be very large to have a forest in it. In the original Greek text there was no punctuation or verses. 

Thus I would interpret it to read: 

“ And he shows me a river of water of life, resplendent as crystal, issuing out of the throne of God and the Lambkin in the center of its square. And on either side of the river, is the wood of life”

See how I put the period after square, for it is tell us that the throne is in the center of the square of the city, which is the kingdom, and that this is where the river is coming from. I also changed the word “log” to the word “wood.”

The Water of Life is the Holy Spirit:

John 7:37-39 Now on the last, the great day of the festival, Jesus stood and cries, saying, "If anyone should be thirsting, let him come to Me and drink." He who is believing in Me, according as the scripture said, out of his bowel shall gush rivers of living water." Now this He said concerning the spirit which those believing in Him were about to get. For not as yet was holy spirit given, for Jesus is not as yet glorified." {CLV}

Out of the bowel of him who believes in Jesus shall gush rivers of living water. Jesus said this concerning the spirit which those believing in Him were about to get. The spirit that they were about to get was the holy spirit which at that time had not come. It came after Jesus had gone to heaven. Thus the living water, the water of life is the holy spirit. This is not Jesus’ own spirit, for he is not our Father, God, it is the spirit of our Father God. It is not a separate person from God, it is His spirit. There is no Trinity, Jesus is God’s Son and representative, he is not the Father or the Holy Spirit. Refer to the article: “Trinity Is God three Persons

Water of Life is Free

Revelation 22:17 And the spirit and the bride are saying, 'Come!' and let him who is hearing say, 'Come !' And let him who is thirsting come. Let him who will, take the water of life gratuitously." {CLV}

Those in the holy city will not be thirsty, for they already have the living water, the Holy Spirit. In fact the living water is gushing out of them {John 7:37-39}. It is the people of the nations that will be thirsting for the living water. They, if they are willing can take of the water of life gratuitously, that is freely.  

Ezekiel 47:

In Ezekiel 47:1-12 it mentions waters coming forth from under the threshold of the house. The Old Testament mentions the House of Yahweh or Yahweh’s house. There is the Temples, the first and the second which were built back in BC times, which are refer to as the House of Yahweh. Both of which were destroyed long ago. However it can also refer to the coming House of Yahweh or Yahweh’s house which will on the mount of Yahweh {Micah 4:1-2}, on the new Earth. This house is also refer to as the new Jerusalem, and the Kingdom of the Heavens. Thus when study the Old Testament you need to know which one you are studying. This should not be to hard to work out. 

Ezekiel 47:1 And he causes me to turn back unto the opening of the house; and lo, water is coming forth from under the threshold of the house eastward, for the front of the house [is] eastward, and the water is coming down from beneath, from the right side of the house, from the south of the altar."{CLV}

However in Ezekiel 47:1-12, it does not name the house, but it is referring to the future House of Yahweh or Yahweh’s house. The full vision of Ezekiel is covered in the chapters 40-48. It has been interpreted by many to refer to a future physical temple on this earth in a future millennium. While there is a future millennium on this earth, it is not referring to that time and there is no future temple building. 

Revelation 21:22 And a temple I did not perceive in it, for the Lord God Almighty is its temple, and the Lambkin." {CLV}

John did not perceive a physical temple. For God and the Lambkin {Jesus} are the temple of the city. 

Ezekiel 40:2 In the visions of God, he brought me into the land of Israel,—and set me down upon an exceeding high mountain, and thereupon, was, as it were the structure of a city, on the south. {REB}

Here the vision starts with the city on an exceeding high mountain. Thus this is the same city that is in Revelation 21-22 which is on the new earth. This city will be an actual city, but it will not have an actual physical temple in it. 

The waters here are the same waters as in Revelation 22:1-2. Thus the waters come out of the throne of God and passed the wood of life, which is on both sides. The waters go outside, coming form under the threshold of the house, that is the entrance. There is no “wood of life” mentioned in Ezekiel 47, but the trees mentioned are the wood of life that is in Revelation 22:1-2. 

