Creation Study Part 1

By Mark Farquharson

Part 1 {This is part one of this 3 part study}

What is Creation?

Creation is the believe that the world was created about 6000 to 7000 years ago by God. Yes only 6000 years ago…! Some Creation believers {Creationists} say 10,000 or even 20,000, but most creationists believe as I do, I believe it was only about 6000 to 7000 years ago. And God did this great work in 6 days, and each day was an actual 24 hour day…

Gen 1:5 and God called the light, day, but the darkness, called he, night. So it was evening—and it was morning, one day. REB

There it is a day being an evening, and a morning….

It is not my intention to full up my blog {This was posted in a blog in 2006} with creation entries… I plain to still post updates to the creation thread in the off topic area…{In the speculative vision forum - note updates have now finished} …

There are loads of books and papers written on creation, and the on going debate between Evolution and Creation.

There are loads of sites on the net, where you can check out the debate, and the evidence for creation… {Some mentioned in this report and at the end of the report.}

Oh yes there is evidence for Creation….. !!!

There are people who research and study creation, in-depth….. hence the books…

I have been studying this stuff for over 5 ½ years….. others way longer…

The fact of the matter is most people only hear about evolution, at School, in the papers, and on the news… When was the last time you heard about a major break though in creation research??????

Please do not assume I and my fellow believers are ignorant and unknowing about the evidence for evolution…. We do know of the evidence…it is in the papers and on the news, it is even in the museums how is it that we have not heard?

And please do not think of us as dumb, a number of creationists have degrees in science… they know what they are talking about…

However evidence can be misleading….. We all know that when a crime has been committed that the evidence can point to the wrong man…

We need to know all the facts before we can say we have the right man….

Please refrain from jump in you seats and loudly yelling “Evolution is Fact, It is Fact, It is Fact….”

Just saying it will not make it so…..or make me believe it is so…

It is not fact until it is proven, and it has not been proven…. No matter all the claims otherwise….

If it was fact there would be no missing links we would have find them all, how do we know the two link together, if the link is missing that proves this…?????

In fact there are loads of missing links, there is no clear chain of links between any two species.

And it has not been proven scientifically, it is a theory, you can not point to a experiment that a scientist has done that proves it….please show me the test…. Give up…. There has been no test….!!!

As God points out in the bible, where you there?

Job 38:4 Where wast thou, when I founded the earth? Tell, if thou knowest understanding! REB

No clearly you, like Job, where not there….

Someone may want to point out “what of bone structures?”… yes I know that bone structures can be similar, but this does not prove that one evolved from the other…. Similar bone structures in birds and dinosaurs does not prove birds came from dinosaurs… if that proves it, then I can equal argue that dinosaurs came from birds… or that apes came from humans… or that all paintings came from the same painter… they are all paintings….

To me what it shows is that God made them similar…

Also Birds exist before dinosaurs had feathers {if they ever did have feathers}:

Also, the current feathered dinosaurs theory makes little sense time-wise either because it holds that all stages of feather evolution and bird ancestry occurred some 125 million years ago in the early Cretaceous fossils unearthed in China.

"That's some 25 million years after the time of Archaeopteryx, which already was a bird in the modern sense," he said. Superficially bird-like dinosaurs occurred some 25 million to 80 million years after the earliest known bird, which is 150 million years old."


Not to mention the fact that dinosaurs did not even have feathers:

No good evidence exists that fossilized structures found in China and which some paleontologists claim are the earliest known rudimentary feathers were really feathers at all, a renowned ornithologist says. Instead, the fossilized patterns appear to be bits of decomposed skin and supporting tissues that just happen to resemble feathers to a modest degree.

From same article…

And this again from article:

"We all agree that birds and dinosaurs had some reptilian ancestors in common," said Feduccia, professor of biology in UNC's College of Arts and Sciences. "But to say dinosaurs were the ancestors of the modern birds we see flying around outside today because we would like them to be is a big mistake.

Of course I myself believe that birds did not have reptilian ancestors….

What of the missing links find….??? Again they prove nothing… you find an old pile of bones… just because parts of it are similar to ape or human, it does not mean it is a missing link… we do not know it’s parents, we don’t know the history…we don’t know who its kids are…... It does not mean it has evolved….. one could argue again that it could show a link going the other way… it proves nothing…

But what of DNA… again this proves nothing.. Just because some percentage of DNA is the same or similar to Apes it does not mean we can from them…. We also share DNA with a Banana, did we came from Bananas?

To me it shows God using the same stuff DNA…

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2006 revised 2008

Part 2 Here: Creation Study Part 2

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