The Canterbury Tales, Olympia in London and Other stuff

2 September 2012

By Mark Farquharson

Icarus, The Canterbury Tales, and the Battle of Trafalgar:

I have mentioned this dream before, I am in a shop, and there is this table, it costs $ 12,000. At the time of the dream I could not afford the table as I did not have the money. In Revelation each tribe is 12,000 and there are 12 tribes.

Recently I watched an episode of Antiques Roadshow, in the episode was a painting, that was of someone’s relative, paint as Icarus. In Greek myth, his father constructed wings from feathers and wax to escape from Crete. But Icarus flew to close to the sun, which melted the wax, and he fell into the sea, drowning. Painting worth $ 12,000. Not sure how it relates to the table.

In the same episode there was a painting of the Canterbury Tales. The antique expert compared it to the Last Supper. The painting was worth between $8-12,000. The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories by Geoffrey Chaucer.

The Canterbury Tales: Presented as part of a story-telling contest that a group of pilgrims are having as they travel from Southwark to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. The prize being a free meal at the Tabard Inn at Southwark on the return journey.

Canterbury Cathedral is in Canterbury, Kent, in England. This is the cathedral of the Archbishop of Canterbury, leader of the Church of England. Thomas Becket who was an Archbishops of Canterbury, was murdered by knights of King Henry II, on Tuesday 29 December 1170, in the north-west transept of the cathedral. Pope Alexander III, declared Thomas a saint. In 1538 Henry VIII summoned the dead Thomas Becket to face charges of treason. He was found guilty, and his shrine was removed, the treasures confiscated.

There was also a collection of items to do with the Battle of Trafalgar which occurred on the 21st of October 1805. To ships were mentioned, Victoria and Defiance. The collection $8-10,000.

Olympia, London

I was watching a the next episode of Antiques Roadshow. It was part two as they where still in the same location. This man had brought in this figure of a bull, and he mentioned Olympia, London, I thought where?

Olympia is a exhibition and conference centre in West Kensington, London. It was originally known as the National Agricultural Hall and opened in the 1886. It was built by Andrew Handyside of Derby and covered an area of 4 acres (16,000 m2).

It was originally the National Agricultural Hall, agriculture is to do with producing crops and raising livestock. Jesus said “Lo! I am saying to you, Lift up your eyes and gaze on the countrysides, for they {the fields}, are white for harvest already" {John 4:35}. The crops in the fields represented the people that were ready for harvest, and there are still more people who are ready for harvest before Our Lord returns. 16,000 is 10 times 1600. The number for the fullness of love is 1600.

I have mentioned before the 6.8 scale earthquake that happened in the city of Olympia, Washington on the 28 February 2001. This cracked the State Capitol dome and set a large pendulum in motion that draw a rose in the sand. The Rose is the heraldic emblem of England.

The 2012 Summer Paralympic Games

These go from the 29 August to the 9 September and are being held in London, UK. In the paper before the games started there was a picture of Britain’s Men’s under 22 Paralympic basket ball team practicing in St Paul’s Cathedral, London. There is a sign on St Paul’s, and 22 is the number for the Sons of Light.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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