In Ezekiel 47:3-6 the river is described as getting deeper as it gets further from its source. At the first a thousand cubits it is ankle deep, then the next a thousand it is to the knees, then at the next a thousand to the loins. At the final measure of a thousand cubits it is to deep to ford, you have to swim {Ezekiel 47:5}.  

Ezekiel 47:7 In my turning back, then, lo, at the edge of the stream [are] very many trees, on this side and on that side."{CLV}

By the river of life there will be very many trees. As was mentioned earlier the Greek word used in Revelation 22:1-2 is “xulon” which literately translates as “wood.” The English word “wood” can mean both the substance of the tree and an area of land with many trees, a forest. Thus the Tree of Life in the future will be a number of trees, a forest of trees. A forest of life with the river of the water of life following through the forest of life. 

There are indeed many trees along both sides of the river of water of life. These trees are the chosen, the body of Christ, who will spiritual be on the bank of the river of water of life. Spiritually they are the tree that is planted by waters.

Jeremiah 17:7-8 Blessed is the man Who trusteth in Yahweh, To whom Yahweh is his ground of confidence; For he shall become like a tree planted by waters, And, by a stream, shall he send out his roots, Neither shall he perceive when heat cometh, But, his leaf shall continue green: Even in a year of dearth, shall he not be anxious, Neither shall he cease from bearing fruit. {Rotherham}

Blessed is the man who trusts in Yahweh, that is in Yahweh God. That man will be like a tree planet by waters, his leaf shall continue green. Even in a year of dearth, that is a year of scarcity, he shell not be anxious, Neither shall he cease from bearing fruit. That is the person will continue to bear the ideal fruit, even in a year of scarcity. 

In the future the chosen will be the trees of life by the river of water of life. That is there will be many trees on the river bank, not just a tree on each side. Their leaves will cure the nations, and the nations will eat the spiritual fruit of the trees. For the nations will need healing and need to eat the spiritual fruit that is produced by the trees. 

Ezekiel 47:8 And he said unto me, `These waters are going forth unto the east circuit, and have gone down unto the desert, and have entered the sea; unto the sea they are brought forth, and the waters have been healed."{CLV}

It has been interpreted that this is referring to the healing of the “Dead Sea” by an actual river. However this is not an actual river and there will be actually no “Dead Sea” on the new Earth. The scripture does not even refer to the “Dead sea” it refers to the sea. What then is the desert and the sea that needs healing? 

The nations on the new Earth are like a dead sea and like a desert. As the water goes on to the desert it comes to life. As the water enters the dead sea it is healed it also comes to life. 

The people are not physically dead, but those who are not spiritually alive, not in Christ, are refer to as dead. That is they are figuratively dead, they are in a death condition. As covered earlier in part 6 of this series, those who enter the lake of fire at the judgement are figuratively dead. 

This will not be the time when they get new immortal bodies. The people of the nations will have to wait until it is time for them to enter the holy city, at which point they will have a transformation and get their immortal bodies. 

However they do not stay in this death state, for water of life enters the dead nations, the desert and dead sea nations, bringing them to spiritual life. The people proceed out of death into life, just like one of the chosen does. 

1 John 3:14 "We are aware that we have proceeded out of death into life, for we are loving our brethren. He who is not loving is remaining in death." {CLV}

They will be aware that they have proceeded out of death into life. That is they will have had a spiritual resurrection. They will have received the living waters, the holy spirit. 

Matthew 3:11 For I {John}, indeed, am baptizing you in water for repentance, yet He Who is coming after me is stronger than I, Whose sandals I am not competent to bear. He will be baptizing you in holy spirit and fire, {CLV} Also Luke 3:16

John the Baptist was baptizing people in water, but the one that was to come after him, was stronger. Jesus was “He Who is coming after,” who was stronger than John. Instead of baptizing people in water, Jesus baptized people in holy spirit and fire. This happen to the chosen first, however it will happen to the people of the nations on the new Earth. 

The people in the nations will receive the living water, the holy spirit, this then is a baptism. The water comes from the throne of Jesus {the Lambkin, Revelation 22:1-2}, He is baptizing the people of the nations in holy spirit. 

