Signs of a Coming Service for the Bread of Heaven

2 January 2013

By Mark Farquharson

The new year has just started, on the other hand the prophetic year has already been going for over two months. The Jewish civil year has been going for over three months. Of course the feast year has just over two months to go before it ends.

Will the year ahead be one of great change, or more waiting. For at the start of the year we were waiting on the authority, the Knowledge and the glory. The opening of the Door of Heaven. The ninth sign, and the start of the double proportion. The time of the double proportion start near the end of last year in November, but we wait for the first double sign, which is the ninth sign. I learn of a coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit, get signs to do with that though the year. Will that come this year.

Why is this all coming to us, because we of the body of Christ, are to go forth and herald the true evangel to the whole world. This will be done with signs and miracles.

Progress was made in the year as in the sequence we advance to the box that is called the tabernacle and holds the Eucharist. This I cover last time in this entry: St Lukes Signs

On the 2 January 2013 I was in downtown Auckland. I walked to the Cathedral of St Patrick & St Joseph. I touch the water at the back and then left, outside I touched the water in a small rectangular pool. This was by the doors to the side of the cathedral. Inside I sat in the front pew of the pews that were to the side of the raised platform. There was a row of seats in front. The raised area is divided into two main areas, you have the area where services are performed, and behind this you have seats, there is also the box holding the Eucharist. I walk up to where the seats are and looked at the area were services are performed. There was a rope here blocking the way between the two areas. I proceeded down the other side, and then left by going down thought the main pews to the front of the platform. At the back I touch the water in the other bowl as the cathedral has two.

There is a little room that has the large gold box that holds the Eucharist, this is just past the chairs behind the place were services are preformed. The box is in line with the rope, that was blocking the way to where the services are held. Of course the Eucharist is not eat at the box, but at the communion table, also known as the altar. Thus when looking at the altar from the rope I was on the path to the box from the altar.

Which does bring up the question, as we proceed to the time of the box being opened, do we have to wait for it to be brought to the table? Do we eat when the box is opened or is there a further wait for the bread to be brought to us.

I walked to St Paul’s it was closed, then I proceed to “The Langham,” hotel. Here I walk to the entranceway to the Great Room. Seating on a chair by the stairs. There are a few stairs to a slightly higher part of the entranceway. Then the great room itself. Is there a connect here to the seating in the cathedral, does it indicate something to do with a great room.

Then I walked onto St Benedict’s. Inside I touched the water in the entranceway, then I proceed to the front. At the front I sat in the front pew of the two pews to the side, there were no seats in front. This was in line with the communion table.

At other times seating at the front pew has meant that a service is close, a couple of days, it would place it about on the 4 or 5 January 2013. It connects it to the table where the Eucharist is eaten. We are not waiting for the physical bread that is known as the Eucharist. The bread we are waiting on is the bread from heaven, not to be mistaken with the physical bread the Israelites got. This would fit with the sign I got last year on the 5 January, “Open the Door,” with a key. The box is opened with a key, it would indicate no delay in opening the box and eating of the bread. Of course the sign referred to door, which could link it to the door of heaven.

Of course I am not saying this is defiantly the date for the coming of the bread from heaven that we are waiting on. I am saying that 4-5 January is a watch date to do with the bread and possibly the date for the bread to come. This would fit with the Hundred days from Atonement being the 4 January. Of course this maybe the start of the service but not the actual eating of the bread.

Note the service that I said was going start on the 21 December, I got the sign that it started on the morning of the 22 December New Zealand time. This being after I sat in the front pew at Christ the King on the 19 December. This service is still going at this time. Read more about what this service is about here: 80 Days, 100 Days, & the Coffin is at the Chapel

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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