However the people of the nations do not then move straight away into the holy city. They will do a number of actions while they are still in the nations. These actions require the people doing them to be spiritually alive, not in a state of death. 

For the nations come to life will learn the ways of Yahweh, that is they will learn the ways of God {Micah 4:1-3}, walk by the light of the kingdom {Revelation 21:22-27}, acclaiming God {Psalms 67:1-7}, the families of the nations that are a live will bow down before Yahweh {Psalms 22:27-9}. These actions will be covered in more detail later in this part of the series.

Psalms 86:9-10 All nations which You have made Shall come and worship before You, O Yahweh, And they shall glorify Your Name." For You are great and are doing marvelous works; You are Elohim {God} by Yourself alone. {CLV}

Yahweh: the name of Our Supreme God. Elohim: God’s title.

All nations will come and worship before Yahweh. That is in the end all nations will be alive. All those in the nations will come to life. They will not stay in the nations, for at some point they will be able to enter the portals into the city. 

Ezekiel 47:9-10 And it has come to pass, every living creature that teems, whithersoever the streams come, does live: and there has been great abundance of fish, for these waters have come thither, and they are healed; and every thing whither the stream comes has lived." And it has come to pass, fishers do stand by it, from En-Gedi even unto En-Eglaim; a spreading place of nets they are; according to their own kind is their fish, as the fish of the great sea, very many."{CLV}

There is a great abundance of fish, not actual fish, but the people of the nations are represent by the fish. Those who were dead, who were in a dead sea, have come to life, for the waters were healed. Those of the nations are given life by the waters. Then who are the fishers with their nets? 

Matthew 4:18-20 Now, walking beside the sea of Galilee, He perceived two brothers, Simon, termed Peter, and Andrew, his brother, casting a purse net into the sea, for they were fishers. And He is saying to them, "Hither! After Me, and I will be making you fishers of men!" Now immediately leaving the nets, they follow Him. {CLV} Also Mark 1:16-18.

Jesus was walking when He came across to brothers who were fishers with nets. He says to them, "Hither! After Me, and I will be making you fishers of men!" This does not just apply to the disciples that Jesus had when He was on the earth. All those who have faith in Jesus are the fishers of men. Thus the fishers in Ezekiel 47:9-10, are the chosen, the body, they are figuratively standing by the sea spreading out nets to fish the people out of the sea. Why fish them out? They are not to stay as figurative fish, they are to become trees in the forest. As fish they are still outside of the kingdom, however when they have grown enough, they are fished out of the sea, and into the kingdom. What do I mean by grown enough? When they have grown spiritually enough, they are fished out. That is when the person is spiritually mature they get accesses to the holy city. 

Ezekiel 47:11 Its miry and its marshy places--they are not healed; to salt they have been given up. {CLV}

Some places are not healed, why is this? These miry and marshy places, are representing of miry and marshy people. Note it does not mean they are never healed. They will not be healed straight away, first to salt they are given up. 

Mark 9:49 For everyone will be salted with fire, and every sacrifice will be salted with salt. " {CLV}

Salt is a preservative, it stops the decay process. Everyone will be salted with fire. Thus these miry and marshy people need more salting with the fire, before they can be healed by the waters. 

Ezekiel 47:12  And by the stream there comes up on its edge, on this side and on that side, every [kind of] fruit-tree whose leaf fades not, and not consumed is its fruit, according to its months it yields first-fruits, because its waters from the sanctuary are coming forth; and its fruits has been for food, and its leaf for medicine."{CLV}

“not consumed is its fruit” is incorrect, for if the fruit was not consumed then how would it be for food? “Not” is correct, but “consumed” is wrong. 

“consumed” is translated from the Hebrew “tamam,” which according to Strong’s Concordance means to complete. The Strong’s lists a number of words, which includes “consume,”  but also “(come to an, make an) end.” “Come to an end” or “end” is the meaning to use here. Meaning that the fruit shall not come to an end, or “not shall come to an end its fruit.” 

Thus the trees of the forest that is on both sides of the river, produce twelve kinds of fruit that is for food, and the leaves of the trees are for medicine, are for curing the nations. The people of the nations need healing spiritually. 

Other Verses

Zechariah 14:8 And it comes to be in that day, that living waters shall fare forth from Jerusalem, half of them to the eastern sea, and half of them to the latter sea. In summer and in winter shall it be thus." {CLV}

The living waters do not just go to the eastern sea, but they also go to the latter sea. 

1 Chronicles 16:31-34 The heavens rejoice, and the earth is glad, And they say among nations: Yahweh has reigned {Malak, reigns}. Roar does the sea, and its fulness, Exult does the field, and all that [is] in it, Then sing do trees of the forest, From the presence of Yahweh, For He has come to judge the earth!" Give thanks to Yahweh, for good, For to the eon, [is] His kindness, {CLV}

“Malak” in Hebrew means “to reign.”

The nations are glad that Yahweh reigns. That is the nations are being reigned over and they are glad, delighted, grateful that He is reign over them. The sea figuratively represents the people of the nations, that were like a dead sea, its fulness represents that the sea has come to life, that is the people of these nations have come to life. They roar, that is they shout loudly, it is not because they protest, but because they are jubilant. The field represents other people that have come to life, they were like a desert, they are exult, that is extremely happy, joyful. Then sing do trees of the forest, From the presence of Yahweh, that is the trees in the forest of life sing. 

 Here the nations are not only glad that Yahweh reigns, but also that He comes to judge the earth. This means that they think the judgement will be favourable to them. This could be because some of them maybe judged worthy to enter into the holy city. 

Twelve Kinds of Fruit

One should not think that one tree can only produce one fruit, each tree can produce all twelve fruits for this is spiritual fruit, not physical fruit. The twelve fruits, should not be used to count the trees, for there are many trees. Thus each of the chosen will bring forth the twelve fruits of the spirit, nine of which are mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23.

Galatians 5:22-23 Now the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control: against such things there is no law." {CLV}

Two more kinds are mentioned in Ephesians 5:9-10, along with “goodness,” which was mention in Galatians 5:22-23.

Ephesians 5:9-10 As children of light be walking (for the fruit of the light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth),testing what is well pleasing to the Lord. {CLV}

One more is mentioned in Romans 6:22. 

Romans 6:22 Yet, now, being freed from Sin, yet enslaved to God, you have your fruit for holiness.... {CLV}

These are the twelve fruits that will be produced by the trees of life along the banks of the river of the water of life. These are also the fruits that should be produce by the chosen, the body of Christ at this time, before the kingdom comes. 

Salvation For the Nations

These following verses show that the people are still in the nations when they have become spiritually alive. However they can not do the following actions in a condition of death, which means that the river of the water of life has healed them, they have proceeded from death to life. 

Philippians 2:9-11 Wherefore, also, God highly exalts Him, and graces Him with the name that is above every name, that in the name of Jesus every knee should be bowing, celestial and terrestrial and subterranean, and every tongue should be acclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord, for the glory of God, the Father." {CLV}

Psalms 72:11 And all the kings shall bow down to Him {God‘s Son}; All nations shall serve Him. {CLV}

In the future everyone will acclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord, for the glory of God, the Father. The “Him” in Psalms 72:11 is “the royal son” {Psalms 72:1}, that is the Son of God. Thus all nations will serve Jesus Christ.

Psalms 22:27-9 All the limits of the earth shall remember and return to Yahweh, And all the families of the nations shall bow down before Him." For Yahweh's is the kingdom, And He is the One ruling among the nations." Yea, to Him shall bow down All those about to be sleeping in the earth; Before Him shall crouch All those descending to the soil. And he who did not keep his soul alive--" {CLV}

All the limits of the earth, that is everybody “will remember and return to Yahweh, And all the families of the nations shall bow down before Him." 

They will bow down to him, not because he is making them bow down, they will want to bow down. In the future everyone will acclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord, for the glory of God, the Father. Yahweh and the saints will rule among the nations. All those about to be sleeping in the earth, shall bow down to Him, that is they will be resurrected and bow down to Him sometime after they are resurrected. They will not bow down straight away, for they will not want to at the beginning of their time in the Lake of fire. Those in the lake of fire move into the nations. Once they gain faith, once they have become spiritually alive, they will want to bow down to Yahweh. 

This verse and the following verses shows that the people of the nations do gain faith. Once they have faith they do not move straight away into the holy city. The following verses show that while they have faith, they are still in the nations. 

Psalms 67:1-7 {A Davidic Psalm, A Song} May Elohim be gracious to us and bless us; May He light up His face toward us. In knowing Your way in the earth, Your salvation among all nations, May the peoples acclaim You, O Elohim! May the peoples acclaim You--all of them!" May the national groups rejoice and be jubilant, For You shall judge the peoples with equity, And You shall guide the national groups in the earth. May the peoples acclaim You, O Elohim; May the peoples acclaim You--all of them!" The earth, it has given its crop; Elohim, our Elohim, is blessing us." Elohim is blessing us, And all the limits of the earth shall fear {revere} Him. {CLV}

Elohim, that is God, will be gracious to the nations and bless them. There is salvation among all the nations, and all the peoples of the nations will one day acclaim God. Not only that but the nations will rejoice and be jubilant. This hardly sounds like some never-ending punishment in the fiery depths of hell. These people are jubilant, they are rejoicing. The nations will acclaim Elohim, and He will bless them. They fear Him, in that they have reverence for Him. This shows that they have faith in Him. 

Psalms 72:17 His Name shall remain for the eon; Before the sun shall His Name be propagated, And all nations shall bless themselves in Him and call Him happy." 

“His” is “the royal son” {Psalms 72:1}, that is the Son of God. All nations “shall bless themselves in Jesus and call Him happy.” Clearly this is not the case today, it speaks of a wonderful future time when all nations are blessed.

Psalms 72:18-19 Blessed be Yahweh, Elohim, the Elohim of Israel, Doing marvelous works by Himself alone, And blessed be His glorious Name for the eon! The entire earth shall be filled with His glory! {CLV}

The entire earth shall be filled with Yahweh, God’s glory! Clearly this is not the case today, it speaks of a wonderful future time when all nations are filled with His glory. 

Psalms 86:9-10 All nations which You have made Shall come and worship before You, O Yahweh, And they shall glorify Your Name." For You are great and are doing marvelous works; You are Elohim {God} by Yourself alone. {CLV}

All the nations which were made, for it is not just that Israel was made by Yahweh, but all the nations were made by Yahweh. Thus all the nations shall worship before Yahweh. If they are worshipping before Yahweh then they have faith in Yahweh. 

Micah 4:1-3 And it comes in the days hereafter, the mount of Yahweh's house shall be established on the summit of the mountains, and it is borne by the hills, and all the peoples stream unto it." And many nations go and say: Go, and we will ascend to the mount of Yahweh, and to the house of the Elohim of Jacob, and He will direct us in His ways, and we will go in His paths. For from Zion shall fare forth the law, and the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem." And He judges between many peoples, and corrects staunch nations still afar, and they pound their swords into mattocks, and their spears into pruners; nation is not lifting the sword against nation, nor are they learning war any more." {CLV}

“Yahweh’s house” is the holy city, the new Jerusalem, which will sit on the mount. All the peoples stream into the mount of Yahweh's house. Many nations, go and say: Go, and we will ascend to the mount of Yahweh, and to the house of the Elohim of Jacob, and He will direct us in His ways, and we will go in His paths. Many in the bible usually means all, that is all nations will learn His ways and go in His paths. For the chosen who will rule from Yahweh's house, will direct and teach the people in the ways of Yahweh.  

Zechariah 2:10-11 Be jubilant and rejoice, daughter of Zion! For behold Me coming! And I tabernacle in your midst, (averring is Yahweh)." And many nations shall be obligated to Yahweh in that day, and they become His people. When I tabernacle in your midst, then shall you know that Yahweh of hosts sent me to you." {CLV}

Many nations shall become His people, no long is it just Israel that is His people, or just the chosen who are His people, but it is many nations. The nations become Yahweh’s people, that is God’s people. They become believers, they gain faith, they come to be spiritually in Christ. However they can not move into the holy city at this point. Later will be explained the testing of this faith, to gain glory and honor. 

Psalms 48:2 Lovely of undulation, The elation of the entire earth is Mount Zion, The flanks of the north, the town of the great King." {CLV}

Matthew 5:35 nor by the earth, for it is a footstool for His feet; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King; {CLV}

The elation, great happiness of the entire earth is Mount Zion. 

Jeremiah 3:17 At that time they cry to Jerusalem, `O throne of Yahweh,' And gathered unto her has been all the nations, For the name of Yahweh, to Jerusalem, Nor do they go any more after the stubbornness of their evil heart." {CLV}

All the nations have been gathered on to Jerusalem, and they no longer go after the stubbornness of their evil heart. That is the people of the nations are changed, they no longer go after their evil heart. 

All the nations will be restored on the new earth, and they will gather about the New Jerusalem. It is from the New Jerusalem, that the Sons of God will reign, and they will teach the nations in the ways of Yahweh, and the nations will be blessed, and filled with His glory. The New Jerusalem is the holy city, Yahweh’s house, which descends from Heaven to the new earth. The people in the Yahweh’s house express the nature, mind, glory, will and power of God. Through Christ the body of believers is being formed, that are filled with the spirit of God. This body of believers will be righteous. They will embrace the nations and bring them into Yahweh’s house, the house of God. 

Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of Yahweh's glory, as the waters are covering over the sea." {CLV}

May the great day come when all the nations are “filled with the knowledge of Yahweh's glory.” The chosen will fill the nations with this knowledge. 

Genesis 12:3 And blessed in you and in your seed are all the families of the ground. {CLV}

Genesis 22:18 and blessed, in your seed, shall be all the nations of the earth, inasmuch as you hearken to My voice. {CLV}

God promised Abraham that all the nations of the earth and all the families of the ground would be blessed, something that has not happened yet. Of course God keeps His promises, which means this will happen sometime in the future. 

Galatians 3:13-14 Christ reclaims us from the curse of the law, becoming a curse for our sakes, for it is written, Accursed is everyone hanging on a pole, that the blessing of Abraham may be coming to the nations in Christ Jesus, that we may be obtaining the promise of the spirit through faith." {CLV}

Christ reclaimed the chosen from the curse of the law, become a curse for the sakes of the chosen. This is so that the blessings of Abraham may be coming to the nations in Christ Jesus. Notice the blessings may be coming to the nations in Christ Jesus. That is the blessings come to the nations, who will be in Christ. It is not only the chosen who will be in Christ, all the nations will be in Christ as well. The blessings cover all families of the earth as well, that is all families will be in Christ. All nations, all families, all mankind will be blessed and will be in Christ Jesus. 

Isaiah 25:6-7 And Yahweh of hosts makes for all peoples, in this mountain, a feast of oils, a feast of lees, of oils from marrows, of filtered lees." And He swallows up on this mountain the face wrap wrapped over all the peoples, and the blanket blanketing all the nations." {CLV}

Yahweh makes for all peoples, in this mountain, a feast of oils, a feast of lees, of oils from marrows, of filtered lees. All peoples in this mountain, are all the people in all the nations. Thus He makes a grand feast for all the people in all the nations. You do not read about this in the traditional teaching of Hell fire forever.  

Isaiah 25:8-10 He swallows up death permanently. And my Lord Yahweh will wipe every tear off of all faces, and the reproach of His people will He take away off all the earth, for the mouth of Yahweh speaks." And they will say in that day, "Behold! This is Yahweh, our Elohim. We expected Him, and He will save us! This is Yahweh! We expected Him, and we will exult! And we will rejoice in His salvation, for the hand of Yahweh will rest in this mountain.” {CLV}

Death is swallowed up permanently! That is all forms of death are swallowed up permanently! All the people in all the nations will be immortal and spiritual death will be swallowed up as well. Those in the nations were once in the lake of fire. When they move out of the lake of fire and into the nations they are still consider as dead, but as they come to know Yahweh, spiritual death is swallowed up, for they gain the spirit of life. 

And they will say in that day, "Behold! This is Yahweh, our Elohim. We expected Him, and He will save us! This is Yahweh! We expected Him, and we will exult! And we will rejoice in His salvation, for the hand of Yahweh will rest in this mountain”

 Who are they? It is the people in “this mountain,” that is all the people in all the nations. All the people in all the unsaved nations who have been resurrected, expected Him to save them, and they will be exult and they will rejoice in HIS SALVATION! 

They do not expect be damned to a burning hell forever or annihilated. In fact NOT ONLY do they expect to be saved, they will actually REJOICE IN HIS SALVATION. All the unsaved nations will be saved, all the people in the unsaved nations will rejoice in HIS SALVATION. How much clearer can it be.  

All Nations Will Have Salvation!

All the nations, everyone, all mankind will be saved from sin and death. 

Reconciliation of All to Jesus Christ 

Colossians 1:15-20 {Jesus Christ} Who is the Image of the invisible God, Firstborn of every creature, for in Him is all created, that in the heavens and that on the earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones, or lordships, or sovereignties, or authorities, all is created through Him and for Him, and He is before all, and all has its cohesion in Him. And He is the Head of the body, the ecclesia, Who is Sovereign, Firstborn from among the dead, that in all He may be becoming first, for in Him the entire complement delights to dwell, and through Him to reconcile all to Him (making peace through the blood of His cross), through Him, whether those on the earth or those in the heavens. {CLV}

All is created in Jesus Christ, that is in the heavens or on the earth. All is created through Him and for Him. All mankind, All spirit beings {Angels and Demons and Satan}, and All animals are created through Jesus Christ and for Jesus Christ. 

All has its cohesion in him, all mankind and all animals and all spirit beings, have cohesion in him, they will one day have cohesion in Jesus Christ. The entire complement delights to dwell in Christ. The entire complement, including all mankind and all animals and all spirit beings, delights to dwell in Him. All will be reconciled to Christ, whether they are on the earth or in the heavens. Jesus Christ is the one reconciling all to Him, and through Him. He is making peace through the blood of His cross. The chosen will be working with Christ to reconcile all to Him. 

Completing the All in All

Ephesians 1:20-23 which is operative in the Christ, rousing Him from among the dead and seating Him at His right hand among the celestials, up over every sovereignty and authority and power and lordship, and every name that is named, not only in this eon, but also in that which is impending: and subjects all under His feet, and gives Him, as Head over all, to the ecclesia" which is His body, the complement of the One completing the all in all."{CLV}

Christ is now seated at the right had of God, ruling over every sovereignty and authority and power and lordship, and every name that is named. He will not only rule in this eon, that is almost over, but the next eon as well. God will subject all under the feet of Christ, and give him “as Head over all, to the ecclesia" which is His body, the complement of the One completing the all in all." That is the ecclesia is the complement of Christ, they are the body and He is the head. Our Lord Jesus Christ is completing the all in all. He is not doing it alone, the body, the chosen with Christ are completing the all in all.

 1 Corinthians 15:27-28 For He subjects all under His feet. Now whenever He may be saying that all is subject, it is evident that it is outside of Him Who subjects all to Him." Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All in all.)"{CLV}

The all in all, is completed when God is All in all. At the end of the eons God will be in all. That is in all that is in the heavens and on the earth. Being all mankind, all animals and all spirit beings. 

The Nations Gain Glory and Honor

Revelation 21:22-27 And a temple I did not perceive in it, for the Lord God Almighty is its temple, and the Lambkin. And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon, that they should be appearing in it, for the glory of God illuminates it, and its lamp is the Lambkin. And the nations shall be walking by means of its light, and the kings of the earth are carrying their glory into it. And its portals should under no circumstances be locked by day; for there shall be no night there. And they shall be carrying the glory and the honor of the nations into it, and under no circumstances may anything contaminating, or one who is making an abomination and a lie be entering into it, except those written in the Lambkin's scroll of life. {CLV}

Notice the nations are walking by means of the light of the city. The glory of God illuminates the city. However the light is not just God, for the city has a lamp. The lamp of the city is the Lambkin. That is Jesus Christ, the Lambkin is the light. It is not just Christ that is the light, for the chosen, who are in the holy city are the light as well. They are the body of Christ. Over time people in the nations, will start walking by means of this light. These people who do this will gain glory and honor. They will be carried into the city by the kings. The kings mentioned here are walking into the City, to walk into the city they must have been written on the Lambkin's scroll of life. Over time all people in the nations will gain glory and honor, and be added to the Lambkin's scroll of life. Everyone in the nations will come into the city. 

“The portals should under no circumstances be locked,” that is the portals are open for those outside the kingdom to enter in. It is not lock to them who are outside. Those on the scroll of life will not be given a key to gain access to the kingdom. While it is not locked, those outside can not enter in until they have gain Immortality. Once they have been conquer by the love of Christ, and deemed worthy to enter they will gain immortality and accesses to the city. The kings of the earth are carrying these people into the city, they have gained glory and honor.

Those Outside

Rev 22:14 Happy are those who are rinsing their robes, that it will be their license to the log of life, and they may be entering the portals into the city."

The ones in the nations are rinsing their robes. This rinsing of robes is their licence to the log or scroll of life and then they can enter the holy city through the portals. There is a thought the John is talking about entering the kingdom spiritually in the present time, however that is not the case here. 

Rev 22:15 Outside are curs, and enchanters, and paramours, and murderers, and idolaters, and everyone fabricating and fondling falsehood."

Now you may think that these people outside are among the nations, for they are outside of the holy city.  However that is not the case, for they are outside of the kingdom. The kingdom consists of the holy city and the nations. These are the same ones mentioned earlier:

Rev 21:8 Yet the timid, and unbelievers, and the abominable, and murderers, and paramours, and enchanters, and idolaters, and all the false-their part is in the lake burning with fire and sulphur, which is the second death."

That is they are still in the lake of fire, while there are people in the nations that have already pasted through the lake of fire. These ones still in the lake of fire will in time move into the nations. They will not stay outside. They will eventual have their names add to the scroll of life. 

Salvation For Evil Spirit Beings

The evil spirit beings, that is Satan and the demons will also be thrown into the lake of fire at the Great White Throne Judgement. Yes they will be cleansed and purified spiritually, you may think they are very evil and should therefore not be saved, but it is not for you to decided. 

Psalm 145:9 Yahweh is good to all, And His compassions are over all His works." 10 May all Your works acclaim You, O Yahweh, And let Your benign ones bless You." {CLV}

Are not the Satan and his angels the works of Yahweh, shall they not praise him? Is his tender compassions not over all his works?

Philippians 2:9 Wherefore, also, God highly exalts Him, and graces Him with the name that is above every name,10 that in the name of Jesus every knee should be bowing, celestial and terrestrial and subterranean,

11 and every tongue should be acclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord, for the glory of God, the Father. {CLV}

Every knee bowing including celestial and terrestrial and subterranean, and every tongue should be acclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord, for the glory of God, the Father. 

1 Corinthians 6:3 Are you not aware that we shall be judging messengers {angels}, not to mention life's affairs? {CLV}

The saints will judge the fallen angels. 

Revelation 20:10 And the Adversary who is deceiving them was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur {brimstone (theion)} , where the wild beast and where the false prophet are also. And they shall be tormented (basanizo) day and night for the eons of the eons(aion). {CLV}

theion is “divine incense, because burning brimstone was regarded as having power to purify, and to ward off disease”. 

basanizo is “to test (metals) by the touchstone, which is a black siliceous stone used to test the purity of gold or silver by the colour of the streak produced on it by rubbing it with either metal”. 

Satan and the fallen angels will be purified and refined. Fallen angels will be transformed back to their original holy state. Purifying will take the eons of the eons, that is two eons. If unbelievers are purified and refined by the fire, then why can’t the Devil and demons be purified and refined? For more info refer to my article: All Demons and Satan Saved 

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2017 & 2023

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